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merc's personal dumping ground (spc thread)

a handful of these links might be dead. prolly not going to fix them if they are, also i don't recommend going through most of this thread anyway - the compliment fishing and self-deprecation make it hard to read at times, plus my work from before 2017 is pretty ehhh

I planned on releasing these at C3 but they all suck (except for like, 2) so I figured I'd dump this mess of atrocious "compositions" here now.

I "composed" these "songs" for a puzzle hack I'm making sort of on and off but I'm better off just leaving the music vanilla because I just can't compose. This should explain why I decided to make a destroyed version of "Dark Days of Dissonance" from Keytastrophe in the name of remixing it.

Recoil in horror.

By the way sorry S.N.N for ruining a decent composition of yours.

For the literally no-one who cares the two I'm referring to are Abandoned Keyhouse and POW! A P-switch.
oh and i changed this into an spc thread

LoZ: Oracle of Seasons - Hero's Cave

random port i made, i dunno how i feel about @1 for the melody but i couldn't come up with anything else
moar smw remixing stuff


Much as I hate @17, I couldn't think of anything else that fit the melody.
have i hit a record yet


some abstract overworld thing
surely i have by now

updated, tcdw gave me an adsr that sounded closer to a Koto
You sure are pessimistic in this thread... but to be honest I can't blame you.

Originally posted by MercuryPenny
updated, tcdw gave me an adsr that sounded closer to a koto

This is probably my favorite song that you've shown off so far. Myserious-sounding, which I like. You obviously have good ideas for songs, you just need to keep making them and improve on your skills. Good luck.
Originally posted by Sayuri
You sure are pessimistic in this thread... but to be honest I can't blame you.

mostly because i rarely like what i make

Originally posted by MercuryPenny
This is probably my favorite song that you've shown off so far. Myserious-sounding, which I like. You obviously have good ideas for songs, you just need to keep making them and improve on your skills. Good luck.

thanks, but i'm not so sure how much longer i'll be able to tolerate how horrible i am at this

speaking of which, here's the reason i will never port ever again, a pathetic attempt at a mine theme (the @3s were supposed to be clang-like noises) and another smw remix thing, though i'm not as happy with it as i am anything else

also we need more super circuit ports
Fanatical like a Demon
Even if you're not happy with your work, you have to at least give yourself SOME credit. If a company advertises it's own products negatively, they're not gonna get too much out of the consumer. That said, I'm NOT happy with ANY of my work whatsoever. I'm intimidated as fuck with everyone else's work, especially when I port things that amazing porters already did, such as Slash Man's Stickerbush Symphony port or Lui37's NSMB Castle theme port. Hell I look at the ratings both my YI Soundtracks have gotten in the music section and my SS port and it really tears me down (you have no idea how hard that hits me). I'll never think my ports are ever better or great, nor will I ever be happy with my end result, but you know what? That's okay, I am proud of the effort I at least give. I guess what keeps pushing me to go jx that. I'll always improve and so will you. As Shia said, you should be to the point everyone else would give up but you'll keep going. So don't stop, only thing holding you back is yourself, even if it sucks, jx keep doing it!

Phew, sorry for that huge rant, but come on man, lighten up bc your effort is valid, your work is valid, your feelings are valid, YOU are valid. Don't stop, 1 year from now, you could have a masterpiece in that music section with the download number spiking, and when that happens, I promise I'll show you this message. Jx gotta take them baby steps. #tb{;)}
Major thanks to Suika Ibuki for layout!
I'm open for music requests, just DM me on discord and we can further discuss there.
SMAS Soundtrack Status: 100% finished
YI Soundtrack Status: 100%
YI Unsampled Soundtrack Status: 100%
NSMB Soundtrack Status: 7.89%
Killer Instinct Soundtrack Status: 14.63%
SPC Thread
From our family to you, keep your pants dry, your dreams wet, and remember, hugs not drugs.
generic fire thing

Originally posted by LadiesMan217
blah blah blah

you actually produce hyperaccurate and high quality stuff though, i make a bunch of subpar compositions that get an average of 1.8 or so when they're submitted, you get like 4.0

i understand that you're trying to encourage me but people actually like your stuff, and it's the opposite for me so we're on completely different playing fields here

under normal circumstances i would agree with everything you say but clearly i've only produced two things that doesn't leave everyone turning up their nose and rating 1.0 so
Fanatical like a Demon
Originally posted by MercuryPenny
you actually produce hyperaccurate and high quality stuff though

That's debatable, especially among other more experienced porters than me.

