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Lip: A Fairy's Tale (a choconilla hack) [10/16 - We're Back!]

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I've always been a fan of Puzzle League/Panel de Pon and its characters, but the Western world has always felt a little... lacking in PdP, exacerbated by the fact that Nintendo always seems to treat its puzzle series like red-headed stepchildren with the possible exception of Dr. Mario (contrasting with the Mario or Zelda series, which seem to receive new games as fast as Nintendo can pump them out - while still having a playable, decent-at-the-least end result, of course). Plus - even when the idea for this hack first came around in 2010-ish, back before the flood of feminist edits of famous video games - I noticed how few games, and what's more hacks on this website, had female protagonists, and figured I should do something to change that.

Thus begat L:AFT.

(I know about the cutoff in the first screenshot, it's been fixed.)


Essentially, this hack's plot follows the storyline of the original Panel de Pon video game. Monsters take over the fairy land of Poppliss, and Lip, unaffected due to her magic stick, takes it into her own hands to save them.

What's Completed?
At the moment, not much. Many of Lip's sprites are completed - most Big Mario sprites have been replaced (although not all are final). No work has been done on Small Mario sprites as of yet, although I'm considering applying an "always big" patch to get around that. Two levels are completely finished, a third is in the works, and the one submap you see above is ready to go. I've got a lot on my plate so production is kind of slow, but it should start to pick up once the summer drops.

Constructive criticism is always welcome!
This looks promising. Remember to change the OW mario sprites, too.

I barely have time to myself anymore, so I won't be very active on here anymore. I'm sorry.
This is a very promising-looking hack project you've got there! Not enough people change the main character and make up their own storyline. To see you've done that is very exciting to me. This looks like it's going to be an original and entertaining hack once it's done! 8>

Just one question: Are you planning to change the enemy sprites as well? Or are the "evil monsters" mentioned in the title sequence going to be Bowser and his troops? Either one would really work fine. But I'm just wondering.

And yes- female protagonists FTW! My hack has one. :)
tired: 'JOYCON BOYZ'
wired: 'The Fellowship of the Switch'
Originally posted by WeegeeBen
Just one question: Are you planning to change the enemy sprites as well? Or are the "evil monsters" mentioned in the title sequence going to be Bowser and his troops? Either one would really work fine. But I'm just wondering.

I was planning on changing most if not all of them, yes.

I think I've seen you showing off those flowers before. I mentioned that looks kinda weird, because they're just shadeless, also vines don't seem to be that strong to hold them. I think you should redrawn those flowers and draw them a trunk as well. I reccomend something pretty but that doesn't go too away from the vanilla-y style of your hack.

Also not sure if that's a picturing issue but your levels seem quite poor of enemies. That or you still are going to add them (assuming you're still going to draw/code/whatever them).

Other than that, your hack seems promissing! The things I liked the most are your OW and the character sprite. Wish you luck with this one!
Well, on the overworld screenie, I still see Mario, but I'm sure you'll fix that. My only other nitpick is that the flower ledges look somewhat odd to be standing on, but aside from it, it seems as though this hack is coming along nicely!

Also I have an should get somebody to start making another hack like this except based on Tetris Attack, and then release both games at the same time :3

Currently addicted to TF2. I main Demoknight. Steam profile. Check it out.
Originally posted by Crackshot
Also I have an should get somebody to start making another hack like this except based on Tetris Attack, and then release both games at the same time :3

Or better yet, re-release the hack after it's completed with the Yoshi player patch!


A preview of 1-3 Time to Climb. It's a vertical stage, but since it's in the first world there's not much more to it than that; you'll be going up vines and flower stems for most of the level, but there are floating platforms, enemies, and various obstacle courses to navigate past as well.

Also check out the new flower graphics. I decided to take Koopster's advice and redraw them with more shading to make 'em look prettier.
Oh yeah, now those are true flower graphics! :D Also loving the palletes, specially the foreground. The background also gives the level an amazing feeling.

Keep it up!
Originally posted by Midna
Originally posted by Crackshot
Also I have an should get somebody to start making another hack like this except based on Tetris Attack, and then release both games at the same time :3

Or better yet, re-release the hack after it's completed with the Yoshi player patch!

YES. DO IT. :3

Originally posted by Midna

A preview of 1-3 Time to Climb. It's a vertical stage, but since it's in the first world there's not much more to it than that; you'll be going up vines and flower stems for most of the level, but there are floating platforms, enemies, and various obstacle courses to navigate past as well.

