Hello, I'm levelengine, and I have actually played SMW hacks in the past (lots of them), but only since May 2012 have I actually uploaded the playthroughs. And a few months after that, the rating scale came out.

This scale is my ultimate method of deciding how the hack has done in terms of pretty much everything. 60 or above means the hack is decent (a pass), 80 or above is a sign of excellence, and 100 is perfect. The minimum I give is a 30, unless the hack is especially shitty and I'm forced to do so. I recently started realizing that I've taken the good hacks for granted, and have learned to truly appreciate them and their authors, ever since I've seen how bad a hack can get. Anything highlighted in yellow got no rating.
1. Rise to the Challenge - AxemJinx (link)
2. Luigi's Adventure OSE - Anikiti (link)
3. Torpedophile Tedward's Trippy Time -
4. Hotel Mario 2 - A Better Game - levelengine (2009) (link)
5. Er - Tubmuffin
6. Mario Gives Up - Cyphermur9t (link)
7. Dracula Blocks Out the Sun - levelengine
8. The Haunt - Kc
9. Jigsaw's Test - Kc, Foursword4
10. MARIO - M A R I O
11. Mario's Masochistic Mission - cousinoer5 (link)
12. Mario: Dawn to Darkness - Yanama (link)
13. Notte Luminosa - Yanama (link)
14. COLORS - moltensnow
15. Mario XxX - radoRodgar
16. RttC Lost Levels (might actually finish some of these) - AxemJinx
17. A Christmas Walk - MATTAN
18. Choconilla Paradox - Underway
19. Mario & Luigi: Starlight Island Adventure - Gamma V (link)
20. Massimo - Enk (link)
21. Hakurei Adventure Mission - Digi Kiyomi (link)
22. Syobon Action 3 - Drop_GoS
23. JDCGames Collaboration - JDC et al. (link)
24. Super Windows World - HyperGengar
25. Mario in the Illusion World - Unknown User
26. What the Heck 2 - KY2010/MooDeeEx (link)
27. Mario the super - MarioTheTime
28. Mario's Amazing Adventure - superwiidude (link)
29. The Sims 4 - TOMICA199 (Drop_GoS rereg)
30. Super Mario and the Shwinks (Demo) - Takomega1
31. Mario's Vanilla Journey V1.11 - akacesfan
32. Zeldara's Glitch City - Zeldara109 (link)
33. First Strike (Demo) - Protoman
34. Panic in the Mushroom Kingdom - ghettoyouth
35. Super mario bros Demo 1 - MS_HACKS
36. The Death Game - levelengine (2009)
37. Strange Mario World - Acmlm (?)
38. Super Mario and the Shwinks (full hack) - Takomega1
39. A Super Mario Thing - Talkhaus community (link)
40. Danmaku Mario World - Lunatic Team
41. Super Worlds 2.5: Euigi Strikes Back - Euigi/M0usr
42. Buck Beaver (Demo) - Takomega1
43. Luigi's Adventure 3 OSE - Anikiti (link)
44. Secondary COLORS - MolSno (last known as moltensnow)
45. Lunar Legends (Demo 2) - Purple Rex
46. Touhou Mario: Imperishable Night - Silver Scarlet
47. Sailor V - Ladida
48. Blue Flamingo (Demo) - THY
49. Eyeless: Director's Cut - KY2010/MooDeeEx
50. Sicari (C3 Demo) - Eevee
51. Kamek's Island (Demo) - Gamma V
52. Super Mario Brox. EX 1.05 - TOMICA3264 (Drop_GoS rereg)
53. Cosbyquest - Egadd
54. Dark Side of the Kingdom (C3 Sampler) - Egadd et al.
55. CCC - Ripperon-X
56. Choconilla Rise (C3 Demo) - Undy (last known as Underway)
57. Super Mario Sugar Rush - Pixels
58. Insert Coin - noon & Zildjian
59. 1 Island of Vanilla Feeing - Neidave
60. iggy in unova - TheZoroark007
61. Mario's Long Adventure - Schieber1234
62. BAM - Qwholl
63. Mario's Regular Adventure - Ripperon-X/Rykon-V73
64. Super Euigi World 2 - Euigi/M0usr
65. Yoshi's Strange Quest (V1.2) - yoshifanatic (link)
66. O Ninja Negro - darken (link)
67. Mario's Exodus To Death - Soul2Limbo
68. P-switch... - Daizo Dee Von
69. COLLAB - Neidave et al.
