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24hosmw The Fourth: Submissions

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Hello, and welcome to 24hosmw The Fourth! I am proud to present the objective for this contest's theme:

Add visual enhancements, decorations, graphical changes, and musical changes to one Super Mario World level, to give it a winter or holiday theme! Use existing material on the site or make your own!

Level functionality must not be changed, only aesthetic changes are allowed. This means that no changes may affect gameplay in any manner.

Only levels that are available on the Overworld in the original Super Mario World may be submitted. The sub-levels for that level must also be edited (but the Flying Yoshi Level is optional, if it is accessible). Levels that may not be submitted also include:
x Yoshi's House (104)
x Top Secret Area (003)
x Chocolate Island 2 (024) This level may be used if "Allow level 24 to redirect screen exits based on coins collected and time remaining." is deselected.
x Front Door (10D)
x Back Door (10E)

Title screen, Overworld, and credits will not be judged. Feel free to spruce these up, but only the main level will be judged.

Switch blocks may be removed, or replaced with their activated versions. All switch blocks of a particular color must be activated if you choose to consider that switch activated. Any combination of switches may be considered activated, as they are all available without activating any other Switch Palace.

Also, consider that one may also use ASM as long as it does not affect the level, such as for HDMA, layer 3, parallax BG scrolling, or even edit's ExGFX Revolution patches. Other details, such as Mario GFX, sound effects, or even status bar font, may be changed. Consider thinking outside the box for those extra fine details, but don't forget that the level is still the main feast.

For those new to the 24hosmw contests, this is a level hacking contest that runs for exactly 24 hours, with a simple theme to foster creativity under a tight deadline.

Please keep all discussion in the Discussion thread.
First entry

Blatant edit of Donut Plains 4, with few graphical customizations and some scenery changes.


edit: level is now no longer unedited

[22:25:05] <%andy_k_250> Turkey and Grease will one day be reunited - that day will be... Thanksgiving
Three submissions already. I've to be quick then...

What about blatant edit of Star World 3 - PRESENTS ARE PLENTY.

The plot is well - Santa Claus hid 4 Dragon Coins somewhere in the level. Mario wants to find the coins. I wonder who will get those coins first (also, think outside the box).
Definitely not definitive, unless time's up before I can post a massively updated version.

Forest of Illusion 4

At least I have this entry guaranteed. Have fun everybody.

EDIT: I've updated this.
wait, why are people submitting anything, I want to win on walk over

Blatant 015 edit, but all other entries are blatant entries anyways, so who cares.
<blm> zsnes users are the flatearthers of emulation

Oh, and it's level 101, Iggy's Castle. It has nothing to do with the number 96, but w/e.

Small update which changes a few things. Probably could've changed the smasher but the gfx file gave me a headache.

Level 105.

...actually, I haven't took this contest seriously, but I had fun.
Realistic BG + LADM2 Ice zone FG + Sampled music...and more!
Level 15


This is my 1st contest I participate in so I did my best to make this. I didn't know if you needed a custom background or not.

Meh level, 106
Well, no custom music again, yet manage to make most graphics custom!
Your layout has been removed.
Here. Level: Donut Plains 4. Worked on that for 7 hours, so I hope I get something. ^^'
Got The Level Done:

Level 11F/Forest Of Illusion 4
Here is my entree for the contest:

Vanilla Ghost House
I tried. I was going to add snow, but couldn't get Cluster Sprite Tool to work. :( I'd better submit it right now before I have to go sleep. I may or may not send an update (most likely not).

By the way, Yoshi's Island 3.

...Who knows it's actually decent. I'm going to play others' entries right now. :>
Here it is.

The level I chose was Donut Plains 3. I'm not exactly how sure I'm going to do this time, but I expect somewhere around the middle ranks.
I no longer have interest in SMW Hacking as I did when I first started several years ago.
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