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Mario vs. Bowser and Mighty No. 9 MKII (Read the first post, thank you)


Working on World 6 Submap:



What think about this?
And why everyone don't played my hack?
I like that Super Bomberman 2 rip. You seem to enjoy that game, since I remember seeing the Dastardly Bomber's Starship as an unused overworld in your previous Mighty No. 9 hack.

Originally posted by Roberto Zampari
And why everyone don't played my hack?

You don't have to be rude. That seems to be a very common occurrence with you, no offense. People will play your hack when they play it. You can't force people to do so.
@HackerOfTheLegend: Thank you so much, i'll explain why. Everyone doesn't pay attention of my hack, i put a lot of screenshots. Feedback is important for help the hack creator to improve the level design. Oh, and you're a beta tester, correct? I'll send a PM to you and you'll test my hack. The decision is yours.

Anyway, i'll post the base rom when i finish the World 5.
Nice rip you have there. It surely does make a unique overworld (in this case, a submap).

Originally posted by Roberto zampari
And why everyone don't played my hack?

Either people are not interested or your hack isn't being noticed.
Originally posted by Roberto zampari
And why everyone don't played my hack?

You don't really have to force anyone to play your hack. If nobody comments on it or plays it, simply let it be and resume on doing it, and take the feedbacks you are being given in consideration. That's pretty simple to do.

I'm not really sure about that Bomberman rip. While it is decent, I don't think it fits with the level tiles, but that could be me. Overall, not much else needs to be said about your latest levels so far.
The Bomberman OW is a bit strange for me. It's not bad, but just doesn't fit.

I'll play this when I feel motivated to play hacks. Don't worry, I'll make my feedback soon.
Progress on World 5 Castle:

I'm making Bowser Jr. with Acro Sprite:

Looks like the one for NSMBU.
What think about this?

NOTE: There's someone who make custom sprites? BUT I DON'T KNOW NOTHING ABOUT PROGRAMMING A SPRITE!!
Originally posted by Roberto zampari

What think about this?
And why everyone don't played my hack?

I did play it. Again, it's really missing a certain something without custom music.
^ i agree. the original smw music is awesome, but considering your hack is more chocolate-based, custom music is very appropriate. and sorry for not testing your hack, i was quite busy these days! #ab{:S}
My Inspiring Quotes on Personal Growth and Change:

"Resolved financial/personal problems equal greater growth!"

"The only constant thing in life is change; nothing is set in stone. The old is replaced with the new. Forgive yourself for past mistakes. When many different problems in your life are resolved (personal, financial, etc.), newfound strength and confidence is gained in the process. Usually, failures, lack of assertiveness, disappointments, incompetence, low self-esteem and lack of self-respect, financial struggles, and setbacks can cause us to change and take action to solve any problem, leading to increased strength and confidence. This you learn from experience.

I have been experiencing this aforementioned newfound strength and confidence myself for the past FOUR to EIGHT years or so, getting stronger with each passing year, learning with each mistake I make and becoming more joyful in the process. Because of this newfound confidence I've acquired over the years, finding my passion is of utmost importance in 2022! You can develop this strength and confidence in yourself as well!"

To whoever's reading this, you are amazing and you are capable of doing equally amazing things. Gather confidence and be yourself! Say goodbye to the old you and welcome the new you! It wants to arise every moment, but you don't let it. Learn from your mistakes and never make that mistake again! Find your passion and live it!"

Finding my passion in life, but I may still be active on SMWCentral from time to time. Still enjoy playing many hacks, but I'm widening my perspective on life and opening myself to the new.


Gramatical correction?


Megaman enemy

What does that fox say?

Green fox

Enemies of the stage

The gimmick that I don't know.

World 5 are complete and World 6 with one stage.
Originally posted by Roberto zampari
Working on World 6 Submap:



What think about this?
And why everyone don't played my hack?

Ahh! My eyes! x_x
For some reason it really hurts my eyes. Maybe you should lower its brightness?
The palette's fine, it's probably just you being too sensitive to bright colours. However, I'm not too sure about the design of it; it looks like it'd be hard to figure where the paths lead, as there is no indication of the paths.

I'm a bit late on this one #ab{:P}, so I'll comment on some of your recent screens:

Originally posted by Roberto zampari

There should be a comma after the "twice", and "it" should be changed to "they". It's worded a bit awkwardly, though, so maybe you can remove the last and instead move it to it's own sentence It would say something like, "They also have the ability to disappear" instead.


"Purple waves can hurt you, so try to avoid them at all costs."

Also those purple tiles don't look much like waves. I'm not too sure what they are supposed to be, but maybe call them by something else.


I see it best fit as, "Those creature might be cute, but they are the purest form of evil this forest has to offer." You can just remove, "of this forest" if you want to go with a simpler fix.

Also, I don't think the vanilla background and bushes fit all that well with the foreground. The bushes would look a bit better if you gave them a new palette, but I think it would be best to get a new background.

Anyways, Hyperion Machines is looking pretty nice design wise from what I can tell. I think you should darken the background by a tad amount. The visuals just looks too confusing.




What think about this?
Bom, com exeção daquela area cheia de castelos achei seu Ow legal, só faltou complementar algumas zonas como a do gelo que esta vazia...
os leveis condizem com a posição no mapa o que é bom

Percebi alguns erros no mapa, como por exemplo é possivel avançar para o level seguinte sem precisar completar o atual O,o

Nota: Amei o jogo de patteles do 2º level, o piso-movel roxo causou uma boa impressão que não sei como descrever...
segredo: Roberto made a thread of his hack on the portuguese subforum, therefore I'd like if you post there instead of here since the rest of the forum isn't in portuguese, but english.
I think World 7 overworld is empty and boring.
Here's more screenshots:

The BG and Enemy Sprite are ripped from Raguy/Blue's Journey


Moar Lasers...

Crusher part...

Fire Bro...

1)Gramatical correction?
2)What think about the SMB3 Iggy Koopa from MFGG?

Gramatical correction?

Also, the World 6 submap was changed to one more level.


"Be careful! Iggy Koopa has a shield, and it can block your attacks! Avoid his attacks!"

"When you spinjump, it causes the switches to turn "on" and "off"."

"Xels are strange, blocky creatures with gimmicky faces. Why don't you go check the door ahead?"

I don't think the Fire Bro fits the factory setting much, considering the whole level has no fire, apparently.

Avoid Iggy Koopa's shield, because it can hurt you.

Nitpick, maybe: this shield could be a bit more detailed, and/or have an animation (assuming there's none).

Whenever you spin jump, these blocks will get filled if empty, or emptied if filled.

I'm a bit curious on how their faces "show" gimmicks. Did you mean they simply had different facial expressions, or do they really have gimmicks on their behavior, assuming they're sprites or objects with interaction?
Not dead, here's some screenshots:

Elevators and flamethrowers.

Conveyors and flamethrowers.

Megaman door, press the ON/OFF switch

What think about this?

Gramatical correction?

Kumamon from Digimon Frontier

Gunter from Adventure Time

I'll release the new base rom when the World 7 (Ice zone) is finished.
