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New Kitten! Need name ideas!

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My dad while he was out found this kitten in the wheel well of a truck, and in really bad shape. So he took care of it and brought it home. Then I came home from visiting my mother in Tennessee and found him! Then he told me the story. So, he's 3 and a half weeks old, and is without a name. So I thought I'd come here for ideas.
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I'd just go with Steve and call it a day. I don't know why I like the name Steve. Am curious though to see what others say.
If it was mine I'd call it roadkill but that's a little harsh so I guess call it "dog"?
Bob. 'nuff said.

But in all seriousness, I think it's safe to say I suck at the name choosing thing. I spent like weeks and weeks thinking of a good nick for myself and "KTBMedia" is the best I could come up with.

Try thinking of something based on the way he acts or looks, and get creative with some word to describe that.
The handomest people in the world are ones who follow my Twitch
Is he white? Snowball.
Is he not?    Snowball.
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Fluffy McSnuggles the Third, Lord of Fuzzy, Defender of Cuteness, Scratcher of Humans.
Lucky might be fitting seeing how the cat is 'lucky' that he was rescued.
Tucker is a cute name for a grey cat. (Also: Smokey)
Chip if he's a calico cat.
Oreo if he's black and white.
Midnight for an all-black cat.

Just look above you...
If it's something that can be stopped, then just try to stop it!
shirt status: not on
Can't really think of a name just like that. Could you post more information or even take a picture of the cat? That might make it a bit easier.

Originally posted by Counterfeit
Lucky might be fitting seeing how the cat is 'lucky' that he was rescued.

If the cat is black, I think Baxter sounds preaty cool. I had a black cat named Baxter, BTW. If it's black and white, it could be called Chess or Domino.

But regardless of colors, a good generic name for cats would be Doodles, or Mr. Paws.

Read my posted story here!!.

The Best Hack EVAR!!:

This layout good as my stories is made by Kagami

Is that cute enough? :3
Formerly known as nick 139
My YouTube channel
Ginger (if it's ginger).

- BlackMageMario
I hereby volunteer to have the cat named after me :P
New layout by RanAS!

Moon Moon.

I might put some sort of signature here once. I guess.
I'm not really good at picking names, but I like it when people name their pets after ancient deities or fictional characters. You should try that.
So who wins? Dubs or trips?

If neither, then name it Nekooladria
if she's female and black. check 'em

Nikita Khrushchev
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