Originally posted by MercuryPenny
i make a bunch of subpar compositions that get an average of 1.8 or so when they're submitted, you get like 4.0

I started no different than you, hell we all did, and at least you can compose, I couldn't compose to save my life.

Originally posted by MercuryPenny
i understand that you're trying to encourage me but people actually like your stuff, and it's the opposite for me so we're on completely different playing fields here

We may be on different playing fields but you'll get better as you do more. Don't let lack of feedback stop you or you'll never know what you could do. Again, I started off no different than you, my first ever ports were from NintSPC. I didn't do my first actual port until I finished the YI Soundtrack (Riptor's 3 themes from Killer Instinct).

Originally posted by MercuryPenny
under normal circumstances i would agree with everything you say but clearly i've only produced two things that doesn't leave everyone turning up their nose and rating 1.0 so

You can only get better if you keep going. I know I use this song as an example ALL the time but it literally was my toughest song but Stickerbush Symphony was hell and pain but I never gave up. I spent hours writing all the values down from that SPC Player, writing every panning's value, note for note. Same with the Jurassic Park ports. I spend hours writing the panning and volume values I can see from the SPC700 player and it's jx trial and error from there, but the end result is worth it. If you really believe in what you're doing, work hard, take nothing personally and if something blocks one route, find another. Never give up.
Major thanks to Suika Ibuki for layout!
I'm open for music requests, just DM me on discord and we can further discuss there.
SMAS Soundtrack Status: 100% finished
YI Soundtrack Status: 100%
YI Unsampled Soundtrack Status: 100%
NSMB Soundtrack Status: 7.89%
Killer Instinct Soundtrack Status: 14.63%
SPC Thread
From our family to you, keep your pants dry, your dreams wet, and remember, hugs not drugs.
It's also true that you're still a newbie, and you can't expect your stuff to sound great already. When I started porting, my ports were so low quality that I didn't even bother submitting them. Porting requires patience and practice: in my case, it took me around 3-4 years to do decent stuff, and yet some flaws happen.
Moreover, you chose the hardest path, which is composing while learning to port. Personally, I'd suggest you to port already done musics rather than composing all the time. You could get clearer ideas by looking how a music should sound like.

Back on topic, your stuff isn't actually so bad. My favourite is the abstract theme: composition-wise, it's pretty amazing. I'd choose a better ADSR for the @2, maybe try something like $FE $F0. Also try making the strings more powerful, maybe increase volume a bit or use constant ADSR (like $FA $E0).
Originally posted by Wakana
[...]composing while learning to port.

You'd be surprised how much I learn through osmosis by being in #imamusic

Personally, I'd suggest you to port already done musics rather than composing all the time.

I tried months ago and none of them turned out good

There's also the far more recent attempts that turned out similarly bad

While my compositions may not be up to my own standards they're still better than these

Originally posted by Wakana
Back on topic, your stuff isn't actually so bad. My favourite is the abstract theme: composition-wise, it's pretty amazing. I'd choose a better ADSR for the @2, maybe try something like $FE $F0. Also try making the strings more powerful, maybe increase volume a bit or use constant ADSR (like $FA $E0).

Strings? If you're talking about the @13s those are supposed to be choir oohs, thanks for the compliment though

Also fixed the bass from the previous thing I linked and also made the noises louder
gave porting another shot

crash cymbals always cut off so i had to make do with @23
Well, it's certainly a start. (though, TXT-wise, I wonder why you didn't loop or label loop anything in #4 and #5)
The orchestra hits end too early, and in the original song, there's a square wave, which you can easily make one using the ADSR in my thread. In fact, I feel this port partly suffers from not using any ADSR. That's not to say it's a bad port, though, but of course, it needs work.
hm, that does sound better. updated
updated that abstract thingy

changed the adsr on the arps (also i looped it a bit better but you can't tell by the spc)