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Kamek's Island - 5-World Demo available now!

Kamek's Island is a traditional Choconilla hack that I've been working on since late February/early March. This hack will contain 7 worlds and between 72 and 75 levels. This 5-World demo covers 51 of those levels, so you'll get a pretty good sampling of what to expect from the final product.

The adventure begins in your typical grassland area.

Take a hike through a lush forest with a sparkling river running through it

Enjoy a tropical paradise with beautiful beaches.

Explore the ruins of a lost civilization as you trek through the desert sands.

Head up into the mountains for high-altitude fun.

Quintesson Judge: Silence, or you will be held in contempt of this court!
Hot Rod: I have nothing but contempt for this court!
- Transformers the Movie (1986)
I really don't know why this thread got so buried here.

The hack itself looks great. Some BGs look a bit empty but most of the screenies show a creative level design and awesome feelings you gave to the levels and to the hack ifself.
Right, looks very good, I played the first demo too.
I'm glad, that I can finally play the new levels.
My hack TEMP is cancelled for now but I started a new
vanilla hack, you can visit my thread here.
Each time I look at one of your newer hacks, I am impressed by how much you've advanced since some of your earlier work. This looks bright, fun, and colorful - everything a real Mario game is. Having seen what your level design is like, I expect this to be just as good or better than your other work. I like how you're even doing a lot with mostly vanilla graphics. It's nice to see Joe the Shark and Super Mario Land sprites being used, too. I wish you all the best with this project.

[?] Miscellaneous Helpful Hints
If I moderated your hack, there was apparently a 90 percent chance it was rejected.
Hmm, I'm always torn on whether to try demos that show a large percentage of the game, because then I'm not sure whether I'll have the motivation to go through everything again when the full hack releases.

Still, those screenshots look pretty good, and I'm interested in playing this sooner or later. Maybe first I'll remedy the fact that I haven't played any of your projects, and by the time I'm done, this will be, too :b
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@Arctic Avenger
Yeah, and it got even more buried since you posted. I was starting to wonder if this hack wasn't good enough because it's not as fancy as hacks like Choconilla Rise.

I'm glad you liked the earlier demo of this. Some minor changes were made to the earlier levels such as the difficulty being lowered in Boss Bass Beach and the music being changed in Pier Pressure and the Ghost Houses. I also fixed a small palette glitch in Chaotic Canopy involving the berries. (The space around them was the wrong shade of green.)

Quite a few of those Custom Sprite Tweaks are quite nice despite their simplicity. I did indeed use all 3 Joe variants, but I also used Rocko in a couple levels of World 5. I also happen to like the Super Mario Land sprites and intend to use at least one more before this hack is over.

I learned quite a bit from reading APPALLED between the time I quietly axed Mecha-Bowser's Revenge and began working on my entry for the 2012 Vanilla Level Design Contest. I've also been more inspired by official Mario platformers than most SMW hacks.
Quintesson Judge: Silence, or you will be held in contempt of this court!
Hot Rod: I have nothing but contempt for this court!
- Transformers the Movie (1986)
I am really looking forward to the finished product. I love this hack and it seems like an awesome game. Keep up the good work. Screenshots are awesome. What are the last two worlds going to be?
Check my page to find more updates about my hack Super Mario: The Epic Journey.
The last two worlds will be Ice and Dark. I've already done the Overworld for World 6, but not World 7. I've also started work on Level 6-1.
Quintesson Judge: Silence, or you will be held in contempt of this court!
Hot Rod: I have nothing but contempt for this court!
- Transformers the Movie (1986)
Originally posted by Gamma V
Yeah, and it got even more buried since you posted. I was starting to wonder if this hack wasn't good enough because it's not as fancy as hacks like Choconilla Rise.

Aw, don't believe that! A lot of people might prefer fancy graphics, but I just want to play a hack that is fun to play and reminds me a lot of Mario. You've done that in spades!
This hack 'does' look pretty good, I'll say. Has anyone actually played the demo instead of just looking at the screenshots?

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I'd hope so, Ultimaximus. Did you play it?
Quintesson Judge: Silence, or you will be held in contempt of this court!
Hot Rod: I have nothing but contempt for this court!
- Transformers the Movie (1986)
I am still playing the demo,just finished W3.

EDIT: As always your hacks are decent this one is a very good one too!

I will play the 2 new worlds now!