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[REMOVED] "New Kirbys DreamWorld" by Aaronhoffer

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File Name:New Kirbys DreamWorld Demo
Submitted:2014-07-03 09:24:41 PM by Aaronhoffer
Length:12 exit(s)
Description:(New Stuff)

(Graphics in Levels now look like the Graphics in the Overworld)

(Fixed Sprite Limits in Dedede Castle 1)

(Made WaddleDees Stompable)

(Fixed the bug where you could not play the bonus game)

Since the previous review I've made for this hack, I noticed you changed some things in your hack, although I can't say these were an improvement of most of the bad points of your hack.

The idea of having Kirby as the player in your hack may have improved a little, but it's still not executed well. I noticed you changed a few graphics of your hack, like one of the foreground tilesets and background, although I think you could've changed the rest to make the graphical style of the hack be memorable, as well that it'd avoid graphical clashes of "8-bit" with SMW. The level design could've been worked more as well, because I really noticed a ton of levels that felt like blatant edits from the original levels of the ROM, not to mention they also had other flaws. Lastly, in this topic, you've left the Switch Palace levels unchanged, which was even more boring to play, in my opinion, since players generally expect different levels in SMW hacks, not the original ones or their blatant edits.

In the topic of flaws for this hack, at the end of "DreamWorld 1" you can notice this cutoff at the end of the level. In "DreamWorld 2" the camera settings of the level are really annoying, sometimes I've got hurt unfairly at the grass area you reach with the stairs, because the player isn't forced to only reach that area only using stairs but he can reach in any way he wants, for this, I suggest you to change the camera of this level to "Vertical Scroll at Will" which would work better for this level. In "DreamWorld 3" it's almost impossible to climb this stair since the mushroom ledges are solid and make things get annoying and confusing due to the player's common sense, and at the end of the level, by running a bit, there's this cutoff. "DreamLand 4" was also one of the levels which I mostly felt that was made of blatant edits of the original levels, togheter with "DreamLand 5" which sometimes had sprite memory issues near this area. Lastly, you didn't fix the overworld issues I mentioned before, the border still looks wrong because the colors are off, as well for the sea, causing the impression of cutoff.

To finish the review, I can't say the hack has improved since my previous review. You still lack experience on hacking and common sense, I recommend you to play some of the hacks in the Hacks Section, that'd help you a lot to get more experience and you'd eventually be better at hacking.

Difficulty would be Easy.

+1'd users:
- Eevee
- Mayonnai
- Jack-kun
- Wakana-chan
- Koopster
Right, just played this and the hack wasn't bad but it wasn't amazing either.

I'll start off by saying I really adore your overworld - SMB Deluxe, huh? There's just one problem though - that awkward black cutoff area around the main area. It looks very ugly. Even if you just expand the water to fill it, it'll look much better.

Another thing I really liked was the player graphics - they worked really well, and looked very good, especially the swimming animation. Again though - I have a suggestion - when Kirby gets the "Mushroom" he looks no different to before - I suggest you do something to allow the player to know that Kirby is powered up, as it can be very confusing and that's never a good thing.

Most importantly, is the level design - unfortunately, I found the levels to be very short, and for the most part very easy - an exception was in the second level - maybe I just suck, but I found the part where you had to jump from the slanted pipe difficult, and I couldn't seem to fit into the area below. For some of the levels, it was also blatantly obvious what levels you'd edited them from. The second section of the first castle was almost IDENTICAL to that of Iggy's in the original SMW, the only thing you did was add enemies and a rope platform. This needs to be sorted out.

Finally are the graphics - for the tilesets and custom sprites you were obviously going for an 8-bit design. That's all well and good, but if you're going to do that, don't use it with 16-bit style! There were areas were this looked incredibly ugly, sorely because of the clashing with the vanilla backgrounds! Your tilesets weren't bad, but they could be better. And if you weren't going for 8-bit well... I'm sorry! :| Also, you should change those vanilla backgrounds - as I said they're out of place, and the castle was completely unchanged in terms of graphics.

For now, I have to settle with a vote for rejection, although when you fix the level design problems, I'll probably go for an accept.

The difficulty was easy.
I'd say this hack is kinda... weird. One thing that really annoys is the graphical aspect. It's clear that you tried to make something 8-bit style but if you want to do so, you may want to edit all the graphics in the game. The player graphics and frames also need work.

Other things are cutoffes, small level/ow design issues, palettes, etc.

I'd recommend you work more on the tilesets too. You should use a consistent graphical style otherwise it'll look random and unprofessional.

Too much issues to allow players to really have fun playing this, so my veredict is denied and I'd consider this easy.
I kinda feel like 90% of the input from the previous version's reviews has been ignored. I kinda don't even want to say anything positive about this now. If I had to though, I'd say that it's good that the grey cement blocks are now solid and that on the OW, you know have the black box at least stretch over the whole OW and not just parts of it... though I'm still not sure if that's a good thing.