Also check out the new flower graphics. I decided to take Koopster's advice and redraw them with more shading to make 'em look prettier.

Yeah, I really like the shading on the flowers, it's just subtle enough for someone who really cares to notice it. Also yeah loving the palettes so far.

Currently addicted to TF2. I main Demoknight. Steam profile. Check it out.

Here's the basic design of the title screen. The "Super Mario World" text will be replaced later. (Lip graphic is from the original PdP game, ripped by Orion X.)

2014 is a rough estimate of when I'll be done. It'll be changed if I end up releasing it later or sooner.
This looks like a pretty interesting project you've got going! As for the original game with Lip, I've never played it, but that doesnt mean I have no intention of playing this hack. It looks like it's going to be very original and fun!

And as you said, female protagonists are the bomb. There just aren't enough. In fact I'm trying to get WeegeeBen to hook me up with some Super Skye graphics for a hack me and my friend minimisty are gonna collab on soon.

Anyways it's great so far and good luck on further progress!
A duck's quack does not echo, and no one knows why.
Some news:

First of all, Lip is no longer replaced by a rotund Italian gentleman on the overworld (also more trees).

Second of all, 1-3 is completely done. Ignore the lack of a time limit in most screenshots.

Here you can head left and try for a soon-to-be-replaced Dragon Coin or head up for a somewhat easier experiemce.

New sliding animation.

Yeah, you'll be doing a lot of climbing in this stage.

You won't be able to get that Dragon Coin until much later...

Bullet Bills and Koopas menace Lip on her way up the stage.

The last obstacle before the goal area is a vine- and stem-climbing area full of Bullet Bills.

I always did like foreshadowing the theme of the next level. Next up, as you can probably tell, is a forest stage, the last regular level of World 1.


As a whole, this level was really fun to make! I just hope it'll be as fun for you guys to play.
Some graphics replacements:

The Mushroom has fittingly become a Flower Cookie (polished up some from the NES version of Yoshi's Cookie).

The Fire Flower is now Lip's Stick...

...which fires petals instead of fireballs. Ignore the iffy palette, it's not been changed yet. (Yes, the Flower Cookie looks different. This picture was taken before I added the black outlines.)

Comments are always welcome!
hi Midna. it's been several months but are you still working on this hack?

I wonder if Lip gets to ride on Yoshi if the game does feature Yoshi.
This is cute

Originally posted by erpster2
hi Midna. it's been several months but are you still working on this hack?

I wonder if Lip gets to ride on Yoshi if the game does feature Yoshi.

I am still working on it, but it's been slow. When I'm not busy with schoolwork, I'm getting caught up in other projects (I've always been awful about that).

Yoshi is actually now a Watabou, a creature from the Panel de Pon universe. It's referred to as Cotton Buddy here:

Shell-less Koopas are kappas now as well (with-shell sprites are unedited yet).

And here are some work-in-progress screenshots of Leaf Her Alone:

Starting out.

Wiggler will be a snake eventually.

Less dangerous than it looks.
Good to see you back. Your graphics are nice, keep it up. Though, like pretty much every screenshot you put here, some of those colors are pretty damn bright. Try to make them more smooth.
Suika Ibuki - 25107
Ah god loving to see that you're again on this Panel de Pon hack!
(Sad to see the player is not Think :<, i don't know how she is named on the Famicon version, only played the Game Cube remake but i still love it!, she is the Ice Fairy btw).
I don't liked a lot your Furil graphics, but this probably is because it's SMW anyway.
Still nice to see someone is making a hack of this awesome game, good job!
The SNES equivalents of Think and Furil are Sherbet and Lip respectively, hence the name of the hack. I'm about the opposite in that it's the SNES version I'm familiar with and the Nintendo Puzzle Collection game I've never played. (Still waiting on that English release, Nintendo. Where's Yoshi's Cookie?)

The Lip sprite I have is about the best I can do with 16x32. A friend of mine who also likes the Panel de Pon series offered to touch it up for me, so it might see some minor improvements in the future, but it still will look essentially the same.
Suika Ibuki - 25107
oh yea that is what i was thinking when i said it's smw anyway, work with 16x32 re-sprite of something that is bigger than it and even have other pose is really hard.
Anyway i still dunno why nice games like that aren't very known.
But she still looks cute, so this really is okay.
Keep this good work and i hope i see a finished version of this!
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