So year ago I was working on my Kirby's Adventure hack, but tehn I ran some problems(tl;dr rom corrupted) so I started to work on my SMW hack. But now that Im done with that hack, Im now continuing to work on this.
Since I did lost tons of progress, I had to redo all my changes from the corrupted rom to my last good backup(I lost everything I had done on world3, some minor changes on world1&2 and then 5 extra areas I did for world1), so at the moment Im still recreating those(Im around 90% done with that) since with the Kirby editor theres no fancy level import/export feature, backups or even basic copy&paste between two editors like in LM.
So what is Kirbys Bizarre Adventure? No, theres no JoJo references other than the title, stop asking.
Its basic level hack with some graphical changes(some sprites like Kirby from Kirbys Dream Land 2, fonts from Lolo2&3 and few more) and then the main Gimmick is that you cannot float/fly at all, so you have to use the abilities to get through the levels.
There are Four levels+boss, one hidden level per world, there are three worlds in total(due to size limitations which I have hit million times already, not to mention how tedious/ass the editor itself is).
So other than recreating lost stuff, I did remade world1's second levels first part since the original one wasn't that great, now it uses the wind gimmick from the original game, so you can jump higher and further than in the original, its still work-in-progress since I didn't have that much time to work on it:

Some other screenshots:

And finally, heres the demo. Sadly I didn't have that much time so its the bit older demo, but its still mostly the same for most part. It contains first two worlds, ten levels in total.
Heres trailer for those who prefer to watch than play for themselves
Click to download
Patch it into "Kirby's Adventure (U) [!] (PRG 1).nes" from goodnes 3.14
If you have any comments or anything feel free to ask etc

Since I did lost tons of progress, I had to redo all my changes from the corrupted rom to my last good backup(I lost everything I had done on world3, some minor changes on world1&2 and then 5 extra areas I did for world1), so at the moment Im still recreating those(Im around 90% done with that) since with the Kirby editor theres no fancy level import/export feature, backups or even basic copy&paste between two editors like in LM.
So what is Kirbys Bizarre Adventure? No, theres no JoJo references other than the title, stop asking.
Its basic level hack with some graphical changes(some sprites like Kirby from Kirbys Dream Land 2, fonts from Lolo2&3 and few more) and then the main Gimmick is that you cannot float/fly at all, so you have to use the abilities to get through the levels.
There are Four levels+boss, one hidden level per world, there are three worlds in total(due to size limitations which I have hit million times already, not to mention how tedious/ass the editor itself is).
So other than recreating lost stuff, I did remade world1's second levels first part since the original one wasn't that great, now it uses the wind gimmick from the original game, so you can jump higher and further than in the original, its still work-in-progress since I didn't have that much time to work on it:

Some other screenshots:

And finally, heres the demo. Sadly I didn't have that much time so its the bit older demo, but its still mostly the same for most part. It contains first two worlds, ten levels in total.
Heres trailer for those who prefer to watch than play for themselves
Click to download
Patch it into "Kirby's Adventure (U) [!] (PRG 1).nes" from goodnes 3.14
If you have any comments or anything feel free to ask etc