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Purple - Have a ridiculous demo in all its unpolished glory


Hello there for this C3. I think this will be the first and last one I actually post something in. I don't know.

So I am pretty much saying "screw everything (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━━┻" and posting a very rough demo of this hack I'm calling A Purple Project (or APP or just Purple). This despite the fact I have not even finished the first world.

To be honest, I have been working on this bullshit on and off for years (since 2009 if memory serves me right). An unholy amount of procrastination has gone into what basically amounts to a vanilla hack with a few chocolate elements in it. Includes good old platforming with a few puzzles and secrets scattered through the levels. Explore to your heart's content.


Now, do not expect this demo to be pretty. I am pretty much slapping an IPS on my latest progress (in fact that's exactly it), and I am doing this because I don't know if I still care about this hack. Like I am not sure I want to be trying to hack SMW anymore. Maybe still make games, though. But I'll still be curious as to what's going on in the world of SMW Hacking.

I might as well take advantage of this C3 and allow everyone to play this thing and peek around the ROM and stuff. Whatever floats your boat, folks!


Here are the levels you can ACTUALLY play. From top left to bottom right: 1-1, the start of 1-2, 1-3, 1-Fort, 1-4, half 1-5, most of 1-6, a temorary replacement for 1-Castle and 2-3. Plus some extras lying around the ROM.


Unfun facts:
-There are missing bits and pieces EVERYWHERE.
-The level names aren't translated and so are in French. Some infoboxes and things intended for my beta testers (debug ends etc) are also lying around.
-I haven't inserted custom music yet.
-My level design has changed eratically with time and I haven't reworked all levels yet.
-OW is shitty and not extremely functional.
-Events aren't done.
-Nor bosses.
-Nor cinematics.
-Nor the intro.
-Have I mentioned there is no plot?
-Funny that at the start I planned this to have 6 worlds with 8 levels each and some switch palaces.

That's about it I think.


I may go back and upgrade this scrappy mess into a slightly more refined mess before C3 ends (if I can).
Don't count on it though because I am such a disappointment when it comes to actually doing stuff.

In the meantime enjoy any delicious crumbs you may find in the leftovers of this trainwreck of a buffet (just like this metaphor, the hack is probably not going anywhere soon).

And most of all, happy C3 to all of you coolcats.
Farewell, maybe? Or see you.

Pschoooooooo! Lemonade out.

This looks really great! Design looks very nice, and same for the graphics.

I'm really surprised with how this was buried with no posts, this needs way more attention, imo.

(I still didn't play this, I'll try to make a small review later~)
I played through four levels or so, and wow man, this is the exact kind of hack I like! Vanilla, with new palettes, more well-decorated, and with a lot of little puzzles over the levels... I loved it. This demo deserved to be more prepared! D:

It would be really sad to see a good hacker like you drop SMW hacking. Your skill of creating so good levels with nearly only vanilla resources would be truly missed.
This is awesome! Finally you got something out for us to play :D

The screenshots here look great already, but I'll actually go play this as well. You know it's a good sign when you made a hack that inspires me, because that doesn't happen all that often ;)
Not to be harsh, but if procrastination's your poison, I'm not sure how much of a difference the platform is going to make...

Regardless, if you're not going to continue this, I hope you apply your skills to something else, because it would be a shame to see them atrophy from lack of use. There are a lot of neat level ideas in here, and the environments and palettes are well done, too. It is a bit messy, yes, but the concepts are solid.

Whatever you decide to do, good luck :b
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