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NamelessProtagonist's Ports - Help Me Improve

Music has always been one of my weaker areas. More often than not, when I get burned out and need to take a break from romhacking, music porting is the cause.

I'd like to think I've reached a level where at the very least, I can be satisfied with my ports. Still, there's always room for improvement. Any and all feedback and suggestions are welcome.

Note that as of now, none of the songs I've listed use samples. While I'm not opposed to using samples (there are a few I plan on inserting once I get around to it), I would prefer to at least limit myself to samples from other Mario games.

Banjo-Kazooie Series
Treasure Trove Cove
Clainker's Cavern

In the Hall of the Zombie King

Donkey Kong Series
Donkey Kong Country
Cranky's Cabin
Boss Defeated

Donkey Kong Country 2
Cranky's Conga

Donkey Kong 64
Crystal Caves

Final Fantasy Series
Final Fantasy
Matoya's Cave

Final Fantasy Mystic Quest

Mario Series
Super Mario Bros.
Course Clear

Super Mario Bros. 2
Character Select
Course Clear

Super Mario Bros. 3

Wario Land
(Overworld) World Map

Yoshi's Island
Middle Boss

Super Mario 64
NEW - (Overworld) File Select
Inside the Castle Walls

Paper Mario
Goomba Road
Toad Town
NEW - The Master

Megaman Series
Megaman X
Boss Intro
Stage Clear

Megaman X2
NEW - Zero's Theme

Metroid Series
Super Metroid
Item Fanfare

Zelda Series
Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Shop Theme
NEW - Gerudo Valley

Zelda: Majora's Mask
Milk Bar

Other Games
Cave Story
Balrog's Theme

Golden Sun
NEW - Isaac Battle Theme
I have a hack thread - Link (Now with a demo!)
Also a music thread - Link

C3 Projects
2013: Modern Spiny Pack
2012: MGSS v0.1
Spring 2010: SMB2 Autobomb Sprite
Hmm... No feedback yet.

Well, regardless, I have some new ports finished.

Donkey Kong Country
Cranky's Cabin

Donkey Kong Country 2
Cranky's Conga

Final Fantasy
Matoya's Cave

Paper Mario
Toad Town

Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Shop Theme
I have a hack thread - Link (Now with a demo!)
Also a music thread - Link

C3 Projects
2013: Modern Spiny Pack
2012: MGSS v0.1
Spring 2010: SMB2 Autobomb Sprite
Wow, these ports are really good, but some of them can sound like they could use some work, and sadly i can't tell you how to make some of your ports better because i had no experience porting. Your best port here is the Treasure Trove Cove port, and i want to use it SO BAD because it sounds so good. Keep up the good work!
Music porting has been going slowly. Most of my free time last week was spent watching Summer Games Done Quick. It was a charity speedrunning marathon and it was amazing.

Still, I have a few new songs to show off.

Super Mario 64
Inside the Castle Walls

Zelda: Majora's Mask
Milk Bar

At some point, I'll be doing my own version of the Yoshi's Island castle and middle boss themes. I also need to do a port of The Master's theme from Paper Mario. I'll probably also be porting the airship theme from SMB3 and the secret level theme from Super Mario Sunshine. There are a few more I still need to decide on, but those ones I'm probably going to need.
I have a hack thread - Link (Now with a demo!)
Also a music thread - Link

C3 Projects
2013: Modern Spiny Pack
2012: MGSS v0.1
Spring 2010: SMB2 Autobomb Sprite
i really like how the milk bar sounds, but that @2 is loud as all hell, i'd try toning it down a peg (may just be me though)

i especially love peach's castle and the oot shop theme as well, good job so far keep it up etc
Milk Bar edited and toned down on @2 a bit. I also finished a few short and simple songs.

Super Mario Bros. 3

Super Mario Bros. 2
Course Clear

Super Metroid
Item Fanfare
I have a hack thread - Link (Now with a demo!)
Also a music thread - Link

C3 Projects
2013: Modern Spiny Pack
2012: MGSS v0.1
Spring 2010: SMB2 Autobomb Sprite
All these actually sound pretty good, I specially liked the SMB3 Airship Theme, but I would suggest you to lower the echo feedback in every other track since it's too powerful to fit.

