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Rescue of Rochie v1.1 [RELEASE]


Hello everyone, welcome to my hack thread!

It is a pleasure for me to show my project, which is named "Rescue of Rochie". After a long process of repair that seemed endless, my hack is officially ready for release.

History: Surely, many of you already know the history, but here it goes:
Mario, Yoshi and Rochie arrived to an island and they wanted to explore it (Rochie being Yoshi's cousin). As they walked, a subject came flying , and within a second captured Rochie, and took him to a castle high in the sky ...

I tried to make every level has something different to show the player. It contains custom graphics, custom music (my favourite!), asm (sprites, blocks, etc.) and more, but I focused more on not very long levels, containing fun excursions more than anything else.

Download it here.

Here are some pictures.

(↑ not much a fan of these sprites...)

For Spanish speakers: La versión en español no está incluida. Fue descartada por tener unos problemas en el overworld... y algunos otros... Si querés la versión en Español, pedímela por PM, pero te advierto que es una versión BETA y puede contener errores.

Read the readme for a list of credits. I hope you liked it, have fun!
Any way to get secret exit in Desert Shifting Sand? I have searched level in and out and nothing!
