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1,000 news posts - A decade in review

Good news, everyone! And what a lot of them, too.

We're proud to announce that as of today, there are 1,000 (one thousand) news posts on the central! To celebrate this milestone (shh this is an exception to the "no milestone threads" rule), the staff team has combed through the entire news archive and selected the most memorable posts.
(This isn't a timeline of the most important events, though - it's really just whatever seems noteworthy.)

So join us on this quick tour through the best news posts of the decade! ...well, eight and a half years. and sixteen posts.

Let us know if we missed any! What are your favorite news posts of all time?

Without further ado, here's the staff selections:

We don't have much to say... (August 22, 2007)
It's the first ever news post! ...well, the first one since the 2007 "great wipe", anyway. There ought to be a few dozen more from SMWC's first incarnation (2006-2007), but if we included those it wouldn't be an "exactly 1000 news posts" celebration anymore, now would it?

Le Mosts. (October 23, 2007)
Oh man, the first ever Mosts. I've lost track of how many we've had by now, but it's probably at least ten? Bonus game: Look through the voting thread and see how many nominees you recognize.

We admit defeat. (February 7, 2008)
In early 2008 the site was to be replaced with a brand-new, general ROM hacking site called Nightfall. The admins had great plans for it, and there's been much secrecy and anticipation (and uncertainty). For one reason or another the plan failed, and the admins made the decision to stay with SMWC for the time being (as you can clearly see, I mean, just look at the address bar #tb{^^}).

News (April 8, 2008)
Well they're not so new anymore now... probably should have thought that one through.

We're back! (March 6, 2009)
Wait, what was that post about? It's hard to read now, there's snot all over it.
(not mine though)

Forum renovation (July 24, 2010)
Oh hey, anyone remember that? The forums were down for a couple of days (You couldn't even read them I'm pretty sure), so the news articles became the place to hang out and talk about *everything*. (This article alone had 390 comments, and was followed by a few of similar size.) Take a moment to thank the news section for working hard to keep the discussion alive! #tb{:)}

New Files (August 19, 2010)
Showing off the latest submissions was a neat idea to put the news to even better use. Turned out to be another case of ideas losing steam though - would've been cool if it had been automatic. But hey, at least the "Member of the Month" and "Project Feature" news series are still going strong!

The 100,000,000th page view! (September 23, 2010)
And by a *registered user* no less! What are the odds?
Actually, I wonder if those kinds of posts are still made. What's the next milestone, 400 million? Let's all press F5 real hard and find out! #tb{:>}

A Much-Needed Friendly Reminder (September 26, 2010)
Ah, how times have changed. Remember how we used to not have a Kaizo section on here, and instantly rejected all Kaizo hacks? Now all we need's a stacked munchers section!
(we've already had a rom section like forever though. duh. it's called the rom map)

Featured Hack of the Week (September 25, 2011)
The first "featured hack" post as far as I can tell, and the predecessor to what's now the "monthly project feature". Huh, so it's been going on for well over four years.

Regarding user-made contests. (October 21, 2012)
This is news post number 500 - we're at the midway point!
Interesting how it's taken the staff five years to accumulate the first 500, and just about three years later we're already at a thousand.
So much for no news is good news. (Did that make sense? I can't tell.)

Clarification On What is & isn't a Legacy Hack (September 20, 2014)
Just pointing out we're at news post #750 now. Is it just me, or have those two years been particularly... uneventful? #tb{''} By my rough estimate, almost 102% of all news posts between 2012 and 2014 had a title containing "results", "welcome", "update", or "sux".

Happy New Year & Happy Birthday SMWC (January 1, 2015)
Hey, this was only a year ago? Time doesn't fly after all.
Last year, Counterfeit took the time to collect portraits of SMWC's population and glue them together into one stellar™ collage. (Looking good, everyone!) All I can say is I want to pet Raidenthequick.

