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Teleport when died.

In Call of Cthulhu, has a level when the mario die, he is teleported to another level.
Well, I would like to know the sprite or whatever he used. Please! Thank you.

NOTE: I know the sprite: wrap when die, help. But i wanna the mario make the dead animation, like the call of cthulhu.
Hacks and GFXs
My instagram profile, if you are interesting to see my drawings.
MyAnimeList profile.
I was not planning make hacks for a while, so the third episode of the "o ninja negro" series will take a long time to make, and "Mario in neb's land 2" is cancelled.
Darken, that scene was made using a lot of ingenuity.

What you see dying is not Mario. It's a Koopa exploding out of a block. The koopa has it's graphics changed so it looks like Mario dying.

The real Mario is out of the visible screen, walking automatically towards a common teleport block to trigger the teleport to another level.