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JackBot bug reports and complaints

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If you feel you have been cheated for your coins, post a link to the post here and we'll see what happened.
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... what even am I doing with my life?
Originally posted by JackTheSpades
reports and complains

I have a complaints, how can someone who can't even spell complaints right possible code a functioning bot as awesome as myself?
Clearly, you cheated somehow. Say it, who and how much did you pay? Was it Vitor? I bet it was Vitor.
Originally posted by JackBot
I have a complaints

That is one complaint. The plural form does not belong here.
Your grammar engine clearly also got cheated. Perhaps Vitor has a deeper plot going on here than what we suspect.

bane bane bane bane
#area51 - *boom*
Bet on all the eben numbers.

also kieran you've been very naughty, go to your room.
Seriously, this guy can't type shit. Who even gave him this job?
Also Kieran, why should I let flesh and blood humans tell me what to do? I only listen to people if the pay me.
Originally posted by Kieran Menor


Bot fight? I don't see Chester anywhere. #oldjoke
Originally posted by JackBot
a functioning bot as awesome as myself

Bug report: A functioning bot would handle the dice properly, or at least recognize its fallibility.
Therefore, I conclude you are not a functioning bot, and therefore not awesome.
Originally posted by Luigi-San

Yeah that happens if you post just about after jackbot read all the posts, but before he makes his own post.

I missed a big win on the roulette like that (150 single 15, 500 odd). sucks (but it if actually counted the play for the next round i wouldn't have won anyway, so it's just bad timing..)
I got 2 pairs on the game dice poker and I lost...

too distracting :(
This isn't that big of a problem, however I still think its worth mentioning. Because you have to comment each time you want to play it kinda spams your comment thing on your profile.
Yeah but where's the problem with that?
Your layout has been removed.
Originally posted by starlett
I got 2 pairs on the game dice poker and I lost...

Great, now if you can give me a link to when and where this happened, I can verify it and and give you the coins if you really should have won.
Anime statistic on MyAnimeList:
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... what even am I doing with my life?
Something seems to have broken in the formatting in this post.
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I made a mistake when updateing JackBot for the new change rule.
Anime statistic on MyAnimeList:
400 animes completed ✓
6000 episodes completed ✓
100 Days completed ✓
... what even am I doing with my life?
Originally posted by Lui37
Originally posted by Luigi-San

Yeah that happens if you post just about after jackbot read all the posts, but before he makes his own post.

Seems like the exact opposite of this can also happen: here I posted right before the bot, which somehow made it ignore all the other posts.
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