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The first submap is a bright green, tree-filled valley between high mountains. Perspectives seem to be correct. The coastline is very straight. A different HDMA effect from the normal one takes place when entering levels.
Yoshi's House, the starting point, is virtually untouched, apart from the message appearing in the modernized box. Nothing wrong here.
Rabid Red Rampage is a short level with a new type of Rex, which stops briefly then charges onward. Yoshi makes an appearance. The level ends in a Star run. The level isn't remarkable, terrain-wise, but it gets the job done of easing the player into the game.
Toad Town is exactly what it says on the tin. More plot stuff happens here. In Toad and Mario's exchange, though, I think that the layout is kind of confusing because the speaker changes mid-line. There was a rogue 0 left at the end of a sentence in the first copy I played; I admitably didn't watch the text in the next two revisions. Every Toad I talk to also says, "This is a ghost house. Can you find the exit? Hee, hee, hee... don't get lost!"
Short But Beachy takes a drastic change in visual style from the previous levels. I managed to walk through the top left corner of the ground in the first "staircase" and die, and the tile looks exactly the same as the solid ones, so I'm guessing this was a mistake. Most of the Hammer Brothers were placed effectively, but a couple were way out of the way.
Spiritual Forest has potential to be an interesting level focused on Zinger use, but is awfully short-lived. The area where you're required to spin-jump across Zingers over a pit is the highlight of the level's creativity. The rest didn't shine so much.
#1 Grezz's Fortress has Tower of Bab-Il music, which is impeccably catchy, BUT there is no silence at the start of the song to let the echo buffer clear out so you have a scratchy noise at the beginning.
The message doesn't let you read all it has to say. You should probably add in a few seconds of delay when the message box is full so the player has the chance to read it all. The design seemed playable, but the level didn't know what it wanted to be. Nice boss.
Treetop Transversing reminds me of the first level in that it makes use of the Rexes. The layout itself and the sprite distribution is fine, however, there's no sense of progression.
Broccoli Pastures did give me a sense that I was going somewhere. It felt decently varied in structure and visuals. The Broccoli Charlies are funny. That said, you missed a few frames.
Gimmicky Grasslands has guns popping out of pipes. One of them hit my head and pushed me down a hole. I know the old saying "guns kill people" but I always thought they did it with bullets.
Anyways, this level changed things up a lot, switching from Bullet Bill shooters and climbing to wall triangles and Bullet Bill throwers. It had a lot of concepts going on, but so far, was the most fun level in the hack.
#2 Remom's Fortress had* a game-breaking bug, which was addressed in REV02. If I die any time after the text "Watching him run is making me hungry..." appears, I get stuck somewhere in the first submap on the overworld and I'm unable to do anything without resetting the game. After beating the level, the same thing happens. I believe something about this specific message triggers it because it didn't happen in the other fortress.
Unable to continue, I have to say that a lot of the levels were very short and rather simple. I enjoyed a few of them, but felt bored by others. The story presentation is a neat factor of this game, although it could use a bit more polish.
*Update: Revision 2 has fixed the bugs in Toad Town and #2 Remom's Fortress.
Just look above you...
If it's something that can be stopped, then just try to stop it!
Before the title screen, there is a red HDMA gradient which flickers a lot on snes9x and it takes a while to get past it. The title screen features a level that Mario plays front to end, problem-free. New things, such as cookies, screen-scrolling pipes, and custom music have been added. The intro level shows Peach's castle and a brand new style of message which reads the story exposition.File Name: Mario - JTTMK2 - King Boo's Revenge Episode 1 - Demo
Submitted: 2014.01.03 ~ 12:49:29 by HackerOfTheLegend
Claimed: 2014.01.03 ~ 13:20:34 by Counterfeit
Rating: Banana
Authors: HackerOfTheLegend, MercuryPenny
Demo: Yes
Length: 10 levels
Difficulty: Normal
Description: This is the official demo of Journey to the Mushroom Kingdom 2 - King Boo's Revenge. Unlike its predecessor, which focused way more on patches, graphics, music, etc, instead of level design, this hack does have all of that, but with a ton more focus on the level design. Keep in mind that since this is a demo, the levels, cutscenes, story, and the overworld are subject to change. And lastly, PLEASE be sure to read the included "READ THIS!", for some very important information. Also, please be sure to take note of any possible bugs. This is my first attempt at using minor forms of HDMA, so I want to make sure that turns out well. Well, with that said, enjoy the demo!
