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[REMOVED] Mario and the Four Switches demo 2 by MarioGamer125

Name: Mario And The 4 Switches [Demo 2]
Author: MarioGamer125

Description: This is a Demo of my Super Mario World hack Mario And The 4 Switches. It is a Kaizo hack. Try not to die. :3


I think you have a ways to go.

First off, the overworld looks fairly bland and void of any decorations or appeal.

The first level kinda reminded me of ProtonJon's 'Coin Block Abuse' hack. I needed to look in Lunar Magic just to find out that I needed to take the P-Switch and the Goomba with me. Using on/off blocks as hurt blocks isn't very visually appealing.

Level 2 was only about 3 or 4 screens long, total, and didn't have any enemies unless you count Munchers, and it's generally frowned upon for awkward precision jumps like that to be the sole challenge in a level. The Kaizo trap at the end, despite being deceptively simple, was something I don't think I've seen before.

One of the switch level tiles led me to an endless bonus game. I assume from the hack's title that it shouldn't?
The switch palace had very little substance. All it consisted of was spin jumping up 3 Ball n' Chains and then there was the switch. IMO not as much of a big deal since it's a switch palace. I also needed to take a mushroom with me. This is more of a personal pet peeve than an actual removal reason but I don't like having to go to a previous level just to collect a power-up that I will need for a different level, especially when the other level has a noteblock and hurt block gauntlet before the mushroom.
After the switch palace, it was time for the level where I needed the switch. I just went back to level 2, back through the noteblock gauntlet and snagged the mushroom, and charged through that part. Not sure if that was intended, but I'm not sure it's possible without it since the Grinder respawns, and after that sprite tile limits causes one of the wooden spikes to disappear. Also keep in mind that using on/off blocks as hurt blocks also causes them to change when you hit an actual on/off switch.

I'm not sure if this jump is possible. I even tried frame advance. If it is, it looks extremely pixel precise, probably belonging in a pit hack.

The levels are also a bit too short. This would not be as much of a problem if there were way more levels.
So yeah, my verdict is rejection.
Legacy custom music
A site with a non-useless dislike button
SMW hacking channel

Oiram and the 3025 Switches [Demo 3,14]
by OiramGamer666

Title Screen

Well, it was okay. Nothing really surprising or bad, but there were some issues, and one FATAL one. Firstly, wrong tiles and the cutoff. There weren't much, but hey, there still were some. If you look carefully, you might find them. And, the FATAL one. When Mario presses the P-Switch, the music gets muted, but not just that; if you try to start the game AFTER Mario presses the P-Switch, the game will crash. You haven't started your journey yet it's over. Game over.


It seemed like an 1-1 from SMB remake, but then I noticed it wasn't when the question block with mushroom didn't have it and the other one did. So yeah, I kept jumping and going right.. until I found a big hole. I wasn't able to find the note block at my first try, so I just jumped as far as I can, and this happened. While it is nothing major, it doesn't really make sense until you find the note block. I suggest you to just put a wall and guide the player to hit the note block. As other issues, it lacked decoration, so it was a bit empty.


Well, since this level had more than one screen, you should remove the birds, or else the player will see this. Weird, isn't it? So anyways, when I entered the pipe, I got to the intro. It was the same, except for the message and I were able to leave the level with touching the sides of the level. Also, since this level had a question block that had a powerup in it, you can easily break many levels. I suggest you to remove it.

A Goomba will help

It was pretty much goombas + invisible coin blocks everywhere. I didn't really have to use a cheat, but it was a cheap trick. Also, the first part was easily breakable; if you get a fire flower from Yoshi's House, you can easily defeat goombas and take one, and use your powerup to skip the hurt blocks. This can be applied to every level. If this was a normal hack, it wouldn't have been a big problem, but in kaizo hacks, you should be REALLY careful with your powerups. I suggest you to just remove the powerup. If you really want to keep it for some reason, you shouldn't let the player continue with it on that level. The easiest solution without ASM would be munchers. Put a small door (that goes to the main level) and put a muncher next to it, and it's done. The easiest solution with ASM would be using Powerup Removing Blocks. I hope you get my point and fix it, but if you're okay with people breaking your hacks, well, you can ignore me if you want. Now, let's get to other things.. well, I found your 1-up placement too easy to find. When I jumped, I found the first invisible note block as an accident, and I jumped on it, and quickly found it. I also thought that the level was too short, also, this looked really silly and unnecessary in my opinion. Why don't you just use the normal tiles instead of this weird thing? Oh and, before I forget to mention, cool story bro. And, by the way, I have noticed the pipe, and when I tried to enter it, I wasn't able to, so I opened Lunar Magic and checked if something was supposed to happen, and yes. I have noticed that it was actually supposed to send you to level C7, but I noticed that it wasn't because of the act like settings of it. It should act like 13F, not 13C! Also, it lacked decoration in general. That's it for this level, I guess.


Oh god. This level was annoying as fuck. It was extremely short, but really really annoying. I could have just got a powerup and broke it, but I didn't. These pixel-perfect jumps are generally frowned upon. Why don't you try to put some challenges that aren't repetitive and have creative usage of enemies? You can do great stuff with them! You just have to try. Also, was there any use for the part at the left here? Anyways, the second part was nice. You made great use of the mushroom and glitch. Also, I really, really love that kaizo trap at the end! I've never seen a trap like that, and even though it was simple, it was damn good! Great job there.


This level was even shorter, but I don't mind it this time because it is a switch palace after all. You had to take a powerup with you as well, (possibly from YOSHI'S HOUSE) but as I said before, you really should remove that powerup there, but when you do that, you proably will have to put a powerup on this palace, giving the player the ability to break the levels. Again. I suggest you to just remake that part. Oh and, even though this level is super short, it had many issues. Firstly, the ball'n chains were glitchy. You can use No More Sprite Tile Limits to fix this. Secondly, the blocks at the bottom aren't looking good. Lastly, when you spin jump on these ball'n chains, the screen doesn't scroll up. This really confused me because I didn't know what to do. I randomly pressed right and found the block, and the screen finally scrolled. While unfairness isn't much of a problem in kaizo hacks, this was pretty confusing. This is optional to fix. Also, the switch button doesn't get destroyed after you finish it. You can still enter it again and again. You should make it so that when you finish it you shouldn't be able to enter it again. To do this, select your level in the Overworld Editor, press Alt+Right Click, and tick the box near "No entry if level passed". Done. You won't be able to enter it again... oh right, I forgot to mention that there are many glitchy tiles in it too. When you press the switch, this happens. The easiest solution would be to put a door that leads to the switch or remaking the level.

(red switch palace, I suppose?)

Well, this level just lead to level 0. If it wasn't even started, why did you leave the path unlocked?

(unnamed level)

Actually, this level didn't start that bad, but it was a bit repetitive. I mean, once or twice is okay, but five times? Anyways, when I continued, I found another sprite tile issue; (as I said before, patching No More Sprite Tile Limits will fix this!) this time, with wooden spikes! After that, the level was mostly fine, but it lacked decoration. (like every single level you made) There were just two more issues; glitchy note block is the first one. The flipped ON-OFF blocks are the second one. To be honest, flipping ON-OFF blocks to say "NO" isn't really a good idea for hurt blocks. You can use ExGFX to do way better looking stuff (like skulls). That's all.

..oh right, I knew I forgot something.. yeah, I love this part. You can do great stuff when you want to, but it seems like you overuse them. If you fix what I mentioned, I'm pretty sure this hack will be accepted, good luck!

I hope you found this review useful. I'm sorry if I were mean #ab{:(}

Verdict: Game Over