70. Super Mario Ultimatum/The Great Cave Trek - M A R I O
71. Chever's adventures to the island - Riocartoon (only uploaded to Dailymotion)
72. SMW and the Legend of the Yellow Switch Palace - jesus
73. Skye Goes To Town - ProCaine (link)
74. Two - Dipalon
75. Super Derulo World 4 - JulienZ57
76. Panic in the Mushroom Kingdom 2 - ghettoyouth
77. A Haunted Christmas - Team Haunted
78. Just Another SMW Hack - TenPoundHammer
79. The Hand of Chaos - Forsequad
80. Super Amazing World - uyuyuy99
81. Blind Devil's Trip Back in Time - Q-bee (last known as Blind Devil)
82. Super Fuck World - Absent Ministrator
83. SMW Returns - KT
84. ...'you'... - mario and luigi
85. Untitled - opinionateddrone & opinionatedtrekkie
86. Super Mario World Nyaa :3 - Mao & Nao
87. SMW: The Thousand Year Pipe (Demo) - S.N.N.
88. Mercenaries - DTG
89. SMW Forgotten Purpose (Demo 1) - Rykon-V73
90. Super Mario And The Secret Island (Demo) - rumpg46691
91. kirby mission:save world - Daniel 115
92. Mario Endgame - cheat-master30 (link)
93. The Unworld Recharged - dottedgirl (link)
94. Super Derulo World 3 - JulienZ57 (link)
95. Hyper VII (demo) - Hata Mari
96. Journey to the Mushroom Kingdom 1 - HackerOfTheLegend (link)
97. A Hack Thing 2 - MercuryPenny
98. Mario's Christmas Quest - cheat-master30
99. Mario's Keytastrophe (Demo 4) - S.N.N. (link)
100. SSW - ?
101. Link's Adventure (Demo 2) - General Ike
102. The Crater - S.C.O.R.P.I.O.N. & antimatterhunter
103. Help-me.rar - ?
104. K-16 - Story of Steel (Demo) - Eevee
105. Super Mario Axiom (Demo) - juniorsword448
106. Abusion - Sokobansolver
107. FTW Mario (Demo) - JacktheSpades
108. SMW Forgotten Purpose (Demo 2) - Rykon-V73
109. Electra (Demo) - WeegeeBen
110. SMW: The Huge Adventure (Demo 2) - bandicoot
111. 100 Rooms of Enemies V1.0.0 - Daizo Dee Von
112. The 7th Annual VLDC / Collaboration - SMW Central
113. Hammer Brother Demo 3 - blackout77
114. SMW pipe kingdom (Demo 1) - smwfan98
115. Peach Adventures - AnOtakuGamer
116. Temple of Doom - Crash Kandicoot
117. M.A.R.I.O (Mario's Actions Rising in Oblivion) - Doughcat
118. the 7 koopalings return - mario and luigi
119. Hunter's Revenge Recharged - antimatterhunter
120. LEARN SWEDISH - akumie
121. Super Mario World: In the Galaxy - I don't fucking care
122. Call of Cthulhu - Yashum
123. Rise to the Challenge (Again) - AxemJinx
124. Super Mario World Dule - Dule
125. POOR THWOMP ADVENTURE - PatPatPat & Lui37
126. Mario and the Land of Illusions - Falconpunch
127. A Goomba's Walk - Luks
128. Oogtar's Quest (Demo) - nick 139
129. Classic Mario World 3: The Legend of the Shiny Stars (C3 BETA) - bandicoot
130. SMWHacking.de Collab - WhiteYoshiEgg et al.
131. New Super Mario World (Demo) - Gregor
132. Hakurei Adventure Mission 2 - Digi Kiyomi (?)
133. Super Mario OMG - ThatBird447
134. Mario Y - Soul2Limbo
135. Super OMNOMNOM World - Alcaro
136. Final Destination - S.N.N., Foursword4, Supertails
137. Hunter's Revenge 2 Recharged - antimatterhunter
138. Super Sarah Land - WeegeeBen
139. Habibi: The Game - WeegeeBen
140. Mario Takes a Shit - Face
141. Super Wakana Land (Demo 1) - Wakana
142. Ham Sandwich (demo) - AnybodyAgrees
143. What-A-Blast! (demo) - Ruberjig
144. Mario Discovers A New Power-up - S.R.H.
145. Evil Conquest - Luks & Darkdlp02
146. Plumber Luigi (3 worlds of demo) - Mayonnai
147. Quest 2 B Da Best - S.N.N.
148. Hack 3 - Golden Yoshi
149. Mario Hard On (demo) - Giant Shy Guy
150. 100 Rooms of Enemies V2.0.0 - Daizo Dee Von
151. The 8th Annual VLDC / Collaboration - SMW Central
152. Tower Tyrant (Demo) - Mtb4000, Kosmicd12