Download: Download - 538.22 KiB
Submission Notes: The big thing in the "READ THIS!" is that I put a "mature" content warning in there, so I wanted people to read it, just in case. Like the submission page said, you don't want younger users exposed to that. However, I don't think it should be that big of a deal, since it's just one word; "". But that's just me.
Submitted: 2014.01.03 ~ 12:49:29 by HackerOfTheLegend
Claimed: 2014.01.03 ~ 13:20:34 by Counterfeit
Rating: Banana
Authors: HackerOfTheLegend, MercuryPenny
Demo: Yes
Length: 10 levels
Difficulty: Normal
Description: This is the official demo of Journey to the Mushroom Kingdom 2 - King Boo's Revenge. Unlike its predecessor, which focused way more on patches, graphics, music, etc, instead of level design, this hack does have all of that, but with a ton more focus on the level design. Keep in mind that since this is a demo, the levels, cutscenes, story, and the overworld are subject to change. And lastly, PLEASE be sure to read the included "READ THIS!", for some very important information. Also, please be sure to take note of any possible bugs. This is my first attempt at using minor forms of HDMA, so I want to make sure that turns out well. Well, with that said, enjoy the demo!
Download: Download - 538.22 KiB
Submission Notes: The big thing in the "READ THIS!" is that I put a "mature" content warning in there, so I wanted people to read it, just in case. Like the submission page said, you don't want younger users exposed to that. However, I don't think it should be that big of a deal, since it's just one word; "
The first submap is a bright green, tree-filled valley between high mountains. Perspectives seem to be correct. The coastline is very straight. A different HDMA effect from the normal one takes place when entering levels.
Yoshi's House, the starting point, is virtually untouched, apart from the message appearing in the modernized box. Nothing wrong here.
Rabid Red Rampage is a short level with a new type of Rex, which stops briefly then charges onward. Yoshi makes an appearance. The level ends in a Star run. The level isn't remarkable, terrain-wise, but it gets the job done of easing the player into the game.
Toad Town is exactly what it says on the tin. More plot stuff happens here. In Toad and Mario's exchange, though, I think that the layout is kind of confusing because the speaker changes mid-line. There was a rogue 0 left at the end of a sentence in the first copy I played; I admitably didn't watch the text in the next two revisions. Every Toad I talk to also says, "This is a ghost house. Can you find the exit? Hee, hee, hee... don't get lost!"
Short But Beachy takes a drastic change in visual style from the previous levels. I managed to walk through the top left corner of the ground in the first "staircase" and die, and the tile looks exactly the same as the solid ones, so I'm guessing this was a mistake. Most of the Hammer Brothers were placed effectively, but a couple were way out of the way.
Spiritual Forest has potential to be an interesting level focused on Zinger use, but is awfully short-lived. The area where you're required to spin-jump across Zingers over a pit is the highlight of the level's creativity. The rest didn't shine so much.
#1 Grezz's Fortress has Tower of Bab-Il music, which is impeccably catchy, BUT there is no silence at the start of the song to let the echo buffer clear out so you have a scratchy noise at the beginning.

Treetop Transversing reminds me of the first level in that it makes use of the Rexes. The layout itself and the sprite distribution is fine, however, there's no sense of progression.
Broccoli Pastures did give me a sense that I was going somewhere. It felt decently varied in structure and visuals. The Broccoli Charlies are funny. That said, you missed a few frames.

Gimmicky Grasslands has guns popping out of pipes. One of them hit my head and pushed me down a hole. I know the old saying "guns kill people" but I always thought they did it with bullets.

#2 Remom's Fortress had* a game-breaking bug, which was addressed in REV02. If I die any time after the text "Watching him run is making me hungry..." appears, I get stuck somewhere in the first submap on the overworld and I'm unable to do anything without resetting the game. After beating the level, the same thing happens. I believe something about this specific message triggers it because it didn't happen in the other fortress.
Unable to continue, I have to say that a lot of the levels were very short and rather simple. I enjoyed a few of them, but felt bored by others. The story presentation is a neat factor of this game, although it could use a bit more polish.
*Update: Revision 2 has fixed the bugs in Toad Town and #2 Remom's Fortress.
Just look above you...
If it's something that can be stopped, then just try to stop it!