Good job overall though!
I've gone through my previous songs and toned down the echo. Songs with light echo changed from $D0 to $E0 and songs with heavier echo changed from $B0 to $C0.

Every song has been re-uploaded so let me know if any of the links have broken as a result.

I've also finished a few new songs. Three fanfare ones and two full songs. I'm working on porting the Middle Boss theme from Yoshi's Island so that'll be next. After that... I still need to port The Master's Theme from Paper Mario. I also plan on porting the Metal Mario theme from Super Mario 64 to replace the default star music. I also need to decide on some cave music and snow level music...

Super Mario Bros.
Course Clear

Donkey Kong Country
Boss Defeated

Megaman X
Stage Clear

Cave Story
Balrog's Theme

Yoshi's Island
I have a hack thread - Link (Now with a demo!)
Also a music thread - Link

C3 Projects
2013: Modern Spiny Pack
2012: MGSS v0.1
Spring 2010: SMB2 Autobomb Sprite
I Loved the Yoshi's Island castle port you did, i even think it's better than the one on the music section. Keep up the great work!
Only one this time because it was a huge pain in the butt and I finally finished it.

Yoshi's Island
Middle Boss

The biggest problem had to be the brass sections. None of them fit into nice even whole note sections and the rests between notes were as small as 96th at times. It gets pretty tedious trying to tell if each individual rest is a 96th or a 48th or some other tiny increment.

The woodblock was also annoying for many of the same reasons. Lots of small notes and it didn't want to fit into whole note sections.

Luckily the rest of it can be looped pretty heavily so once I got through those headaches, it went much smoother. Despite the frustration involved, I'm very happy with how it turned out.
I have a hack thread - Link (Now with a demo!)
Also a music thread - Link

C3 Projects
2013: Modern Spiny Pack
2012: MGSS v0.1
Spring 2010: SMB2 Autobomb Sprite
Four more ports to round out this batch. Enjoy.

Donkey Kong 64
Crystal Caves

Wario Land
(Overworld) World Map

Super Mario Bros. 2
Character Select

Final Fantasy Mystic Quest

The last two were a bit annoying. SMB2 Character select because it used some incredibly tiny rests and it took a lot of manual tweaking to port it accurately. FFMQ Boss because the percussion is quite complex and there's just no way to recreate it with the default SMW samples.
I have a hack thread - Link (Now with a demo!)
Also a music thread - Link

C3 Projects
2013: Modern Spiny Pack
2012: MGSS v0.1
Spring 2010: SMB2 Autobomb Sprite
I listened to most of your tracks and they sound very good for not being sampled. #smw{^_^}

The only nitpick I feel needs to be fixed in the Banjo Kazooie, Donkey Kong, Mario, and Zelda Series is that the echo effect is still a little bit too strong overall, but that's a small thing.

Don't worry, I love echo effects too. #smw{;)}

Keep up the great work man. #smw{:TUP:}

#smw{:peace:} out

My 2014 Summer C3 and Winter C3 Thread is open for your viewing pleasures.
Open for music porting with MIDIs.
Click here for all my SMW ports.

Been messing around with some coding lately so I haven't been doing as many ports. Took me a bit longer, but I just finished another set of ports.

Golden Sun
Isaac Battle Theme

Super Mario 64
(Overworld) File Select

Megaman X2
Zero's Theme

Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Gerudo Valley

Paper Mario
The Master

Pretty happy with them. The Master could be improved I think, but without samples or a better Midi to work from, I'm not sure how much better I can make it.
I have a hack thread - Link (Now with a demo!)
Also a music thread - Link

C3 Projects
2013: Modern Spiny Pack
2012: MGSS v0.1
Spring 2010: SMB2 Autobomb Sprite
I really do like your Gerudo Valley port, even more than CrispyYoshi's version.

The beginning actually almost sounded like the original despite being unsampled. :)

Like pretty much everyone else said, the echo feedback is a little too strong, but I still love this port anyways. :D
Hey y'all, Scott here!

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