I sugest you check the sugestions of the previous reviews again, because there still seems to be lots of stuff you missed to fix/change

Other than that:

[1][2] random tiles?
[3][4][5] so instead of making 3ups more rare, you just made more... as for the last one, not sure if it's even possible to get that one.
[6] cutoffness

The problem of the blatand edited levels still remains. One can tell which SMW levels you edited to create your current ones. As for the levels, they also remain short and SMW-ish. Like, most of the levels can be beaten in under a minute. What does that tell you? The yellow and green switch palace remain complettly unedited.
Seeing as we have tons of Kirby-GFX in our graphics section, why not just use them?

Your secret exits aren't really "secret" either. As it's usually just running along the level, seeing a keyhole on the way, continue running, finding a key along the way, taking the key back and done. They aren't hidden or hard to find at all.

DreamWorld 3 still has the problem of the ladder being on the far left of the screen and thus not climbable, not to mention you can't even get through the mushroom. You can still use the rope mashine glitch as well. I, once more, recommend you to read the previous reviews again, as this has all been mentioned before.

Verdict: Rejected
Difficult: Normal
Sorry, but if you continue the hack like this, it won't ever get accepted.
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... what even am I doing with my life?
Back to this one again~ I don't see any major improvements I must say.

The level design is still not very good: you said me you used all your creativity, but don't be sad if I still think that your levels are based on the SMW ones. I won't consider this anymore and I'll only say that most of your level design is flat: no actions, gimmicks and obstacles are in the way of lots of sections. As Mirann stated, I'd blame the lack of experience in you, we shouldn't forget that this is your first hack. Try playing other hacks and give yourself an idea of good level design.

The aesthetics...well, meh. Honestly I don't like them much. I can see you aimed for a 8-bit like hack (as everyone already mentioned), but at least, make the BGs look like it too. Other than this, I don't have many advices to give you here. If I were you, I'd use the resources we have in the graphics sections, but whatever. In my previous review I said that "there was too much Mario GFX in this hack": you made a right move by replacing GFX, but its quality isn't this good.

As misc issues, again, the ropemachine glitch is still there, and also a little slowdown in one of the cave levels.

The difficulty is easy due to flatness.

Again, I'm more on the rejection side. As others already said, play a few hacks and get an idea of good level design. This, and also follow others' suggestions, or you won't go anywhere.
So I was going for reviewing the older version, but got kinda lazy. :P Let's go for this one instead then.


The title screen shows the title of the hack in some pretty nice letters. The fact that the border thingies in the top are double bugs me a little, but it's not a big issue. The graphical style is pretty different; it's some mix of 8-bit and 16-bit (the background, the little bushes and the goal posts come to mind). The 16-bit graphics I could spot aren't the most detailed thing ever anyway, so I guess it doesn't cause a too big of a clash.

The first thing I notice in the overworld is that it has a lot of black rounding it, which is pretty different. I assume it should work as some sort of border, right? I don't like it that I can scroll the camera through it with select, since it shows a lot of emptiness around the map. You could go for disabling the scrolling (it's in "Overworld > Extra Options", shouldn't be hard to find).
The design itself is great. :3 I really like the land shapes and the level arrangement overall. So good job on that!

DreamWorld 1 was pretty interesting in the beginning; I liked that not taking those coins in the beginning would let you take those 3 lives up there. There's a lot of linearity after that broken bridge though. The secret exit was really obvious, but this is the first level, so I'll let it go.
I also notice that you can't differ big Kirby from small Kirby, which is kinda annoying. :/ If you could get around that (maybe with some kind of counter in the status bar?), that'd be great.

Yellow Switch is the same as the original - change it. It's not cool to face entirely unchanged levels, even if they're really quick ones.

DreamWorld 2 has a nice and fitting background, so kudos for that.
I find yoshi for the first time in that level. I like that heart above the player when they're riding yoshi, that was pretty creative. :3 The heart doesn't appear in every frame, though. Would be nice if you could fix that, but otherwise, it doesn't matter that much.
I think you played very well with the camera there; in that stairs part, if the player attempts to go by the bottom corridor, they won't see the key that's right above. The problem there is that if I try to run to the top corridor with yoshi (since I can't climb as I ride), the camera won't go up and I'll run into a rex that I can't even see. I'd remove it. I can see the banzai bill, so it shouldn't be a problem to keep it.
Oh, also, I think you're using some weird dirt tile. Dropping an item while on dirt makes it float in a pretty odd way. If you're in doubt of what kind of tile you should use for walkthrougable dirt, just create one that acts like 25 (empty tile).