153. the artifacts of marvelous birds - exit1337
154. Mario in a Strange Adventure - Fan-cristian-Yuyuko-
155. Combo Breaker (1st demo) - Sokobansolver
156. Practice Makes Purrfect - sunwarrior25
157. Super Mario Emulator (PTB) - noname
158. Another Generic SMW Hack (Unfinished) - MarioFan22
159. Smw2 The Unknown Threats F.I.X.E.D - Dman
160. Le avventure di Mario 1 - Wakana
161. A Metal Hack - Eric Maia
162. Mario: Collapsing Worlds - Blue_Raven
163. Mega Mario World - whoever you are, GOOD LUCK
164. Mario X World SER - Anikiti
165. Big Boo's Revenge - Tobias94
166. Bits and Pieces (Nightmare Edition) - levelengine
167. Luigi's Adventure OSE (Co-Op featuring Flames and Hunter) - Anikiti
168. NSMW: The 12 Magic Orbs (Demo) - GameplaysDetonados/G.D.
169. Rhino's Rampage (Demo) - Luks
170. 'the (Coronation Day) - Underway, Torchkas, Medic
171. HeLp pooor mario!!! - Minimay
172. Nin world (Demo) - nathanrayman1998
173. Ninji Jump (Demo) - 1UPdudes
174. LX5 Level Sampler - LX5
175. Super Wakana Land (Demo 2) - Wakana
176. Daizo Dee Von's Journey: The Three Way War (demo) - Daizo Dee Von
177. Lespna1 and TLMB - Lespna1 and TLMB
178. Sicari Remastered (Demo) - Eevee
179. Super Mario World: Megaman 29th Anniversary Edition (demo) - Roberto zampari
180. JUMP - Talkhaus (led by worldpeace/aterraformer)
181. Return of Shadower - darken
182. SMW3: The Koopas Strike Back - RZIBARA
183. New Mario's Adventure (demo) - yoshi9429
184. Yoshi's Strange Quest (V.1.3 Betas 4.2 - 4.5) - yoshifanatic
185. 2048, Leagues Under the Sea - walterbenji
186. Heck - msi810
187. Mushroom Kingdom: Under Glitched Skies - Blind Devil
188. Super Zelda Bros. - Face
189. The Legend of Spooky Nini - ThalesMangaka
190. I HATE YOU - Slimebeast, Ersanio
191. Evil Conquest 2 Demo - Luks & darkdlp02
192. Allycia Legends: The Evil Darmilette - Guilherme F Santos
193. New Super Mario Land Returns (demo) - Super Stiviboy
194. Super Mario World: Megaman 29th Anniversary Edition (FULL) - Roberto zampari
195. Bolivia '96 - ?
196. The Power of Reality - NTI Productions
197. SMW Hack - Lennyohh and Friends Search for the Sacred Brownie - MetalBenderJem
198. Mob Mario - ?
199. Hunter and Scorpion's Bet: Hunter's Path - amhunter
200. The 1st Annual VLDC / Collaboration - SMW Central
201. The Legendary Bros. Demo 2 - Super Stiviboy
202. O Ninja Negro (2016) - darken
203. Luigi of Shadow/Himajin Mario - Nightmare VIP
204. Transylvania Tale: Realm of Noctem Aeternus - Vamperumbra
205. New Super Mario World 1: The 12 Magic Orbs - G. D.
206. 9th Annual Vanilla Level Design Contest - SMW Central
207. Super Mario World 2 - Pixel-Gon Gamer
208. Mario's Egg Hunt Peril (demo) - TytusArcanine
209. Very Long Dark Corridor X - Hobz
210. P.A.U.L. - danwaleby
211. Mario World Super (demo) - allowiscous
212. The Curse of Pozo the Edgelord DX - anonimato
213. SMW: Tubular Edition - Eevee
214. This Hack Was Made In 2 Hours - ft029
215. #collab's COLLAB (demo) - Noivern, Erik557, Prizm, LHB
216. Mario Versus The Police - nnj

This scale is my ultimate method of deciding how the hack has done in terms of pretty much everything. 60 or above means the hack is decent (a pass), 80 or above is a sign of excellence, and 100 is perfect. The minimum I give is a 30, unless the hack is especially shitty and I'm forced to do so. I recently started realizing that I've taken the good hacks for granted, and have learned to truly appreciate them and their authors, ever since I've seen how bad a hack can get. Anything highlighted in yellow got no rating.
