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24hoSMW: 6th Edition (Rules and Submissions)

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White Switch Palace

Wanted to go with "Secret Switch Palace" but it wouldn't fit.
Dark Switch!I was gonna do some super flashy thing. but, I didn't wanna cause any seizures
Edit: ignore the whole "level name" thing. that was just me forgeting to rename the level XD
My Switch is more a Bonus then a level but for the bonus, hard is it anyway (and it's a gimmick). :P

Originally posted by S.N.N.

Orange Switch Palace

This is an update, and hey, 12 hours left.
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(rip my other userbars momentarily)

Faded Switch Palace

because god damn like 5 other people did a white switch palace


god it's hard to be original in this one
Layout by Mirann <3

I'm probably retired tbh
Originally posted by Ultradragonyoshi

Just for the record. I really don't think I'll win. XD
i completely forgot how to use lunar magic because i didn't touch it in a year and i didn't know how to change tilesets. it was terrifying :C


it's a joke because the original red switch palace is magenta and that always bothered me
i play videogames
Red Switch Palace 2

Happy that this wasn't a contest that required more time, since I didn't have a chance to get started until about an hour ago.
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User: Hinalyte / ID: 1553 ~ loading kotori.css
Four-Colored Palace (should be Four-Colored Switch Palace, but the name's too long to fit in, and it works anyway)

Have some fanciness, I guess.
Ecalap Hctiws Der - the patch

But actually, I believe that if Nintendo would use this switch palace, it would look identically to actual Red Switch Palace (just the one in Vanilla Dome wouldn't exist). Nintendo just decided to move it, because Switch Palace in the final world doesn't make any sort of sense.

I went looking into how switch palaces look in the game. They are simple three screen rooms, with cement blocks, used blocks, and pipe block at end. Every switch palace has a switch, usually blue, but one switch palace has both blue and gray. The goal of these is to get lives using P-Switches. So, I decided to continue a tradition by a switch palace where you stomp the enemies (yes, it's sort of difficult, compared to other switch palaces, but that's endgame for you).

Also, wow, why everybody wants to color their switch palace. It's obviously red, and I'm not going to call it some other color.
Reverse Switch Palace
Something a bit different I suppose.
And wow this ended up taking me a lot longer than expected .-.
I decided to redo my level and made this instead:

Gold Switch Palace Redo
Crimson Switch palace

I'm pleased I finally finished something :P
‎―••~asuka over rei every day~••―
‎90% of teens smoke weed. if you're
‎part of the 10% put this in your sig
Originally posted by Nickel

Update! v1.1
Gray Switch Palace

It was hard :<
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