The palette's fine, it's probably just you being too sensitive to bright colours. However, I'm not too sure about the design of it; it looks like it'd be hard to figure where the paths lead, as there is no indication of the paths.
I'm a bit late on this one

, so I'll comment on some of your recent screens:
Originally posted by Roberto zampari
There should be a comma after the "twice", and "it" should be changed to "they". It's worded a bit awkwardly, though, so maybe you can remove the last and instead move it to it's own sentence It would say something like, "They also have the ability to disappear" instead.
"Purple waves can hurt you, so try to avoid them at all costs."
Also those purple tiles don't look much like waves. I'm not too sure what they are supposed to be, but maybe call them by something else.
I see it best fit as, "Those creature might be cute, but they are the purest form of evil this forest has to offer." You can just remove, "of this forest" if you want to go with a simpler fix.
Also, I don't think the vanilla background and bushes fit all that well with the foreground. The bushes would look a bit better if you gave them a new palette, but I think it would be best to get a new background.
Hyperion Machines is looking pretty nice design wise from what I can tell. I think you should darken the background by a tad amount. The visuals just looks too confusing.