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Your Very First SMW Hack

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What's the very first SMW ROM hack you've made? Well, THIS is my first hack... I am curious to see what your first hack is.
Right here.

Bad level design, ridiculous difficulty...Really, it has all the hallmarks of a first hack. I released it to the public for the heck of it awhile ago.
My only hack. If I hadn't gotten robbed then I'd still be working on it.

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to hear birds and see none.
I haven't actually uploaded it here, but...

My first hack (to be finished) is TERRIBLE. It's got eye-searing palettes and lacklustre level design, as well as a stupid amount of cutoff and even a blatant edit.
However, the first level I ever made is the second level of Shipwrecked, which can be found here.
Usually inactive/procrastinating on a hack idea.
You've been working on that hack since you were 9?! MaxodeX?
My hack was just a level edit with ugly graphics and glitched up sprites. Now that i remember, It kinda looked like this:

Originally posted by Akireyano
It kinda looked like this:

I hope that's an exaggeration.
Originally posted by MercuryPenny
Originally posted by Akireyano
It kinda looked like this:

I hope that's an exaggeration.

I hope so too.
Originally posted by MercuryPenny
Originally posted by Akireyano
It kinda looked like this:

<image removed>

I hope that's an exaggeration.

Don't worry, many of us (me included) have made worse palettes and cutoffs than that. Or am I the only one?
Usually inactive/procrastinating on a hack idea.
No, it looks like someone (somehow) managed to screw up ALL transparency and graphics. That's why I hope it's an exaggeration.
Fatty gone walkabout. Man I wish I had the wherewithal to finish that...
I remember my first hack (or what has been made of it) quite vividly.
Though, my external hard drive died, I don't know how to show any contents of it, but nothing I made was noteable.
Actually, most of you would probably consider this crap (well, even I do #w{=3}).

I just edited ''Yoshi's Island 1'' and it was mainly just messing around with what Lunar Magic is capable off.
Seeing what happens when hitting different kinds of ?-Blocks, playing random items, and building some slopes with some decoration, that was basically what I did.

Not terribly pretty looking, but... no, no it just sucked. #smw{:TUP:}
I created my first SMW hack back in the summer of '01. It was very close to being complete. I was working on the final level and somehow I fucked up my ROM by improperly inserting ExGFX.

Anyway, as this was over a decade ago, it was quite a basic hack. The first couple of worlds were pretty blatant level edits, with some switched around backgrounds and palettes. Finally when I got to Vanilla Dome I figured out how to change FG/BG tilesets per level and implement custom palettes, so the variety picked up a little. Of course, overworld was untouched; this was still when the OW Editor was a hidden feature in Lunar Magic.

It'd be nice to retrieve the hack to have a good laugh, but it's long-gone. After that I started work on the first hack I ever released, SMW+.
my first hack ever made was "world mario super". some of you who have played it may also remember it. i'm been working on that since i was 14 years old. now i'm a year older and quit that hack. it had crappy level design and the entire hack really wasn't anything special (which was almost a year ago when i encountered lunar magic and didn't use it very well. however, now, the more hacks i do and cancel/complete, the better my hacks get.
My Inspiring Quotes on Personal Growth and Change:

"Resolved financial/personal problems equal greater growth!"

"The only constant thing in life is change; nothing is set in stone. The old is replaced with the new. Forgive yourself for past mistakes. When many different problems in your life are resolved (personal, financial, etc.), newfound strength and confidence is gained in the process. Usually, failures, lack of assertiveness, disappointments, incompetence, low self-esteem and lack of self-respect, financial struggles, and setbacks can cause us to change and take action to solve any problem, leading to increased strength and confidence. This you learn from experience.

I have been experiencing this aforementioned newfound strength and confidence myself for the past FOUR to EIGHT years or so, getting stronger with each passing year, learning with each mistake I make and becoming more joyful in the process. Because of this newfound confidence I've acquired over the years, finding my passion is of utmost importance in 2022! You can develop this strength and confidence in yourself as well!"

To whoever's reading this, you are amazing and you are capable of doing equally amazing things. Gather confidence and be yourself! Say goodbye to the old you and welcome the new you! It wants to arise every moment, but you don't let it. Learn from your mistakes and never make that mistake again! Find your passion and live it!"

Finding my passion in life, but I may still be active on SMWCentral from time to time. Still enjoy playing many hacks, but I'm widening my perspective on life and opening myself to the new.
Oh boy. So this is interesting. The first hack I made was called "Hi Mario World". The entire first world was full of automatic levels. One of them required you to press up to go into a door and fight Iggy. Iggy was slightly different. He was heavier, he spit fireballs, and the platform was slippery. Anyway, moving on, the real levels began in world 2. I had a habit of just copypasting stuff. Donut Plains 1 was just a bunch of volcano lotuses copy pasted, making a straightforward, repetitive, boring level. Then came a level where it was raining goombas, both normal and giant. I used sprite limits as a gimmick, saying that if the goal sphere is not present, you must defeat more enemies. Anyway, yadda yadda yada. Starting with world 4, things got kaizo. However, my level design seemed to improve when I was making more kaizoish levels, and I realized that I was better as a kaizo designer than a normal designer.

Oh, and should I remind you of how I was greybanned for 2 years because I kept submitting it over and over again without changing anything?

I still have the hack, and I use it to test out certain things. It's the only ROM I am able to test stuff on, because I have not made a proper hack yet. Therefore, you might see it constantly updated in my filebin, because I use it test gimmicks. It's also a hack that I can give youtubers who don't play proper hacks, making it a nice non-serious hack to give them.
Edit: For those of you who want to see it, here it is: Hi Mario World
don't click this link...
I had made even some levels before I was here on SMWC. The hack which was very bad is deleted because it
  • was on my old laptop and not saved by USB stick nor SD Card and
  • it could Crash if I edit some levels (I have though :P ).
My first hack was a crappy level with some pointless water, and equally pointless throw blocks. A few randomly placed Koopa Troopas and a way-too-generous amount of 3-up Moons. That was before I even knew how to draw graphics. :/
My first hack is dumb. XD Back then i didnt even know how to insert sprits. I think i lost it though.
Hey remember me! Me neither!

a.k.a. TehUndeadSpartan222 on youtube

Chikorita is best pokemon <3

Check out my scratch(! Username is MarioGamer120. Working on a Five Nights at Sugarcube Corner 2.Link

Currently: Ripping off (what used to be) MercuryPenny's footer, which is also a rip off of someone else's footer, so... I don't know if I'm like stealing a footer sence im ripping of a ripped of footer but...meh. I won't worry about it, and also celebrating 1,000 subs on youtube :D and trying to beat nightmare mode on FNAF3 and 20 mode on FNAF 1 and 2
My first hack is SMW The After Years but man, did it go through years of transformation before it finally came to be what it was today. Around the time I started it though, it didn't have an official title and Mario was still the main character and it had the heart system. (Which was the original plan at first.) But yeah this was the very first hack thread.

Old Thread

I can't believe I actually thought this was good at one point. I mean for a first timer it could've been a lot worse but my older levels still needed some work. (Don't get my started at the sorry excuse for overworld at the very end of the hack thread.) Once I made my very first hack submission and it got rejected with a page full of errors, it was kind of a reality check for me haha.
My Youtube Channel for Hacking and Gaming.
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