It's actually completely done... (May 7, 2015)
Not quite yet! I just felt like I should include an actual milestone in here again for a change.
What Tahixham meant was the ExGFX remoderation - and man, what a task that was. Good thing there hasn't been any new feature recently added to LM - say, exporting only selected parts of a palette - that would warrant a new remoderation all over again, right?

Lunar Magic 2.40 (September 25, 2015)

Happy 10 Year Anniversary! (January 1, 2016)
Can you believe it's been twelve days already since SMWC turned ten years old? Man, those were the days.

Again, let us know if we missed any! What are your favorite news posts of all time?


Are you guys purposely excluding the pre-wipe news posts? There actually were some pretty significant ones before that as well. For example, the first ever news post was this (the title is the part in quotes):

Welcome to SMW Central. Please excuse the mess. We're not quite finished yet. Don't touch the walls. The paint hasn't dried yet.

Please leave the site if you are planning on suing us.
Posted by: Smallhacker - 01-02-2006 12:05 am - 0 comments

I have some other good ones too.
The handomest people in the world are ones who follow my Twitch
Who the hell is The Kins? Also where's the crackdown on "Nice" news post? That was easily one of the more memorable ones (also ties in to the Nice's on the first news post)
Yeah! Fuck 2013!
Your layout has been removed.
Originally posted by KTBHacking
Are you guys purposely excluding the pre-wipe news posts?

Yep, because if we didn't, we wouldn't be celebrating "exactly a thousand news posts". #tb{:p} I really should take a look at them at again though, just for nostalgia's sake.

Originally posted by Richard Nixon
Also where's the crackdown on "Nice" news post? That was easily one of the more memorable ones (also ties in to the Nice's on the first news post)

Fair enough, that seems like a noteworthy one as well - thanks for mentioning that. (truth be told, it was mostly just me doing the selecting. #ab{^^;;;})
Or are you specifically asking for its location? In that case, here it is.

Originally posted by WhiteYoshiEgg
What's the next milestone, 400 million?

Looks like we're real close to another milestone...

I expect cake or something.
PM me!
Quest on Full Moon Island 2

I'm a dog. Woof.

Tag (div) is closed, I just felt like saying hi.
Originally posted by WhiteYoshiEgg
Regarding user-made contests. (October 21, 2012)
This is news post number 500 - we're at the midway point!
Interesting how it's taken the staff five years to accumulate the first 500, and just about three years later we're already at a thousand.
So much for no news is good news. (Did that make sense? I can't tell.)

Just one news post from me and it was only picked because it landed on a milestone :(. And I remember that post was criticized by Supertails because of the "I'm taking it over" part, or something.

Fun fact: I thought the descriptions in this tread were the actual news posts until I got to that one.
My favorite news posts were the ones I made.
Originally posted by WhiteYoshiEgg
We're back! (March 6, 2009)
Wait, what was that post about? It's hard to read now, there's snot all over it.
(not mine though)

hey that's the day i registered! man, hard to believe i'm coming up on 7 years here. hi everybody!
I kind of grew up on this site and its IRC. Would do it again.
Originally posted by WhiteYoshiEgg
The 100,000,000th page view! (September 23, 2010)
And by a *registered user* no less! What are the odds?
Actually, I wonder if those kinds of posts are still made. What's the next milestone, 400 million? Let's all press F5 real hard and find out! #tb{:>}

Maybe I should steal view 400 million just for old times sake?

Na! Sometimes it is good to give others a chance. And if by any chance I do get view 400 million, likely I am to probably go inactive for another year and almost half.

I still have the snapshot. Hard to believe, and also hard to believe I made a post again. Back to lurking I guess? Still got an RPG to develop; even if way back around 2011 I off and on worked on it.

edit: And my last PM ID went from 369000ish to 408000ish. Which is about 39,000 PMs in around a year and almost 5 months.
Gives a bit of an idea of how many PMs were sent.
Where I am found.