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Old Dark Side of The Kingdom Thread - Mods please close

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Egadd's at school. Time for updates, heh heh.

Mushroom Kingdom submap theme SPC.

Pretty simple, uses only 5 channels. But I think it sounds decent. Hope you enjoy.

ZIP (SPC+TXT) file is here.

I'd like to warn people not to use in their own projects and not to distribute. Wait for the official hack release and resources may be available for usage after that.

Oh, yeah. Now I officially claim the Spirits' Lair Fortress (Grinder Factory) theme.


Now, comments on others' stuff:

@ShadowPhoenix: I think the difficulty is pretty fair for a W2 level (welp -- I died lots of times because I'm a bad player).

@Buried Alive: It's a good idea. Curious to see what Egadd's about to spice up.

@Egadd: Very nice level, though a bit easy (maybe just because of the slippery issue thing pointed below). A few details that may be worthy to revise:

> While I don't look at this as a big deal, the pipe is rooted at a passable ledge. You can change this by moving the pipe to somewhere else, or adding a pipe end at its bottom.

> Doesn't look like in a static screenie, but the shell is floating here. Map16 issue - should be fixed if changing the tiles' behavior to 25. Same thing with these tiles.

> Secondary Entrance #033 has a bad BG Init position.

And you forgot to check the slippery flag for the Main/Midway Entrance and the Secondary #034.
Originally posted by Q-bee
Egadd's at school. Time for updates, heh heh.

Not yet!

Originally posted by Q-bee
Mushroom Kingdom submap theme SPC.

Pretty simple, uses only 5 channels. But I think it sounds decent. Hope you enjoy.

I'll listen to this after school.

Originally posted by Q-bee

And I will also do this after school. UGH! Assembling an entire level from Map16 is crappy.
I've made progress on the level since yesterday and gave it some good testing.

So far, in this heaven fortress, we approach the inside as we pass through thick clouds and the fortress's exterior. The second half (I'll require sublevels 1FF and 1FE) will go into the fortress.
Oh, it's looking pretty nice! Loved the Vanilla Bridge in the first screenie - very creative. I'm just a little nitpicky about the Red Squares made of the Boss Door (because I don't know what they are in game) and the background bricks in the 3rd and 4th screenies (minor cutoffs in some edges and the Castle Blocks, too).

Other than that, it's very breathtaking and well done.

I'll fix it.

Originally posted by Egadd

That's Original from SMW, but I can draw the Corner tile again.

Strange Vanilla Style, I'll fix it too.

Changing for 400 =D

levelengine, Your Level looks Amazing! But have minimal Cutoffs in the 3rd and 4th Screen, but isn't a bad problem.
Hey, this seems fun. I'll take 007 in World 1, please? Also, just as a matter of fact, if your were to say "yes", would the graphics be pre-drawn or anything? If yes, PM me please.
- - -
Did you know that Peach hates Mario? I sure did.
I created a level for this!
MrDeppel, where are you?

The level is yours, Lunar Mario 17.

About the graphics, you can use the default SMW ones or maybe use some of the already pre-inserted GFX in the Base ROM. But if you want a custom tileset, for instance, just say, and somebody may do something for you (while keeping the SMW feel). It's just worth to mention that drawing may take some time, but you could already work on your level regardless instead of waiting for it to be done.
Originally posted by Q-bee
MrDeppel, where are you?

The level is yours, Lunar Mario 17.

About the graphics, you can use the default SMW ones or maybe use some of the already pre-inserted GFX in the Base ROM. But if you want a custom tileset, for instance, just say, and somebody may do something for you (while keeping the SMW feel). It's just worth to mention that drawing may take some time, but you could already work on your level regardless instead of waiting for it to be done.

Cool, thanks!
- - -
Did you know that Peach hates Mario? I sure did.
I created a level for this!
Actually I don't Know (but the Question is for Q-bee, lol)

Also, after Lunar Mario 17 finish his level, I'll do some modifications in My, and Maybe, I'll do a level for the World 1, ok?
Yep, that's fine - BTW you don't need to wait for him, but if you want, it's your decision. #ab{;)}
Originally posted by Q-bee
Yep, that's fine - BTW you don't need to wait for him, but if you want, it's your decision. #ab{;)}

I might take 3-5 days or so, so yeah, he might as well get started.
- - -
Did you know that Peach hates Mario? I sure did.
I created a level for this!
Here I actually am. A bit late. But yeah.
So nooooow:
1) I'm going to fully lead this hack and be right there for you at any time (not at school though)
2) I'm going to update the base rom tomorrow.
3) I'm going to finish AT LEAST one level this night because I'm extremely motivated.

Thank you Q-Bee
for hosting this while I was away.
I love you guys <3
I'll wait for Lunar Mario 17's finished level, after that, I'll do a new level for the World 1, So...

Claiming Level 004 and Sublevel 34.

Big Fonts aren't good for my Post Style, LOL. Also, I'm using the Userbar :3
It's yours. So now, it looks like there's just one Regular Grass level left, so if you want one, be fast! xD
Hey, could I have the next 2 available sub level thingys... I'm having a cave section with my level's 5th Yoshi Coin, and a bonus area. BTW, I will have screenies tomorrow of my level.
- - -
Did you know that Peach hates Mario? I sure did.
I created a level for this!
New BG Mixed has been recolored, all palettes is amazing!

That's all!
Your layout has been removed.
That, now, is really cool.
I hope someone uses that.
- - -
Did you know that Peach hates Mario? I sure did.
I created a level for this!
@Lunar Mario 17
You can use every sublevel you want, at the end, we can sort them different if we want.

@The guy who posted this green bg
Nice! We have to use it... Maybe I can use it in my level.
I was thinking about closeing the clam list to Daisy's Kingdom (world8)for now.Since the last world might reused things from other
worlds.Also we might be able to do a better job of getting the fell
of the last world when we do start working on the Daisy's Kingdom world.I want the Daisy's Kingdom to Have the feel of a final world.


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