DreamWorld 3... There's a level I don't really like. To begin with, it reminded me way too much of Yoshi's Island 3 - floating platforms and spiky things. You added line guides with rope machines, but they're pretty pointless for two reasons: it's much easier and faster to simply jump over the platforms, and there's a high chance I'll get to that level with Yoshi, so I can't even ride those ropes to begin with. There's a random idea: why not to make them line-guided platforms instead, and make that so the player has to take them to reach a piece of land with some reward (powerups/coins/the level's ending even)? Also, try to enlargen that level; the average level of this hack was pretty short, but this one can be beaten in less than 30 SMW seconds, which is a really short time.
Also, the goal sphere room has two more issues: if I ignore the sphere and keep walking, I'll find cutoff in the end of the mushroom platforms (which were arranged in a pretty weird way if you ask me...); also goal and layer 3 aren't cool things to mix - the tides will suddenly disappear as you're walking after taking a goal, be it a normal goal or a sphere; it's best to not use tides in that room.

DreamWorld 4 reminded me a lot of Yoshi's Island 4 - the way some falling platforms and landmasses are arranged is incredibly similar to the original... Which is making the think that you didn't start it from scratch, but actually made it out of the original level. Always, no exceptions, CTRL+Del before you start a level; blatant edits are never good.
Also, there's a really way too easy 3-up heart in there; try to make them a bit more secret, since they give you a lot of lives.

Dedede Castle 1 also reminded me a whole lot of Iggy's Castle, especially since the second room is almost identical. For the first room, it just seemed like you tossed out random landmasses and enemies all over the place. This was a pretty unfocused level overall.

Donut Pla- err, DreamWorld 5 was made of Donut Plains 1, that I can tell easily. Same BG, same colors, same music... Maybe you shouldn't be that faithful to the order SMW put their levels. Many people will take that you lazily edited the original level solely for that.
There's a fence part where I either need a cape, or I'll have to ditch my yoshi. For situations like that, an alternative way for yoshi is always nice (such as land with munchers, or just have a blue koopa around so you can fly).
The weird dirt issue from DreamLand 2 happens here again.

DreamWorld 6 has a background, unlike Donut Plains 2, and it's also pretty different, despite being a cave level; that's nice.
The level design is pretty linear though, the level is entirely about going straightforward, which is kind of boring...

DreamWorld 7's beginning is pretty much the same as Donut Plains 3, and the level itself has a pretty similar concept as well... There's a rope machine which this time is necessary for progressing, so there's another instance where I need to leave yoshi. I could get around it in a risky way with a cape by jumping on the koopas, but you still could be friendlier with yoshi. :<

As I finished this level, I got to the bonus game and I noticed something...
For some reason, Kirby can't hit the bonus game's boxes, which got me stuck in there forever. This is an instant denial reason. :/

But thanks to rewinds-chan, I can proceed. :P

DreamWorld 8 is a ghost house and apparently the last level in this demo, too, since I can't proceed after beating it. The secret exit was the most obvious thing ever. I think you should be more creative when making those up... Especially since it takes to the Green Switch, which is a really nice bonus.
The first room ends with some cutoff to the right. Assuming you didn't know: if you want to make a level end and beat the camera from scrolling any further, do that: press F1 in Lunar Magic and make sure that the level ends in the end of a screen; also make sure to not have any little tile or enemy beyond that screen.
Otherwise, it was a pretty simple but alright ghost house regardless.

Green Switch is the same as the original just like the Yellow one. Same tip goes here.


This hack's biggest issues for me were the level length (the levels were very short overall) and the blatant edits that were very, very common. In therms of original design, the very first levels seemed pretty promissing, but it just seemed like you got lazy and the hack went downhill right from the second half of the first world.
This hack didn't really bother me aesthetically that much, to be honest. I don't think the 16-bit backgrounds bended too badly with the 8-bit foregrounds, mostly because they aren't even that detailed to begin with.
There's just something aesthetical related that happened a lot in your hack. It's rather minor but bugs me a lot, so why not to mention:

Do what the second screen does, not the first screen.

So yeah, I'm rejecting this for now, but if you can work more on your level design and actually start your levels from scratch, I'm sure this will turn out a lot better. You have everything to make this hack turn out pretty decent, you just need to put some good level designing in action.
If you don't know how to make your levels better, make sure to look up some guides or play other well-rated hacks, so you'll know what we like to play.

Good luck, and I'm looking forward to the next versions! #smw{:peace:}
Moderating a new submission, recycling a thread.

