It's now official!
Welcome to our first C3 Level Design Contest! We were already planning something very similar to Giant Shy Guy's thread, so we went ahead and used this as a base.
1. You have to create a level using
anything that's has been released and unveiled this C3.
2. You
must use one or multiple items from this C3. Anything goes, as long as you can make a good level with them.
3. You
can use outside resources, but the focus of this contest is to highlight the new stuff we've been given. Please do not use a single flower graphic from a tileset, but the rest of the level is purely outside resources.
You will be disqualified if your level focuses too much on outside resources. Note that you can use large outside resources if it enhances and emphasizes the C3 resource.
4. You may work with
a single partner.
5. Deadline for this contest is midnight on
July 18, 2015.
FUN: (40)
How fun is your level? Are there any bland or uninteresting spots? Does your level use interesting set-ups to make up good difficulty, or it just spams enemies and Munchers everywhere?
Does your level use the resources creatively? Does it feel memorable, or is it just a generic level?
C3-METER: (40)
Does your level do a good job of showing off the C3 resources it's based on?
A total of
100 points are available.
Giant Shy Guy is providing the following prizes:
1st Place gets
Papers, Please and
Tropico 4
2nd Place gets
3rd Place gets
One Finger Death Punch
All on Steam™
So that's about it. Any questions should be directed to
the discussion thread - please use this thread for submissions only. Good luck!