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Azure Chaotic (Demo 2 released!)

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Demo 2

This is like no other hack that's ever been made. I took everything Super Mario World had, and turned it on its head.
8-bit graphics. New character with new physics. Powerup system and free-roaming, Metroid-style levels. An anime-inspired storyline, dealing with love, trust, and betrayal. This is not your average hack.

Cleru is going to be a bit hard to control at first, but it's supposed to be like that. After a while though, you'll learn to love her fast running speed and increased maneuverability. Well... I don't think there's much else to say, other than to play it, tell me what you think, and comment on anything that could be improved.

Also, if you have any ideas for powerups, let me know. If it's awesome enough, I may just put it in. ^_^


Fluffy video games by me and Raibys!
Is that SMW?
In other words:
You bypassed expectations of a smw hack, and it looks as if you are making your own game using smw engines than just a simple hack :O
GJ there.
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Dude, when I offered to draw "Cleru" I thought this was going to be another random hack. But then you showed me a beta, and then this!
It´s really awesome, I love the cutscenes, I love the gameplay you have. It´s very fun to explore the levels. The powerups you have added to it are a good complement. I love the star powerup.

The only thing I didn´t like is that the map is a bit confusing...
Fix the speed.I have a hard time stopping.It's really good otherwise but tone down the speed a bit.
Now THIS is what a hack should be. Something SMW-ish, that isn't SMW.

A salute to you Azure. I'm not to big on cutesy things, but I like the concept behind the story.

Keep up the good work.
I've been waiting for this! Since my hack is sort of in the same variety (That is, a hack of SMW that isn't recognizable as Mario), I hope to learn a thing or two to make my hack better.

*excitedly downloads the demo*

Some first impressions:

I think the graphics are great, and I love the cutscenes (You gotta teach me how to make the screen move over one page when you push A). The level layout is fresh, and fun to explore, but the ruins are a little tough to figure out for such an early level.

The controllability of the character is a bit frustrating. It's hard to land on some of the one-tile-wide platforms when jumping because the speed is so fast, and I found myself in the spike pits quite often. I suck at wall jumping, and there's a lot of it, but that's just me. I never could do it well in Metroid, either. :P

There's a glitch with the star pad. If you glide into a wall, you die.

Other than that, I have no complaints. It's pretty freakin' cool.

I've removed my NoFades patch until I can find the brightness code for Star Road warps.

This hack is very awesome, to say the least. I love your style of levels, and those cutscenes are awesome. Also, I love all the new things you put in (like the gravity powerup, the walljump, and the map).

I only have two complaints: sometimes the walljump doesn't work correctly, as if you're standing a block adjacent to a wall and jump to the right, it acts as a walljump, and the levels seem a bit devoid of enemies.

Aside from that, this is fantastic. :D

I'll be looking at this more.
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Short and simple:
Loved the beta, love the new screens, can't wait for Final Version.
Well done, this is awesome! Too bad it's just so short for now.
I don't have much problems with the new controls but I think the walljump is a bit hard to do, but maybe it's just me.
Nice music selection, it seems you like underwater music. xD
Fits the hack very well.

I'm sorry to say that but I completely dislike this hack. :(
It's the feeling, I don't like this 8-Bit style and I'm very limited to my "press this and this and this button at the same time" which makes it nearly impossible for me to boost me up to the top-right or top-left. There aren't that much decorations in the levels which makes it flat.
That all together makes it very boring and blatant.
And the OW, I really disagree with it, it is just not right to me, too flat, not much decoration and stuff.
This hack is just boring, no offense. :(

But your ASM skills are very admirable. :D

Originally posted by DaisyFan
Fix the speed.I have a hard time stopping.It's really good otherwise but tone down the speed a bit.

I'm not changing the speed. It shouldn't take you more than a few levels to get used to it.

Also, the overworld is going to completely changed for the final version. Right now, it's just to serve as a placeholder.

Known glitches:

- Star can glide into walls and kill you. I'm looking into it.
- Cutscenes can sometimes glitch up, showing half of two scenes. I found a fix.
- Walljumps work on the ground. Looking for a fix, but doesn't seem likely.
- Jump sound in cutscenes; not a glitch, but I'm looking for a fix.

Also, would you believe I learned ASM less than a month ago?


Fluffy video games by me and Raibys!
Why not? There are some people who are smart enough to manage this. :3
Unlike me, with my mini nutshell there. XD
I feel like buu-hhu. This is not my style of hack but i can see why people like it.
How'd you make your character go faster? I'm making a Sonic hack and I need to make him feel like running is faster.
Originally posted by Delmaru
How'd you make your character go faster? I'm making a Sonic hack and I need to make him feel like running is faster.

Check the rom map.
Sort it by type, and search for "physics"!
I've tried that Sind, but I can't make him go as fast as azure did.

I just played this, and it was out of this world.
Only thing, and I repeat, ONLY thing that I didn't like was that I died in the endless grotto, by gliding into a wall ;_;
And it wasn't that hard to get used to clearus physics, ether.

Seriously! I totally forgot I was playing a SMW hack!

I'd vote this for feature-ing anytime.

Edit: Wait... It's your birthday, Azure?
Happy birthday! :D
I love this hack, its very original, I played it for about half an hour and got completely used to the controls, I even find myself doing pointless tricks and, if you like, 'parkour' in levels too haha.

BTW, Azure, out of curiosity, for the cutscenes, did you place any ASM in them? because I know you can pull the same effect off with custom blocks :)
Creator of:
Super Mario: Buried Treasure
The Haunt
Jigsaw's Test
Amazing, amazing, hack. This doesn't feel like a hack at all, but rather, a new game entirely.

Question, though. How do you get up there?
Woah. That's all I can say. This is easily the best hack I've played in quite awhile. I'm anxious to see the next demo. The plot has me wondering what's going to happen next. But the gameplay is what really makes it shine. All the custom blocks, powerups, the asm, the music, and the nonlinear level design has me begging for more. The demo was short and sweet, and left me waiting to see what's next. I've found few hacks that I've enjoyed this much. Bravo to you.


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