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Munchy's Big Day - World 1 Edition

Gee it sure is fitting that I am now White Muncher rank

Wow, look at that, it's a Muncher doing things!

It's got:
Six Levels of Thrilling World 1 Action!*
Mostly Resprited Enemies!
Stylish New Title Screen!
Not Mario and Not Yoshi!
All-there-in-the-manual Storyline!
100% Anime-Free!
The Moon!

*switch palace not included

Known bugs:
HDMA gradients flicker madly during end-of-level circle fadeout. Currently still trying to figure out a solution and will try to fix it as soon as possible. For now, just take this as a word of warning and be cautious during the ends of 1-1, 1-3 and 1-4.

Feel free to point out things that could be improved so I can improve them with dark forbidden magic.

Anyways here's the download have fun hope you enjoy

Oh hell yes. This C3 is epic win. Just epic win.
You're a great hacker from what I've seen, and this is really, REALLY well made. The palettes seem to differ from level to level, they are colorful and have nice color transitions. The level design also seems to be 10/10.

I know I said I'll play pretty much all of the hacks, but this is going to be the first on my list. :O
Oh, this one looks very promising! I really liked your paletting style (reminds me a lot of Aeon's) and also your muncher player GFX look kinda fun to play with. I may try this one later and post a review. :)
question: what the heck do I do with a .bps file?
Want to see my Super Mario Timeline?
Patch it.

You can't do it with LIPS though, you need Floating IPS or another patcher with BPS support.
Oh wow, I love those resprites. They remind me of my first time playing ASMT.
Looking forward to the full version!
Originally posted by MercuryPenny
Patch it.

You can't do it with LIPS though, you need Floating IPS or another patcher with BPS support.

if they're basically IPS files that are just in a different format... why do they even exist? (I will have to download floating IPS just to patch it, I've never seen this format before...)
Want to see my Super Mario Timeline?
In a nutshell, .bps are smaller in size.
Originally posted by natnew
if they're basically IPS files that are just in a different format... why do they even exist?

Smaller size is the main part of it, but it also keeps from being patched to unclean ROMs.
The demo felt really good in general, it was both good looking and well designed. For a first world, the difficulty felt appropriate, it was easy enough to be cleared without dying a lot (or at all), but didn't felt empty or boring. You also added path splits and secret rooms which added a lot of exploration feeling, something hard to achieve in SMW hacks.

My only complaints design-wise would be a bit of emptiness in the first section of Veggiesaurus Snack, you used some parakoopas, but no grounded enemies, and in the first indoor room of the castle, too many dry bones are easy to jump over. Also, Seafoam Steppe felt a bit hard compared to the rest of the levels in the demo, especially after the midpoint.

There's a few minor bugs with the Veggiesaurus: I was able to get here by eating a blue parakoopa, and there's some remaining of Yoshi's GFX when he eats enemies (couldn't take a screenshot).

Finally, this is just a personal recommendation, but since you're not using Mario for this hack, you should give our little muncher different abilities. It's weird to see a muncher run, jump and spinjump just like Mario would. Instead you could give him his own abilities and/or powerups.

Great hack. Keep it up!
Thank you for the feedback. The reasoning I had for the sparse enemies in Veggiesaur's Snack's first area was to prevent the player from obtaining the fully-grown yoshi/veggiesaur at the very beginning. I'll add some inedible enemies to spruce it up a bit.

Now for some screenshots of a level not present in the demo:

Big image

Caldera Cathedral is a semi-abandoned factory atop an active volcano. This first room takes place in the mines underneath the castle, which have become more dangerous than usual due to lack of maintenance. Credit goes to GeminiRage for the KDL2 mountain tiles and Gamma V for the factory tiles.

I have a weakness for outdoor castle levels.

Ok, I just finished playing this one and I've gotta say it's a pretty fun hack to play, just like I expected! Those player and enemy GFX are pretty unique, although I got a bit disappointed to see some enemies still using their vanilla GFX, especially the koopas. Level design was varied, yet simplish enough to make it fun to play. And, like I said before, you did a very nice job with paletting.

There's one thing that I have to point out, that is Cookie Coast. It definitely was a bit of a difficulty spike in comparison with the other levels and it felt somewhat longer (maybe because of the slow auto-scroll part or because I died a few times, I don't know). Tbh, I don't think Buster Beetle is a good enemy to use in early worlds, because it acts just too fast and is kinda out of pace, considering a world 1 level.

I think it'd be a good idea to add a black outline on the grey rocky floor, so it'd look more like part of the FG.

Another thing that I noticed is that the Smiling Coin counter is way too close to the player's name. I suggest moving it to the right side of the status bar, since there's no timer in this hack. Also, I have to agree with aj here. It'd be more stellar if Munchy had his own abilities, but that's just a plus. Good work so far and good luck with your project!
That was a nice little demo with beautiful visuals and great level design. My only complaints are that you can see Yoshi's neck bulge animation when the Veggiesaur swallows an enemy and that the secret exit in 1-3 seemed to be non-existent despite it being a red dot level.

To fix the flickering HDMA gradients, try applying this patch to the ROM.
Quintesson Judge: Silence, or you will be held in contempt of this court!
Hot Rod: I have nothing but contempt for this court!
- Transformers the Movie (1986)
Originally posted by Gamma V
That was a nice little demo with beautiful visuals and great level design. My only complaints are that you can see Yoshi's neck bulge animation when the Veggiesaur swallows an enemy and that the secret exit in 1-3 seemed to be non-existent despite it being a red dot level.

Just fixed the yoshi neck problem. As for the secret exit in 1-3, it's in the second room and involves
a blue koopa shell

Progress updates:

Working on the main overworld. Much of world 2 takes place on this swampy landmass.

I showed off these W2 levels a while ago, but now I've redone their palettes to my modern standards; I made the swamp slightly brighter and the forest cave less monochrome green.

My god, dude, this is a really amazing hack so far! I really like your work and your effort that you've put into this. The overworld (palette choice and the structure), and your level design is on point! Everything is falling together really well! Keep it up! Looking forward to the official release!
Cuidense y que tengan un buen dia!
A Playable Muncher? Oh man! That is a new experience I am dying to try out! I want to LP this so badly when it's done! #w{=3}
A 1UP may save your life one day.

Check me out on Youtube so you can see the many LPs I did on the rom hacks on this site!
Just finished trying the demo, it was very fun to play :D
The graphic look is what I'm enjoying the most - the BG gradient in Seafoam Steppe looks absolutely gorgeous (by the way, where does the music come from? I'm pretty sure I've already heard it somewhere).

You can fix the disappearing HDMA in Bubblegum Islands with this hex edit:
$05B296/x2B496: [8D] Change to [0C] to prevent HDMA from getting disabled WHILE a message box is being displayed. Use with $05B129.

Keep up the great work!
Thanks for that hex edit; that was another HDMA quirk that has been bugging me. The music in Seafoam Steppe is Giddy Sky 1 from Super Princess Peach.

On a side note, I just finished porting the hack over to a new rom. Something was going wrong with AddmusicK and I had no other choice but to transfer it over.

Here are some more enemy resprites.
Clockwise from top left:
Hammer Bro
Buster Beetle