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MK64 Rainbow Road
Stickerbrush Symphony
Kirby's Adventure - R. Resort
Marble Madness - Stage 1
Sonic & Knuckles - Lava Reef act 1
Perfect Dark - Chicago Stealth.</div></div>
Sorry, some songs can't be inserted. It stopped at 23 (Marble Madness).
This won't work unless:
1: You move some songs over to the overworld music list.
2: You try the japanese expansion for the japanese addmusic (I haven't tried it yet, so I won't know what'll happen.).
I'll join. I'm in the process of making a level right now (complete with a ceiling made of spikes, cheap enemy placement, and a ridiculously annoying jump).
And I'm using lots of custom ExGFX. Whoops.


Originally posted by Dotsarecool
Could you tell me what custom blocks you used and where they are located in the map-16, so I can insert them as well? And I need a name.

Custom Blocks - Map16 in Decimal (Hex)
158 - 784 (310)
130 - 785 (311)
4 - 786 (312)
3 - 787 (313)
58 - 789 (314)
50 - 782 (30E)

Let's just call it Death Blocks. Why not?

I just played it, and I modified the thwomp place, because sometimes, they fall for no reason, or just disappear, and you can't beat it. Its still hard, though. :)

Whoa, what? I've tested it pretty thoroughly and never had them just disappear. It's completely beatable for me.
Please give me a screenshot of what you changed.

Edit: I actually even made a tool-assisted run to prove it's beatable. I might also record myself playing it normally with save states to show I can beat it with good old fashioned skill (eventually). It's not impossible at all.
These are the things I'm using:

Custom Music

Spark Man Close Call
CB- Temple Ruins
*Super Mario land Ruins
*Yoshis Island: Castle
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Final Fantasy 1: Dungeon
EDIT: DKC2 - Rambi Rumble

* might be changed if ever get an e-mail back.

Also, I'm using one MAP16 page of FG ExGFX, and 2 small BG's.

Custom Sprites:

Automatic Walk
Bob-omb Block
Classic Goomba with classic SFX (This will be in there unless the default Goombas are changed into squash-able ones)
Deadweight Bro
Earthquake Bowser
Fixed Fire Bar
Giant Fire Bar
Giant Bomb Brother
Horizontal Power Thomp
NPC v2
Reverse Thwomp
SMB3 Fire Chomp

I know it's a lot, but my level is very, very long. I might not use some.

Custom Blocks:

Horizontal vine
Quicksand Block
Up teleport
Very solid block

I haven't inserted these blocks yet. I'm still planning my level.

Hopefully this all isn't too many things...
I just played it, and I modified the thwomp place, because sometimes, they fall for no reason, or just disappear, and you can't beat it. Its still hard, though. :)

Whoa, what? I've tested it pretty thoroughly and never had them just disappear. It's completely beatable for me.
Please give me a screenshot of what you changed.

Edit: I actually even made a tool-assisted run to prove it's beatable. I might also record myself playing it normally with save states to show I can beat it with good old fashioned skill (eventually). It's not impossible at all.</div></div>

I just put death blocks under three of the thwomps so you die if you touch them, but they come back up. Sometimes, the middle thwomp fell and it was impossible to clear the gap. I might check it again.

@ daboys: O_O That is a lot.
Originally posted by Dotsarecool
I just put death blocks under three of the thwomps so you die if you touch them, but they come back up. Sometimes, the middle thwomp fell and it was impossible to clear the gap. I might check it again.

Kaizo levels are meant to be beaten with savestates, right? So if the middle thwomp falls, load the state from the pipe. If the thwomps are able to come back up, the level becomes way easier. You can just keep bouncing off them. The whole point is that you have to bounce off them before they plummet. I've only had them drop without your movement when they're at the screen boundary when you enter, so I moved them so that's not a problem.
I just checked it, and it worked. O_o Ok, It'll stay. The fourth thwomp wasn't loading for some odd reason.
It is complete.

Here's what it has.


-New graphics for black piranha plants
-SMB3 World 1-4 background


-Doesn't really matter since there's an overworld already, but it's an island with a bunch of hills.


-Opening unchanged
-An intro with Mario just barely avoiding some threats. A screenshot of it was posted earlier.

Custom Blocks


Custom Sprites



-The level uses the NSMB main theme, but that's it.


-Fade fix patch
-POW/Star music fix
fuck yeah meowingtons
The Eggs of Saear | #extreme | Spade's Gallery of Visual Arts | PM me | My YouTube channel | xkcd | Dinosaur Comics
I'll give it a go.

Mine is more story based so far, and I asm'd a block or two. If it's not hard enough, sorry. :p
Maxx: Don't worry about it!

hey dots, i kinda need a hex edit.

the boss in my level makes you spinjump on fuzzies constantly and in order for the boss to be possible, the fuzzies need to stay after he dies

can you change ROM address

1D0D4 $03:CED4

to 4 instead of 3?

Also i need
Chrono Trigger-Corridors of Time for the music.
Ok, I'll change it when I can.
Forget my level, Im too lazy to fix it up before the deadline. And I don't wanna get flamezored like I did before.

But can I try a copy myself when it's done?
Your layout has been removed.
Originally posted by Tanooki Bro.
Forget my level, Im too lazy to fix it up before the deadline. And I don't wanna get flamezored like I did before.

But can I try a copy myself when it's done?

You don't have enough time between now and July 15th?
Pshah, YOU don't have enough time?
I won't have access to my computer until the tenth, and I can still finish, and it'll still kick-ass :/
<-- this is the dope on dope
Oh crap, there's a major mistake in my level. D:<

See the trap at the end? Apparently you can go through the goal post without using the POW switch. :(

If you could, just put lava there instead. Or a bottomless pit. :D
fuck yeah meowingtons
The Eggs of Saear | #extreme | Spade's Gallery of Visual Arts | PM me | My YouTube channel | xkcd | Dinosaur Comics
I'm making two levels (Just noticed...)?
Ah well. I'll dump my medium-hard puzzles/levels into lv. 6, and the frustration ones into my other one.
I think for convenience, we should just use the Custom Music patch :/
<-- this is the dope on dope
Originally posted by An00bis
I think for convenience, we should just use the Custom Music patch :/

No, it won't use music fit for someone's stage, and probably not mine.
I never said I don't have enough time. I said i'm too lazy.
I have already got another hack going. I'm screwing with Mario's gfx right now.
Your layout has been removed.
Can someone test out my level so far? I'm not sure if it's too easy or hard at the moment :|.

Also, here's the list of custom blocks I used:
Switchable Block Off
Switchable Block On
Smashable Brick
Frozen Block
+10 Time Block
Goal Block
Teleport Block
Low-Time Block
Pow Switch block
Pow Switch Hold Block
Silver Pow Switch Block
Silver Pow Switch Hold Block
Blue Pow Only Block
Reverse Blue Pow Only Block
Enemy Only Block
Mario Block

I didn't use any sprites.

I didn't use any custom music.

Patches I used:
Classic Fireball
Counter Break
Counter Break Y
Free Scroll

Later on, should I make my level(s) have a secret to go to another level?
