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A Bowser Island (Demo 1.0) - Dustinhiphop

Hack Name: A Bowser Island (Demo 1.0)
Creator: Dustinhiphop
Verdict: Denied

Reasons To Deny:
- Too much boring, repetitive design and reliance on one enemy to fill the void.

- Level 1: Played fine however walking all the way from one end to the other and back is just tedious and overused item babysitting. Try not to make the player backtrack too much.
- Level 5: For the most part the layout of the level is okay but the enemy placement is boring. There's nothing other than Bullet Bills in the level -- something else is needed here.
- Level 6: Again there is a high reliance of Bullet Bills (which can break the precision jumping) and a lot of P-Switch ? Block Jumping. Also this jump is annoying and very hard to do with Big or Small Mario.