1. Rise to the Challenge - AxemJinx (link)
2. Luigi's Adventure OSE - Anikiti (link)
3. Torpedophile Tedward's Trippy Time -
4. Hotel Mario 2 - A Better Game - levelengine (2009) (link)
5. Er - Tubmuffin
6. Mario Gives Up - Cyphermur9t (link)
7. Dracula Blocks Out the Sun - levelengine
8. The Haunt - Kc
9. Jigsaw's Test - Kc, Foursword4
10. MARIO - M A R I O
11. Mario's Masochistic Mission - cousinoer5 (link)
12. Mario: Dawn to Darkness - Yanama (link)
13. Notte Luminosa - Yanama (link)
14. COLORS - moltensnow
15. Mario XxX - radoRodgar
16. RttC Lost Levels (might actually finish some of these) - AxemJinx
17. A Christmas Walk - MATTAN
18. Choconilla Paradox - Underway
19. Mario & Luigi: Starlight Island Adventure - Gamma V (link)
20. Massimo - Enk (link)
21. Hakurei Adventure Mission - Digi Kiyomi (link)
22. Syobon Action 3 - Drop_GoS
23. JDCGames Collaboration - JDC et al. (link)
24. Super Windows World - HyperGengar
25. Mario in the Illusion World - Unknown User
26. What the Heck 2 - KY2010/MooDeeEx (link)
27. Mario the super - MarioTheTime
28. Mario's Amazing Adventure - superwiidude (link)
29. The Sims 4 - TOMICA199 (Drop_GoS rereg)
30. Super Mario and the Shwinks (Demo) - Takomega1
31. Mario's Vanilla Journey V1.11 - akacesfan
32. Zeldara's Glitch City - Zeldara109 (link)
33. First Strike (Demo) - Protoman
34. Panic in the Mushroom Kingdom - ghettoyouth
35. Super mario bros Demo 1 - MS_HACKS
36. The Death Game - levelengine (2009)
37. Strange Mario World - Acmlm (?)
38. Super Mario and the Shwinks (full hack) - Takomega1
39. A Super Mario Thing - Talkhaus community (link)
40. Danmaku Mario World - Lunatic Team
41. Super Worlds 2.5: Euigi Strikes Back - Euigi/M0usr
42. Buck Beaver (Demo) - Takomega1
43. Luigi's Adventure 3 OSE - Anikiti (link)
44. Secondary COLORS - MolSno (last known as moltensnow)
45. Lunar Legends (Demo 2) - Purple Rex
46. Touhou Mario: Imperishable Night - Silver Scarlet
47. Sailor V - Ladida
48. Blue Flamingo (Demo) - THY
49. Eyeless: Director's Cut - KY2010/MooDeeEx
50. Sicari (C3 Demo) - Eevee
51. Kamek's Island (Demo) - Gamma V
52. Super Mario Brox. EX 1.05 - TOMICA3264 (Drop_GoS rereg)
53. Cosbyquest - Egadd
54. Dark Side of the Kingdom (C3 Sampler) - Egadd et al.
55. CCC - Ripperon-X
56. Choconilla Rise (C3 Demo) - Undy (last known as Underway)
57. Super Mario Sugar Rush - Pixels
58. Insert Coin - noon & Zildjian
59. 1 Island of Vanilla Feeing - Neidave
60. iggy in unova - TheZoroark007
61. Mario's Long Adventure - Schieber1234
62. BAM - Qwholl
63. Mario's Regular Adventure - Ripperon-X/Rykon-V73
64. Super Euigi World 2 - Euigi/M0usr
65. Yoshi's Strange Quest (V1.2) - yoshifanatic (link)
66. O Ninja Negro - darken (link)
67. Mario's Exodus To Death - Soul2Limbo
68. P-switch... - Daizo Dee Von
69. COLLAB - Neidave et al.
70. Super Mario Ultimatum/The Great Cave Trek - M A R I O
71. Chever's adventures to the island - Riocartoon (only uploaded to Dailymotion)
72. SMW and the Legend of the Yellow Switch Palace - jesus
73. Skye Goes To Town - ProCaine (link)
74. Two - Dipalon
75. Super Derulo World 4 - JulienZ57
76. Panic in the Mushroom Kingdom 2 - ghettoyouth
