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The SMWC Auto Level Contest: FINAL DAY

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Here's mine, but mine is not too good... It lasts almost 2 minutes.
Here's the link:

Click Me Now
Heres mine...
Nothing to speacil though...

I'm a Gradius addict... what?
Back to working on Mario and the Forgotten Flower:
World 1: 89%
Submap World 1: 98.9%

Finished my entry. It's here.
Almost done with mine... just one more tweak to make.

Hard to believe how complicated these things are.
Finally done, and I'm not planning on making any more of these. The name of my level is "windy desert."

*edit* eww embedded version looks awful. here's the link to the youtube video:

*edit* bleh even the youtube vid looks terrible now, dunno what kind of compression they used but it makes the sand of the desert look bad.

*edit* here we go. IPS.

Interesting note - there is a part of this level that sometimes acts slightly differently. Depending on an apparently random factor, mario etiher collects a coin from the 3x3 block of them near the end of the main level or takes out a koopa with the slide he does there. The video here is of the koopa killing one. However, regardless of which version, the level still completes itself by the same exit, although one will complete with 160 time units and one with 159.
Heres mine:

And a video (Youtube)
Ok, for the sake of it looking better in the youtube vid, I'm slightly changing my gfx to put black borders around the sand. Should I bother reuploading the IPS, or should I just leave what I have finished there? I think the sand looks fine when used in the emulator, but for consistency's sake I'd rather redo the upload. Can I get a yes or a no on this from the contest organizers please?

Thanks in advance.
You may reupload it, as long as it is within the contest deadline.
ok. fixed version.

and for the video, lets see if it looks right this time:

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Hmm. well it definitely looks better on youtube than before, the background, quicksand, and the wind still look like crap though.
here's mine :
Some parts are sync to the music.
BUT, sync works only with zsnes 1.42 !!!!
hey x1372 i dont now for sure but at 1.30 did u pushed the down arrow because u where suddently sliding of the hill
Honestly x1372, that was boring. The level was okay and had some cool concepts, but you missed so much.

Way too much of the level was Mario being pushed by wind. That's okay, but nothing happens during those times. Like 80% of the level is just watching Mario be pushed by wind. Also a good portion of the level had Mario at the very bottom of the screen where you couldn't see anything.

You also had a lot of potential you didn't explore. There was one cool part where a fireball comes really close to hurting Mario. You had a lot of room for places where Mario narrowly avoids an attack, but there were only a couple counting the green koopa part. I was also disappointed that you had bullies but pretty much didn't use them at all, even though they'd be extremely useful in an automatic level.

The end with fish dodging was good, but it needed more variety.
A couple things then since I got some questions

1) I used auto-slide blocks for several sections. I did not touch the controller.

2) This level is designed to be both automatic and normally playable. I intend it to be put in the middle of my future hack, in the desert area. It will, in fact, be after several levels that make minimal use of wind, leading up to this one that makes extreme use of it.

3) I was trying to set it up so that, if one didn't just hold still, it didn't LOOK like an automatic level. There's bonus areas, multiple paths, and two exits that can both be found with a little searching without taking advantage of the level's automatic nature.

It might not be quite what the contest was focusing on, but I was limiting myself in certain ways and trying to make something unique. Sorry if some people didn't enjoy it.
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Here is my entry. It's pretty basic and probably not the best:

Originally posted by x1372
A couple things then since I got some questions

1) I used auto-slide blocks for several sections. I did not touch the controller.

2) This level is designed to be both automatic and normally playable. I intend it to be put in the middle of my future hack, in the desert area. It will, in fact, be after several levels that make minimal use of wind, leading up to this one that makes extreme use of it.

3) I was trying to set it up so that, if one didn't just hold still, it didn't LOOK like an automatic level. There's bonus areas, multiple paths, and two exits that can both be found with a little searching without taking advantage of the level's automatic nature.

It might not be quite what the contest was focusing on, but I was limiting myself in certain ways and trying to make something unique. Sorry if some people didn't enjoy it.

If you are going to use that level in your "main hack", I would recommend removing the auto-slide blocks and small portions of the gust and whirlpools in the water, which would make that level non-automatic, and the player would not be able to "cheat".
Here is mine:

I'm new here and I lerned this some weeks ago but I'm still having problems with reading english tutorials.

My autolevel is not the best! I hope you enjoy it.
Yippie it's done!
Download it here!
Here's my auto-move level. It's from a certain scene in my hack, but I don't have all of the graphics set up and ready at the moment. I hope you all enjoy it anyway.


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