Link to submission.
File Name: Kirby's DreamWorld Demo
Submitted: 2014.07.04 ~ 16:53:27 by Aaronhoffer
Claimed: 2014.07.05 ~ 17:24:21 by Counterfeit
Rating: 0.0
Authors: Aaronhoffer
Demo: Yes
Length: 12 exit(s)
Difficulty: Easy
Description: This is my first ROM Hack please enjoy

I also took out every single bug
Tags: demo, dreamworld, kirby
Download: Download - 153.22 KiB
Submission Notes: I took out every single bug and glitch made it long by 4 levels too
The title screen shows a pink puff waltzing through an 8-bit adventure land with Mario enemies everywhere. The logo looks nice, but it'd be nicer IMHO if the font face was the same as Kirby's Dream Land and the other older Kirby games.

The intro has some messy use of capital letters and a misspell in what should say "alternate." The black on the clouds and hills look very bad but those berries... keep those berries, they're very cute...

The overworld has a palette problem in the border: the background behind the Kirby sprite is pink whereas the rest of the border is brown, and I don't think the SMW flower really fits Kirby at all. Going left to the Yellow Switch, or down to DreamWorld 3 or ???, the map is cutoff; there's a huge black void on the sides.

Lirby's House is this game's Yoshi's House. For some reason, there's no side exit - instead, you enter and leave through a pipe.

DreamWorld 1 didn't feel like it had much substance to it, even for a "first level" of the hack... it's rather flat and gives away too many easy lives. The 3up moon hidden off-screen in the clouds respawns: this bug can be avoided by placing the moon from Extended Objects instead of Direct Map16 Access.

DreamWorld 2 also has a lot of ugly dirt cutoff. It also has the same exact implementation of the secret exit, which is grabbing the key near the end of the level and taking it all the way back to a keyhole near the beginning. The only thing that's cool about it is the fact that you need to get the Yellow Switch to access the secret exit... otherwise, this level had nothing going for it.

Yellow Switch is COMPLETELY UNEDITED. .........

DreamWorld 3 was pointless because it led nowhere on the overworld. The line-guided ropes did little to cover up the fact that this was a weak edit of Yoshi's Island 4, and the mushroom blocks being made solid from the bottom and sides was mildly aggravating.

DreamWorld 4 is a blatant edit of Yoshi's Island 3, but with the same elements seen in DreamWorld 2 thrown in.

Dedede Castle 1's second room is almost completely unchanged and the first room is full of sprite tile memory problems. Use No More Sprite Tile Limits and set your sprite memory setting to 10.

DreamWorld 5 is yet another obvious little edit, this time of Donut Plains 1: uses the same sprites. The terrain is boring and looks like all the previous DreamWorld levels, both graphically and in the level design.

DreamWorld 6 is a cave level (huge change of scenery) with both water and lava, and it actually feels like its own level and not some ripoff of SMW's levels. Problem: it's really too short to establish anything.

DreamWorld 7 starts vaguely like Donut Plains 3. Then, it has a mildly interesting rope ride... and then it becomes flat and devoid of entertainment.

DreamWorld 8 is yet another level that's too short to really start anything, and still remains very similar to almost every level that I've played so far.

Greeen Switch has too many "e"s. It's also COMPLETELY UNEDITED from the original level and it spits out blue blocks on the overworld, meaning you've got a little palette issue.

Dedede Castle 2.. uh, hello @ giant section of missing castle wall in the beginning. Anyways, this level is almost exactly like #2 Morton's Castle, only shorter and far less interesting.

Kirby's grabbing frame doesn't look good because he's not holding onto the object at all: it's just floating beside his arms. The "MARIO START!" should be removed. I strongly recommend also coding in flight, using a 6HP health meter, restricting the hitbox to 16x16, and having Maxim Tomatoes actually restore health because straight SMW gameplay feels nothing like Kirby. Kirby games also have a reputation of having long levels, often with a lot of rooms, but less levels in comparison to a lot of other platformers on the respective console or handheld. All that said, I do kinda like the 'star' spin on the Fire Flower power. Seeing him spit stars is more like the fluff head we all know, although I think you should use the straight fireball patch for this one.

I have to autoreject this hack though because if you get enough stars for a bonus game, Kirby can not hit the bonus game roulette blocks. He jumps through them. This makes you stuck forever. The right side of the bonus game room is also cutoff, so restrict horizontal screen scrolling... or better yet, just use goal spheres or a custom block to end levels and eliminate bonus stars altogether.

While I usually reserve my opinion of whether to accept or reject a hack, I strongly oppose accepting this hack even without the gamebreaking bug because of the amount of levels left unedited or loosely edited from the original SMW. It's not only lazy on the creator's part to leave levels like this - it's tedious to play through. To be blunt, if you ever want this hack accepted, you're going to have to redo at least half of the levels so far.

Kinda like with "Super Mario in Element World!" I notice that you're rushing this hack a lot. Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither was any good hack.

Just look above you...
If it's something that can be stopped, then just try to stop it!
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