77. A Haunted Christmas - Team Haunted
78. Just Another SMW Hack - TenPoundHammer
79. The Hand of Chaos - Forsequad
80. Super Amazing World - uyuyuy99
81. Blind Devil's Trip Back in Time - Q-bee (last known as Blind Devil)
82. Super Fuck World - Absent Ministrator
83. SMW Returns - KT
84. ...'you'... - mario and luigi
85. Untitled - opinionateddrone & opinionatedtrekkie
86. Super Mario World Nyaa :3 - Mao & Nao
87. SMW: The Thousand Year Pipe (Demo) - S.N.N.
88. Mercenaries - DTG
89. SMW Forgotten Purpose (Demo 1) - Rykon-V73
90. Super Mario And The Secret Island (Demo) - rumpg46691
91. kirby mission:save world - Daniel 115
92. Mario Endgame - cheat-master30 (link)
93. The Unworld Recharged - dottedgirl (link)
94. Super Derulo World 3 - JulienZ57 (link)
95. Hyper VII (demo) - Hata Mari
96. Journey to the Mushroom Kingdom 1 - HackerOfTheLegend (link)
97. A Hack Thing 2 - MercuryPenny
98. Mario's Christmas Quest - cheat-master30
99. Mario's Keytastrophe (Demo 4) - S.N.N. (link)
100. SSW - ?
101. Link's Adventure (Demo 2) - General Ike
102. The Crater - S.C.O.R.P.I.O.N. & antimatterhunter
103. Help-me.rar - ?
104. K-16 - Story of Steel (Demo) - Eevee
105. Super Mario Axiom (Demo) - juniorsword448
106. Abusion - Sokobansolver
107. FTW Mario (Demo) - JacktheSpades
108. SMW Forgotten Purpose (Demo 2) - Rykon-V73
109. Electra (Demo) - WeegeeBen
110. SMW: The Huge Adventure (Demo 2) - bandicoot
111. 100 Rooms of Enemies V1.0.0 - Daizo Dee Von
112. The 7th Annual VLDC / Collaboration - SMW Central
113. Hammer Brother Demo 3 - blackout77
114. SMW pipe kingdom (Demo 1) - smwfan98
115. Peach Adventures - AnOtakuGamer
116. Temple of Doom - Crash Kandicoot
117. M.A.R.I.O (Mario's Actions Rising in Oblivion) - Doughcat
118. the 7 koopalings return - mario and luigi
119. Hunter's Revenge Recharged - antimatterhunter
120. LEARN SWEDISH - akumie
121. Super Mario World: In the Galaxy - I don't fucking care
122. Call of Cthulhu - Yashum
123. Rise to the Challenge (Again) - AxemJinx
124. Super Mario World Dule - Dule
125. POOR THWOMP ADVENTURE - PatPatPat & Lui37
126. Mario and the Land of Illusions - Falconpunch
127. A Goomba's Walk - Luks
128. Oogtar's Quest (Demo) - nick 139
129. Classic Mario World 3: The Legend of the Shiny Stars (C3 BETA) - bandicoot
130. SMWHacking.de Collab - WhiteYoshiEgg et al.
131. New Super Mario World (Demo) - Gregor
132. Hakurei Adventure Mission 2 - Digi Kiyomi (?)
133. Super Mario OMG - ThatBird447
134. Mario Y - Soul2Limbo
135. Super OMNOMNOM World - Alcaro
136. Final Destination - S.N.N., Foursword4, Supertails
137. Hunter's Revenge 2 Recharged - antimatterhunter
138. Super Sarah Land - WeegeeBen
139. Habibi: The Game - WeegeeBen
140. Mario Takes a Shit - Face
141. Super Wakana Land (Demo 1) - Wakana
142. Ham Sandwich (demo) - AnybodyAgrees
143. What-A-Blast! (demo) - Ruberjig
144. Mario Discovers A New Power-up - S.R.H.
145. Evil Conquest - Luks & Darkdlp02
146. Plumber Luigi (3 worlds of demo) - Mayonnai
147. Quest 2 B Da Best - S.N.N.
148. Hack 3 - Golden Yoshi
149. Mario Hard On (demo) - Giant Shy Guy
150. 100 Rooms of Enemies V2.0.0 - Daizo Dee Von
