Name: | Super Mario Custom [Intro] |
Submitted by: | Zimuus |
Author(s): | Zimuus |
Length: | 6 levels |
Demo: | Yes |
Description: | This is the first ever SMW hack that I have created so keep that in mind, I will however let you know that I watched tutorials so this isn't a complete disaster. This is the intro to a full length hack that I plan to make in the future. This hack includes only custom levels however I plan to work to make a completely custom hack in the future. Please leave constructive reviews so I can improve! Version 2 is no different than version 1 except letting you skip levels. Enjoy~ |
IPS Link
Removal Reason(s):
Decent hack overall. I must say your hack is close to get accepted even if it's a short one, but during the moderation I found some flaws on it, hope you consider fixing all of them if you're going to submit a new version of your hack after this removal log.
--Some of the levels are a bit too plain, consider putting more variety on them
--The levels lack decoration as well, consider putting some
--Make the paths on the submap get revealed only after the player beats each level

The sides of the ledges have cutoffs, put the side edges for each part with cutoff of those ledges so they won't cutoff.

Big Mario discrimination. I mean, how is the player supposed to hit those question blocks when he's big? Consider removing them or make them 1 tile high.

The box that launchs torpedos is creating cutoffs as you can see on these many screens I posted. Even if they're like that in Super Mario World I still suggest you to fix them, it's not good to see several cutoffs when playing a hack.

Some of the dirt tiles are hiding a Jumping Piranha Plant that spits fire. o_o; Move this Piranha Plant from there and place it somewhere else where it can't get hidden by dirt tiles or such similar objects.

If you pay attention, you'll see some of the colors of the revealed path under the ghost house are off. Edit its palettes on the overworld editor to match with others and not look off like that.

I lost my P-Switch when entering this pipe. How? Because the exit of this pipe isn't another pipe, it's just nothing, so Mario comes back without an item. Also it doesn't make sense to Mario enter in a pipe and out of nowhere come back already on the floor, just saying.

When I entered in that door above I came back under that and with the background looking buggy. Consider fixing it.

Wrong corner tile.

Wrong corner tile and cutoff. Also don't set camera scrolls on levels with layer 2 enabled. Or the layer 2 will follow the player and get buggy at some point.
Another thing I want to point out is the quality of the screenshots you took for the submission page of your hack. They're really bad.
BSNES: For this one, simply click on Tools and then Capture Screenshot.
Snes9x: For this one, you can check for the hotkey (Input and then Customize Hotkey or Alt+F9) and configure the button you press for it on Page 1.
ZSNES/ZMZ: To take a screenshot on this one, while in game, press F1 to show the Misc Options, and then "Save Snapshot". Make sure that the Image Format is PNG, not BMP.
Different emulators from those mentioned might have different ways to take screnshots though.
Snes9x: For this one, you can check for the hotkey (Input and then Customize Hotkey or Alt+F9) and configure the button you press for it on Page 1.
ZSNES/ZMZ: To take a screenshot on this one, while in game, press F1 to show the Misc Options, and then "Save Snapshot". Make sure that the Image Format is PNG, not BMP.
Different emulators from those mentioned might have different ways to take screnshots though.
That's all; Fix those issues I pointed out and your hack will get really closer to get accepted. Always be sure to read the Hack Submission Guidelines. Read APPALLED as well to make your levels look less plain as I mentioned on the removal. Fix those things and you're good to go!