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SMW: Legend of the Grand Star - I'm Impatient. Here, Have A Demo

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Super Mario World:
Legend of the Grand Star

Demo: LotGS v0.3

SMW:LotGS is a romhack that I've been working on on-and-off for quite some time. Between real life obligations and becoming frustrated with romhacking (usually related to music porting) and taking a break, I've yet to release a full demo version. (I have released a few betas under a different title though)

Hopefully this is about to change. The main things left for me to do before the romhack is complete enough for a one-world demo is to decide and port three more songs, and to design the actual game intro. Infact, the only thing preventing me from putting out a beta version is the fact that AddmusicK is currently incompatible with the Layer 3 ExGFX patch (which Kipernal says is a minor fix, so hopefully the next version won't have that issue)

Various things SMW:LotGS has been influenced by several different games. Paper Mario was a big influence on the Mushroom Kingdom itself and there are several smaller aspects influenced by other games such as Donkey Kong and Megaman.

One day, Mario receives a letter from Princess Peach. This is never a good sign.

Thankfully, she hasn't been kidnapped this time. Still, trouble is brewing in the Mushroom Kingdom and only Mario can stop it. Off to the castle to see what's wrong!

The Mushroom Kingdom

Every adventure starts somewhere.

Goomba Road

As I said, Paper Mario was a big influence on the Mushroom Kingdom and so the first level was inspired by the area of the same name. SMW:LotGS uses a modified version of the SMB2 Health Bar. This one also heals you when you pick up Fire Flowers (Capes are unused in this hack since they're so broken. Spin-jumping is disabled for the same reason). In addition, 1-UP Mushrooms only give an extra life when your health is full. If Mario is hurt, they restore him to full health.

Up above is a Star Coin. These play an important role in SMW:LotGS. Princess Peach will explain exactly what once a playable version of the hack is released. There is one in every level and they're usually better hidden or harder to reach than this one.

Yoshi does not carry over from level to level. However, if you reach the end of the level with him, you'll be rewarded.

Toad Town

Toad Town is the first town Mario encounters in the game. It features a shop and a Toad House where Mario can heal. The shop doesn't offer anything amazing, but the prices are cheap and the Toad House is free. Other towns may have better selections, but they also come with higher prices. Note that the shop is selling a plush Yoshi doll, not an actual Yoshi.

Princess Peach's Castle

When Mario makes it to the castle, Peach will explain the situation and the adventure really begins. The castle also contains a few extra areas that are planned for later versions but not yet implemented.

The Sewers

Mario's main way of navigating the overworld is through the sewers. As his adventure progresses, more areas will become accessible. It will be perfectly possible for Mario to reach the final world without clearing a single castle, though he will still have to visit the various worlds for other reasons. (Ignore the Boo. I just didn't bother removing it when I modified the map.)

Sludge Trudge

Mario's first stop on the way to World 1. No one said being a plumber was glamorous. Or sanitary.

World 1 - Skull Island

Dr. Wily says: Skulls make everything 70% more intimidating!

Skull Island is a world that contains a little bit of everything. There's a grassland level, a sky level, a beach level, a snow level, a fortress, and a castle. Rather than having one specific theme, this world introduces several types of levels. (Again, ignore the Boos.)

This level doesn't have a name yet

It does, however have Hammer Brothers. The hack also uses the SMB1 Flagpole for level ends. It just feels more fitting for Mario than the vanilla goal bar.

Cloudy Crossing
No pictures to show. This level uses layer 3 to until AMK is layer 3 exgfx compatible, the background looks like a garbled mess.

Fungus Fortress

Hmm... I wonder what the theme of this level could be.

Shiver Slopes

The level is actually mostly outdoors, but I only had the one screenshot due to the AMK/Layer 3 issue. It's a snow level featuring an ice cave in the middle. When Mario enters the cave, there is light snowfall outside, but by the time he leaves, the snow has picked up quite a bit.

Castle #1 - Larry Koopa

Larry's castle starts off fairly standard. Some Thwomps, a bit of lava, some Dry Bones. There's a bit of a twist midway through though. I'll leave that as a surprise. There is also an outdoors portion before Mario enters the actual castle, but I have no screenshots due to AMK/Layer 3 incompatibilities.

