Originally posted by Daizo Dee VonAnd yet, you didn't fix anything I mentioned, judging from the screenshots.

All of the following are in the C3 Demo
Originally posted by Daizo Dee VonWHY IS THE GROUND HARD TO SEE?! There is a cloud tileset, so why is this necessary? (Its the Cloud/Forest tileset, by the way)
This is the way it WAS. People on the hack's W.I.P. thread said it looked bad as well, so that was what I changed it to for the C3 Bug Test Demo.
Originally posted by Daizo Dee Von
Bad palettes on the goal post. You can fix this with two different ways:
Here, that better. The same has also been applied to all other levels.
Originally posted by Daizo Dee VonIsn't there suppose to be ceiling above me?
Now there's a ceiling.
Originally posted by Daizo Dee VonThese blocks won't allow Mario to pass through the blocks. It is caused by a certain glitch that if four Turn blocks are already turning, hiting another one will stop the first block that was hit too early... I recommend using the SMB3 Bricks instead of the Turn Blocks.
would've fixed it, if it wasn't due to a
bug saying that I used a negative number for MAP16 tile, even though I used tile 400.
Originally posted by Daizo Dee VonImage 1: Why have this...
Image 2: When you can simply do this?
Now it's gone.
Originally posted by Daizo Dee Von...it effects the palettes AND graphics of the Midway point. Please, these FG graphics are a bit too detailed to use. Maybe use the original SMB's Mushroom Platforms?
I'm pretty sure 8-bit graphics would look just as (maybe even more) out of place as the NSMB ones.
Originally posted by Daizo Dee VonThe odd gap between the "out" and everything else seems a bit weird to me.
Judging as some other people may find the weird...
I fixed it.
Originally posted by Daizo Dee VonIf you shoot the shell wrong, the shell won't go through the hole...
So yes, major things HAVE been fixed.