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Sonic Adventure 64 - [Summer C3 2015 Demo]

PatchDemoSM64 HackMusic

SMWCentral Mirror

The Team:

(This hack uses .BPS for patching)
Welcome to the Summer C3 2015 demo of Sonic Adventure 64!

It's been an interesting time developing this demo with LuigiXHero, BlackStone187 and DobieMeltfire. A lot of ideas thrown around and well, here it is! We hope you enjoy the demo and write what you think.

In this demo, you'll explore Emerald Coast and beat the Whomp King,
Collect 8 Red Rings, and collect 100 rings.

More to come soon!
I recommend people give this a try, I've been following the Progress Thread and seems like some pretty cool stuff.
I recommend this one as well. Seen some great stuff from anything by Mega. And if it's a group effort, Then I think it'll be better than I would think. Played it for a while, heck I'll even post a video on what I thought about it. #smw{:TUP:}
A 1UP may save your life one day.

Check me out on Youtube so you can see the many LPs I did on the rom hacks on this site!

PatchDemoSM64 HackMusic