Larry himself attacks by spitting fireballs and charging across the screen. When he is hit, he retreats into his shell for a while. At half health, he becomes a bit faster and learns a few new tricks, but as the weakest of the Koopalings, he's still a fairly simple boss.

Spiny Seaside

Though technically part of World 1, Spiny Seaside is not on the path to Larry's Castle. This level lies on the path from World 1 to World 2.

Also, this

Expanding on the Modern Spiny Pack I released for C3 (which allows Spinys and Buzzy Beetles to exist in the same level, among other things), I've created my own version of the Ceiling Buzzy Beetle sprite (with a Spiny variant).

Unlike the version currently in the Sprites Section, this Ceiling Buzzy does everything a shell does when it drops. It will kill other enemies and destroy bricks. If Mario stomps it or Yoshi eats it, it can be carried around and thrown/spit just like a Koopa shell. It isn't without flaws, but the behavior is more accurate than any previous attempts at this sprite that I've seen.

Random Yoshi Colors
In SMW:LotGS, Yoshi's color is randomly determined whenever he appears. This is a cosmetic effect only. Yoshi does not have special powers based on his color.

Cataquack Sprite
A demonstration of the Cataquack sprite I coded, as seen in Spiny Seaside.

Castle Intro
What can I say? I like Megaman games.

Other Notes
The romhack features a custom 4-digit coin counter (that does not disable score like the version in the patches section.

Levels are not timed.

Graphics and music are almost entirely custom. I do all of my own music porting and graphic ripping.

Mario learns new abilities as his adventure progresses. For example, in world 1, Mario can learn how to Ground Pound.

As I said before, the biggest thing keeping the first world from being complete is that I need to decide on a few more songs. I need a song for an underground cave area, for the introduction (the welcome scene. I wanted to use the letter from Peach from SM64 but couldn't find a Midi), and an overworld song for the sewer world. I'm open to suggestions if you have any.
I have a hack thread - Link (Now with a demo!)
Also a music thread - Link

C3 Projects
2013: Modern Spiny Pack
2012: MGSS v0.1
Spring 2010: SMB2 Autobomb Sprite
The screenshots looks amazing! A Font "Segoe Print" looks amazing! Keep work!#smw{O_O}
Amazing layout by JackTheSpades
Looks fantastic! It reminds me of my old Paper Mario hack for unknown reasons (AKA +points for nostalgia factor), and... seriously, I'm going to play this when the demo gets released!
Damn, I don't always wanna answer with "looks nice" or "looks great"...
But there really isn't much to complain about in this one. (as far as the screenshots go)

The only thing I can conplain about is the font.
It doesn't look too good to me.

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... what even am I doing with my life?
Originally posted by MarioBros980
The screenshots looks amazing! A Font "Segoe Print" looks amazing! Keep work!#smw{O_O}

I don't wanna start a discussion, but dude serously stop posting praisings that are one or two sentences long in every hack thread, it gets annoying after a while.

Anyway, this hack looks amazing! (What else could I say?), but there's only one problem:

Mario's palette is different in the OW.

Originally posted by NamelessProtagonist
I need a song for an underground cave area

I guess that you're asking for a song that isn't ported, if that case, maybe the cave theme of Zelda: Link's Awakening may fit? (There are some MIDIs on VGMusic).
Originally posted by mes

Mario's palette is different in the OW.

That was from the original game too, but whatever.

Besides the font, I don't have a lot to say for the hack in terms of problems. I guess I could share some nitpicks:

Originally posted by NamelessProtagonist
The Sewers

Well, other then the boo, I feel that the pipes and the sewage are way too bright compared to everything else. Also, is this SMWCP Inspired?

Originally posted by NamelessProtagonist
Spiny Seaside

What's that on the bottom of the pipe? You might want to fix the little cutoff there.

A couple of complements:
-I like all the NPC graphics, especially Princess Peach.
-That Mega Man X Styled intro is nice. Maybe a sound effect would be more effective.
-The plot is pretty neat. Nice to finally see a hack that involves the Grand Stars in the plot.
-Skulls do make everything 70% more intimidating. =P

Yep. The hack is pretty awesome so far.
Want progress on 100 Rooms of Enemies: The Nightmare Edition? Go here to see.