151. The 8th Annual VLDC / Collaboration - SMW Central
152. Tower Tyrant (Demo) - Mtb4000, Kosmicd12
153. the artifacts of marvelous birds - exit1337
154. Mario in a Strange Adventure - Fan-cristian-Yuyuko-
155. Combo Breaker (1st demo) - Sokobansolver
156. Practice Makes Purrfect - sunwarrior25
157. Super Mario Emulator (PTB) - noname
158. Another Generic SMW Hack (Unfinished) - MarioFan22
159. Smw2 The Unknown Threats F.I.X.E.D - Dman
160. Le avventure di Mario 1 - Wakana
161. A Metal Hack - Eric Maia
162. Mario: Collapsing Worlds - Blue_Raven
163. Mega Mario World - whoever you are, GOOD LUCK
164. Mario X World SER - Anikiti
165. Big Boo's Revenge - Tobias94
166. Bits and Pieces (Nightmare Edition) - levelengine
167. Luigi's Adventure OSE (Co-Op featuring Flames and Hunter) - Anikiti
168. NSMW: The 12 Magic Orbs (Demo) - GameplaysDetonados/G.D.
169. Rhino's Rampage (Demo) - Luks
170. 'the (Coronation Day) - Underway, Torchkas, Medic
171. HeLp pooor mario!!! - Minimay
172. Nin world (Demo) - nathanrayman1998
173. Ninji Jump (Demo) - 1UPdudes
174. LX5 Level Sampler - LX5
175. Super Wakana Land (Demo 2) - Wakana
176. Daizo Dee Von's Journey: The Three Way War (demo) - Daizo Dee Von
177. Lespna1 and TLMB - Lespna1 and TLMB
178. Sicari Remastered (Demo) - Eevee
179. Super Mario World: Megaman 29th Anniversary Edition (demo) - Roberto zampari
180. JUMP - Talkhaus (led by worldpeace/aterraformer)
181. Return of Shadower - darken
182. SMW3: The Koopas Strike Back - RZIBARA
183. New Mario's Adventure (demo) - yoshi9429
184. Yoshi's Strange Quest (V.1.3 Betas 4.2 - 4.5) - yoshifanatic
185. 2048, Leagues Under the Sea - walterbenji
186. Heck - msi810
187. Mushroom Kingdom: Under Glitched Skies - Blind Devil
188. Super Zelda Bros. - Face
189. The Legend of Spooky Nini - ThalesMangaka
190. I HATE YOU - Slimebeast, Ersanio
191. Evil Conquest 2 Demo - Luks & darkdlp02
192. Allycia Legends: The Evil Darmilette - Guilherme F Santos
193. New Super Mario Land Returns (demo) - Super Stiviboy
194. Super Mario World: Megaman 29th Anniversary Edition (FULL) - Roberto zampari
195. Bolivia '96 - ?
196. The Power of Reality - NTI Productions
197. SMW Hack - Lennyohh and Friends Search for the Sacred Brownie - MetalBenderJem
198. Mob Mario - ?
199. Hunter and Scorpion's Bet: Hunter's Path - amhunter
200. The 1st Annual VLDC / Collaboration - SMW Central
201. The Legendary Bros. Demo 2 - Super Stiviboy
202. O Ninja Negro (2016) - darken
203. Luigi of Shadow/Himajin Mario - Nightmare VIP
204. Transylvania Tale: Realm of Noctem Aeternus - Vamperumbra
205. New Super Mario World 1: The 12 Magic Orbs - G. D.
206. 9th Annual Vanilla Level Design Contest - SMW Central
207. Super Mario World 2 - Pixel-Gon Gamer
208. Mario's Egg Hunt Peril (demo) - TytusArcanine
209. Very Long Dark Corridor X - Hobz
210. P.A.U.L. - danwaleby
211. Mario World Super (demo) - allowiscous
212. The Curse of Pozo the Edgelord DX - anonimato
213. SMW: Tubular Edition - Eevee
214. This Hack Was Made In 2 Hours - ft029
215. #collab's COLLAB (demo) - Noivern, Erik557, Prizm, LHB
216. Mario Versus The Police - nnj