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An In-Depth Guide to ExAnimation

Lunar Magic

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What if my posts per page count is not 20? #w{=(}
(40 posts per page user here)
Originally posted by Pedro156
Increidble, man! This is the best ExAnimation tutorial that I have ever seen. You explained very well.

Waiting for the continuation...

Thanks, I'm glad you've found it helpful!

I do plan on finishing this. I haven't been too busy lately, it's just hard coming up with examples.
MolSno, when you will show how to use the Palette+working type of exAnimation? I'm needing it on my hack.
nothing to say

Layout by RanAS
He won't show it how to use palette+working, he already did it (in part 3C, to be clear). #ab{:P}
Oops, I forgot this.
How I could be so dumb?
nothing to say

Layout by RanAS
I followed the first step and now the colors are animating...but they're in the wrong spot and the animating color is in the first color slot. Help?
Thank you.
You should change the number in the destination area. You can find your color destination if you hover over it - there should be a two digit number at the bottom of the window, it's next to Palette, Color. The one without the comma is the one you want.
Realy nice tutorial! :o
Learned a lot from it! Keep up the great work!
Youtube channels: XolifreX, TheOlifreStar96.
Wow, uh, yeah. It's been a while since I last updated this, and now I have to cover overworld animation at some point. >_>

I added a section covering one of the Stacked types and speed tricks. I want to show more stuff with speed manipulation, but I'm unsure what to cover next for the time being.

That's it for now, I mainly just wanted to let you guys know that I still intend to finish this.
Originally posted by MolSno
I added a section covering one of the Stacked types and speed tricks. I want to show more stuff with speed manipulation, but I'm unsure what to cover next for the time being.

That's it for now, I mainly just wanted to let you guys know that I still intend to finish this.

Personally, I think you should do Layer 3 Animation next. Lunar Magic's help file gives this out for ExAnimating Layer 3 Graphics:
Originally posted by Lunar Magic Help File
For Layer 3 Graphics: The source frame tile numbers will still refer to 4bpp tiles even though layer 3 uses 2bpp tiles. This means that when looking at your 2bpp tiles in a tile editor, you should start your tiles for a particular frame on an even tile number, then divide the tile number by 2 and add it to the starting tile number of the source slot to get the tile number to enter.

An example would be like, say you want to ExAnimate some Layer 3 Clouds.
I have a DeviantArt, if you do want to see my art on there. I don't really visit it much now, though.
How about animating Mario's palette? Is it possible?
Yes, but as far as I know, most colours are not accessible through ExAnimation. You will need to use this patch, and some ASM.
Originally posted by JackTheSpades
Good god. This has to be the most In-Depth In-Depth guide I've ever seen.

My definition of a beginner's tutorial ;) not like some I see on the website "open software" "use it" "done!".

Thanks for this, I've finally been able to make an animation!
Super Mario Pants World
Luigi's Lost Levels
New Super Mario Pants World
Luigi's Lost Levels 2 - Back With A Revenge
Luigi's Lost Levels 3 - Electrik Boogaloo
VLDC12 - 72HoKaizo#1
Triggers haven't been talked about yet, and I'm trying something: as I downloaded the blocks that are either dirt or solid depending on an ON/OFF switch, I want it to look one way when it's solid, and one way when it's dirt.
So my first thought is "trigger is the ON/OFF".

So I did a 4 8x8 exanimation, with the "ON/OFF" as trigger. And it doesn't work.

Gif of the result

My goal was to have an outlined block for when it's dirt, and a "!" block for when it's solid. Not sure how to do that.

My ExAnimation window

Never mind, I figured it out! I needed to set it to 1 frame, instead of 2, because one set of frames is for ON, one is for OFF. So I set it to 1 frame because I have one for when it's ON, one for when it's OFF ;)
Super Mario Pants World
Luigi's Lost Levels
New Super Mario Pants World
Luigi's Lost Levels 2 - Back With A Revenge
Luigi's Lost Levels 3 - Electrik Boogaloo
VLDC12 - 72HoKaizo#1
Bump. In case it wasn't clear by my inactivity, I will never finish this. I haven't touched Lunar Magic in years, and I don't understand most of this stuff as well as I used to. I do regret that I never explained Triggers, but I hope that the above post will be of use to people. If not, perhaps someone else will explain everything that I never got around to.
There's any way to use the ExAnimation with palette change? I mean, I want to swap single a Koopa for example between the palettes A, B, C and D.
#yolo what the f * c k !
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀a a a a a a a a a a
It's a secret shhh
Has anyone (probably a Staff Member since MolSno just stated that he hasn't used LM in a long time) considered adding a Layer 3 section to this tutorial?

The documentation about it is pretty vague and 80% of the threads are about pre-layer 3 Lunar Magic, the thing is that I had to figure out L3 ExAnimation on my own and I don't think everyone should go through the same trouble I did.
Honestly I bet none of the staff members even remembered this tutorial existed.

I could learn layer 3 ExAnimation but I don't have time to add anything to this tutorial as detailed as what already exists, unfortunately.
I had plans on making a tutorial on L3 ExAnim but since this thread already exists then that would be inconsistent, that's why I decided to ask someone who could actually edit the thread instead.

If none of the staff members are interested then I'm fine with making a separate thread about L3 ExAnim

Originally posted by Pinci
I had plans on making a tutorial on L3 ExAnim but since this thread already exists then that would be inconsistent, that's why I decided to ask someone who could actually edit the thread instead.

If none of the staff members are interested then I'm fine with making a separate thread about L3 ExAnim

I can add your part to the tutorial, if you wish. Also, I think a document compilation of this would be an interesting addition to the Documents section.

Dream team (feed them, please):

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Lunar Magic