(rip my other userbars momentarily)

This is looking great! I like your progress so far.
Originally posted by mes
I guess that you're asking for a song that isn't ported, if that case, maybe the cave theme of Zelda: Link's Awakening may fit? (There are some MIDIs on VGMusic).

Well, ported or not ported doesn't matter. I don't mind if a version exists, I'm just going to port my own version regardless

As for the cave theme from Link's Awakening, I'm just not sure it has the feeling I'm looking for. It's a fairly short and simple loop... The sort of thing that would feel better for an overworld than an actual level anyways (though I may use it when I get around to World 3, which will be cave/mechanical themed)

Originally posted by Daizo Dee Von
Well, other then the boo, I feel that the pipes and the sewage are way too bright compared to everything else. Also, is this SMWCP Inspired?

I've darkened them slightly.

As for inspiration, yes and no. The idea was more inspired by Paper Mario's Toad Town Tunnels, though the appearance took some influence from SMWCP.

Originally posted by Daizo Dee Von
What's that on the bottom of the pipe? You might want to fix the little cutoff there.

That is the result of me using rounded corners instead of square ones and trying to save space. I've rearranged by exgfx a bit and made a corner that looks more natural with the pipe coming out of it.


To the people who dislike the level name font. What specifically do you not like about it? Personally I think it's an improvement over the vanilla font. (It's the font from Donkey Kong Country if you were wondering)
I have a hack thread - Link (Now with a demo!)
Also a music thread - Link

C3 Projects
2013: Modern Spiny Pack
2012: MGSS v0.1
Spring 2010: SMB2 Autobomb Sprite
Originally posted by NamelessProtagonist
To the people who dislike the level name font. What specifically do you not like about it? Personally I think it's an improvement over the vanilla font. (It's the font from Donkey Kong Country if you were wondering)

The problem is that the black line on the letters aren't covering the whole thing, making it a bit cutoff. Yes, DKC did the same thing, but please don't repeat the same mistakes that the original games did.
Want progress on 100 Rooms of Enemies: The Nightmare Edition? Go here to see.

(rip my other userbars momentarily)

Originally posted by Daizo Dee Von
Originally posted by NamelessProtagonist
To the people who dislike the level name font. What specifically do you not like about it? Personally I think it's an improvement over the vanilla font. (It's the font from Donkey Kong Country if you were wondering)

The problem is that the black line on the letters aren't covering the whole thing, making it a bit cutoff. Yes, DKC did the same thing, but please don't repeat the same mistakes that the original games did.

Exactly that! The font in and for itself doesn't look bad, it's just the cutoff with the longer letters.

See the 'l', 'd' and 'i'

It may be a bit of a roundabout way of solving it, but you could try the "longer level names patch", that allowes for the levelname to have two lines. Then, insert a tile with just a black line at the bottom and use the both of them, to get rid of the cutoff
Anime statistic on MyAnimeList:
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... what even am I doing with my life?
Originally posted by NamelessProtagonist

This No-Yoshi sign is fixable, right? Because the black palette looks pretty ugly.
this hack looks pretty fun and amazing so far. however, in the 2 screenshots Akireyano showed, i don't see any sprites there.

i wish you luck with this, NamelessProtagonist!
My Inspiring Quotes on Personal Growth and Change:

"Resolved financial/personal problems equal greater growth!"

"The only constant thing in life is change; nothing is set in stone. The old is replaced with the new. Forgive yourself for past mistakes. When many different problems in your life are resolved (personal, financial, etc.), newfound strength and confidence is gained in the process. Usually, failures, lack of assertiveness, disappointments, incompetence, low self-esteem and lack of self-respect, financial struggles, and setbacks can cause us to change and take action to solve any problem, leading to increased strength and confidence. This you learn from experience.

I have been experiencing this aforementioned newfound strength and confidence myself for the past FOUR to EIGHT years or so, getting stronger with each passing year, learning with each mistake I make and becoming more joyful in the process. Because of this newfound confidence I've acquired over the years, finding my passion is of utmost importance in 2022! You can develop this strength and confidence in yourself as well!"

