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New Super Mario World

C3 is on, and this year I have a project! New Super Mario World is a SNES Remake (or demake) of New Super Mario Bros. I've been working on this for about 2 months now, and since C3 has landed, might as well finally release some playable demo, and that is what it is.


Various Screenshots:

Note: This is my first C3 thread, so if I did something wrong, let me know.

There used to be stuff in this footer, but it's all gone now.
wow, this looks very interesting. might actually play this.
My Inspiring Quotes on Personal Growth and Change:

"Resolved financial/personal problems equal greater growth!"

"The only constant thing in life is change; nothing is set in stone. The old is replaced with the new. Forgive yourself for past mistakes. When many different problems in your life are resolved (personal, financial, etc.), newfound strength and confidence is gained in the process. Usually, failures, lack of assertiveness, disappointments, incompetence, low self-esteem and lack of self-respect, financial struggles, and setbacks can cause us to change and take action to solve any problem, leading to increased strength and confidence. This you learn from experience.

I have been experiencing this aforementioned newfound strength and confidence myself for the past FOUR to EIGHT years or so, getting stronger with each passing year, learning with each mistake I make and becoming more joyful in the process. Because of this newfound confidence I've acquired over the years, finding my passion is of utmost importance in 2022! You can develop this strength and confidence in yourself as well!"

To whoever's reading this, you are amazing and you are capable of doing equally amazing things. Gather confidence and be yourself! Say goodbye to the old you and welcome the new you! It wants to arise every moment, but you don't let it. Learn from your mistakes and never make that mistake again! Find your passion and live it!"

Finding my passion in life, but I may still be active on SMWCentral from time to time. Still enjoy playing many hacks, but I'm widening my perspective on life and opening myself to the new.
Originally posted by mario and luigi
wow, this looks very interesting. might actually play this.

There used to be stuff in this footer, but it's all gone now.
Looks like a nice hack. Some consistency issues but it is fine.
I can't help but notice some rather major graphics inconsistencies in the screenshots you posted; you have both original SMW graphics, original NSMB graphics and redrawn NSMB graphics. I'd suggest picking a single style and sticking to it.

Also, if you don't know enough ASM to implement the pipe cannon, I'm kind of curious what you're going to do when you get to the levels that won't work at all with just SMW stuff, like the sewer one with the switches that raise the water or the one with all the dancing mushrooms.
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Originally posted by yoshicookiezeus
I can't help but notice some rather major graphics inconsistencies in the screenshots you posted; you have both original SMW graphics, original NSMB graphics and redrawn NSMB graphics. I'd suggest picking a single style and sticking to it.

Also, if you don't know enough ASM to implement the pipe cannon, I'm kind of curious what you're going to do when you get to the levels that won't work at all with just SMW stuff, like the sewer one with the switches that raise the water or the one with all the dancing mushrooms.

Some one has coded a Layer 3 effect with tides that react with switches, and I remember someone submitting or atleast making a Pipe Cannon.
Your layout has been removed.
In 1-2 you can do various things that aren't supposed to be possible. Taking springboards and such. Also you should add a Ground Pounding patch instead of leaving Spinjump.
If anyone would do this, I would like someone to make (and send) me a version of Ladida's Minimalist Status Bar (the double version), that works with the coponies patch created by Noobish Noobsicle. (yes I know this is impractical.)

[Friday 07:21:55pm] PatPatPat I'm still sad that my big gay dance is gone

It is cutoff in this screenshot! Add bottom corners
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Originally posted by MarioMaster12
In 1-2 you can do various things that aren't supposed to be possible. Taking springboards and such. Also you should add a Ground Pounding patch instead of leaving Spinjump.

Completely intentional. I find the Spin Jump a lot more useful than the Ground Pound, and it does everything it does plus defeats enemies without a delay (it's really tricky to Ground Pound on an enemy, but it is a lot easier to Spin Jump on an enemy). Also, from what I can tell, carrying springboards does not really cause anything bad to happen.

Originally posted by Alex No

It is cutoff in this screenshot! Add bottom corners

Another minor thing, remember if a SMW hack is removed, it isn't because there is just like one instance of cutoff, it's because of many instances, or that along with other problems.

Originally posted by metalgearhunter

Some one has coded a Layer 3 effect with tides that react with switches,

If it's a custom sprite, I might be able to do that, if it's a custom block I can't, BlockTool Super Deluxe rejects me and says I use a negative number for my MAP16 page, even though I use tile 400, and ends up not inserting it.
There used to be stuff in this footer, but it's all gone now.
Originally posted by TheSuperRotom
Another minor thing, remember if a SMW hack is removed, it isn't because there is just like one instance of cutoff, it's because of many instances, or that along with other problems.

On the contrary, boring design will make some hack moderators scrutinize even minor cutoff. Normally I would want to fix all instances since it adds a nice touch and makes it look like you have not been lazy doing your hack.
This seems like an excellent hack. I definitely look forward to playing. Feel free to return the favor and tell me what you think of my sprites.

Another point of advice is to get rid of cutoff. Different moderators treat things differently and might remove a hack for one instance of cutoff
Check my page to find more updates about my hack Super Mario: The Epic Journey.
And yet, you didn't fix anything I mentioned, judging from the screenshots. #ab{-_-}
Want progress on 100 Rooms of Enemies: The Nightmare Edition? Go here to see.

(rip my other userbars momentarily)

Originally posted by Daizo Dee Von
And yet, you didn't fix anything I mentioned, judging from the screenshots. #ab{-_-}

All of the following are in the C3 Demo


Originally posted by Daizo Dee Von
WHY IS THE GROUND HARD TO SEE?! There is a cloud tileset, so why is this necessary? (Its the Cloud/Forest tileset, by the way)

This is the way it WAS. People on the hack's W.I.P. thread said it looked bad as well, so that was what I changed it to for the C3 Bug Test Demo.

Originally posted by Daizo Dee Von

Bad palettes on the goal post. You can fix this with two different ways:

Here, that better. The same has also been applied to all other levels.

Originally posted by Daizo Dee Von
Isn't there suppose to be ceiling above me?

Now there's a ceiling.

Originally posted by Daizo Dee Von
These blocks won't allow Mario to pass through the blocks. It is caused by a certain glitch that if four Turn blocks are already turning, hiting another one will stop the first block that was hit too early... I recommend using the SMB3 Bricks instead of the Turn Blocks.

I would've fixed it, if it wasn't due to a bug saying that I used a negative number for MAP16 tile, even though I used tile 400.

Originally posted by Daizo Dee Von
Image 1: Why have this...
Image 2: When you can simply do this?

Now it's gone.

Originally posted by Daizo Dee Von effects the palettes AND graphics of the Midway point. Please, these FG graphics are a bit too detailed to use. Maybe use the original SMB's Mushroom Platforms?

I'm pretty sure 8-bit graphics would look just as (maybe even more) out of place as the NSMB ones.

Originally posted by Daizo Dee Von
The odd gap between the "out" and everything else seems a bit weird to me.

Judging as some other people may find the weird...

I fixed it.

Originally posted by Daizo Dee Von
If you shoot the shell wrong, the shell won't go through the hole...


So yes, major things HAVE been fixed.