I've always been a fan of Puzzle League/Panel de Pon and its characters, but the Western world has always felt a little... lacking in PdP, exacerbated by the fact that Nintendo always seems to treat its puzzle series like red-headed stepchildren with the possible exception of Dr. Mario (contrasting with the Mario or Zelda series, which seem to receive new games as fast as Nintendo can pump them out - while still having a playable, decent-at-the-least end result, of course). Plus - even when the idea for this hack first came around in 2010-ish, back before the flood of feminist edits of famous video games - I noticed how few games, and what's more hacks on this website, had female protagonists, and figured I should do something to change that.
Thus begat L:AFT.

(I know about the cutoff in the first screenshot, it's been fixed.)

Essentially, this hack's plot follows the storyline of the original Panel de Pon video game. Monsters take over the fairy land of Poppliss, and Lip, unaffected due to her magic stick, takes it into her own hands to save them.
What's Completed?
At the moment, not much. Many of Lip's sprites are completed - most Big Mario sprites have been replaced (although not all are final). No work has been done on Small Mario sprites as of yet, although I'm considering applying an "always big" patch to get around that. Two levels are completely finished, a third is in the works, and the one submap you see above is ready to go. I've got a lot on my plate so production is kind of slow, but it should start to pick up once the summer drops.
Constructive criticism is always welcome!
Thus begat L:AFT.

(I know about the cutoff in the first screenshot, it's been fixed.)

Essentially, this hack's plot follows the storyline of the original Panel de Pon video game. Monsters take over the fairy land of Poppliss, and Lip, unaffected due to her magic stick, takes it into her own hands to save them.
What's Completed?
At the moment, not much. Many of Lip's sprites are completed - most Big Mario sprites have been replaced (although not all are final). No work has been done on Small Mario sprites as of yet, although I'm considering applying an "always big" patch to get around that. Two levels are completely finished, a third is in the works, and the one submap you see above is ready to go. I've got a lot on my plate so production is kind of slow, but it should start to pick up once the summer drops.
Constructive criticism is always welcome!