To whoever's reading this, you are amazing and you are capable of doing equally amazing things. Gather confidence and be yourself! Say goodbye to the old you and welcome the new you! It wants to arise every moment, but you don't let it. Learn from your mistakes and never make that mistake again! Find your passion and live it!"

Finding my passion in life, but I may still be active on SMWCentral from time to time. Still enjoy playing many hacks, but I'm widening my perspective on life and opening myself to the new.
Looking at the Screenshots I really expect this to be one of the greatest Hacks in a Long time!
C3 stuff: HDMA-Codes and Custom Music included!

1 Island Of Vanilla Feeling:

MaSeHiHa World 1:


Still no word on an Level 3 ExGFX compatible version of Addmusick, but I'm impatient, so here, have a demo.

LotGS v0.3

This is a demo. There are glitches and incomplete areas. Keep that in mind when you play. Feel free to let me know about any bugs, but if something is obviously unfinished, it's a pretty safe bet that I'm aware. #smw{^_^}

Why is it version 0.3? Because I released two previous versions under a different name a while ago.

Layer 3 ExGFX, Stripe Image Uploader, and Sprite Status bar have been disabled for this demo to keep it playable with AMK. Ignore any layer 3 related issues.

Not all areas have music. Some because I haven't ported the song for that area, some because I haven't decided which song to even use for that area, and a few because of the music porting contest and me saving those songs to port for the contest (one of which is already done and will be my preliminary round submission).

Enjoy. Feedback is welcome and appreciated; Feel free to let me know if anything doesn't seem right or if you think it could be improved. Some of the issues I'm aware of, but I'm sure I'm overlooking others.

Edit: I almost forgot. One particular thing I'm looking for feedback on is the volume of the songs. Each song is currently set to use the maximum global volume setting. For some, this is too loud. Please give me your opinions on which songs are too loud and to keep things consistent, let's use the following descriptors.

Song is fine
Song is a little too loud.
Song is too loud.
Song is WAY too loud.
I have a hack thread - Link (Now with a demo!)
Also a music thread - Link

C3 Projects
2013: Modern Spiny Pack
2012: MGSS v0.1
Spring 2010: SMB2 Autobomb Sprite
This looks friggin' amazing! It's really been a while since I've seen a hack that looks this good. I'm gonna try the demo once I can switch to my other computer. Can't wait.
My layout has removed you.
Some how, The Title Screen is messed up.

Next, when I enter the blasting pipe with yoshi, The yoshi's head gets stuck out.

And how do I beat Toad's House?
I'm currently working on a title hack called "Mario in Unknown Island." You can beta test my levels! Click Here
Hack Form: Here
I do beta tests!
Currently: None
Not messed up, just not yet designed. Demo is demo, not everything is done and as far as demos go, the title screen isn't very important.

As for Toad Town, talk to the NPCs and explore a bit. It shouldn't be too hard to figure out. If you really can't get it...
Go to Princess Peach's castle and talk to Peach. She explains the plot and opens up a passage under one of the pipes in Toad Town.

I have a hack thread - Link (Now with a demo!)
Also a music thread - Link

C3 Projects
2013: Modern Spiny Pack
2012: MGSS v0.1
Spring 2010: SMB2 Autobomb Sprite
Originally posted by NamelessProtagonist
Not messed up, just not yet designed. Demo is demo, not everything is done and as far as demos go, the title screen isn't very important.

As for Toad Town, talk to the NPCs and explore a bit. It shouldn't be too hard to figure out. If you really can't get it...
Go to Princess Peach's castle and talk to Peach. She explains the plot and opens up a passage under one of the pipes in Toad Town.

So... how do I beat it???
I'm currently working on a title hack called "Mario in Unknown Island." You can beta test my levels! Click Here
Hack Form: Here
I do beta tests!
Currently: None
Originally posted by SMWBros
Some how, The Title Screen is messed up.

Well, The hack is still in progress.
I can't go to the princess peach's castle, I mean!!!!
I'm currently working on a title hack called "Mario in Unknown Island." You can beta test my levels! Click Here
Hack Form: Here
I do beta tests!
Currently: None
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