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Super Mario World Beta

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Well... I am making the green-roofed Mushroom house un-enterable. This may be a bit of a dissapointment to some, but there is really no information on what was held within that level tile. Don't get me wrong, I have tried to fill the level, but right now it is no more of a test/powerup zone. Sorry guys.

Edit: By the way... I have a job now. That is causing a major slowdown in progress. Again, sorry guys.
- Game Night - Mario Party 3 Game Board
- 3+World (Cancelled - Download Available)
- Super Mario World Beta (2009)
Yay, the thread is reopened. I decided to scrap my hack once I found out about your two versions, also, congrats on the job. Anyways, I think the two versions thing is a very unique idea. I havent seen anyone else do it with thier hacks. I dont care if progress is slowed. It will be worth the wait to play.
Hey, just wondering? Did you fix the big Dino Rhino so he dose not look at the camera. I think we talked about this on page 3 but you never got involed. Just wondering?
Check out my hack, Super Wario World in the
hack disscussion area.

Originally posted by famerdave
Hey, just wondering? Did you fix the big Dino Rhino so he dose not look at the camera. I think we talked about this on page 3 but you never got involed. Just wondering?

lol, I remember that. No, I never really got around to it. There was insufficient evidence, but I still have yet to try. I don't have a lot of time to work on this now. Maybe after release I will work on some sprites for that...

- Game Night - Mario Party 3 Game Board
- 3+World (Cancelled - Download Available)
- Super Mario World Beta (2009)
Yea, or maybe if you allow other hackers can go in a finsh up some of the beta graphics like the over world stutus thing and other stuff that needs to be done.

I just hope you get it released soon so we all can see how it looks. Cant wait!!!
Check out my hack, Super Wario World in the
hack disscussion area.

Originally posted by famerdave
Yea, or maybe if you allow other hackers can go in a finsh up some of the beta graphics like the over world stutus thing and other stuff that needs to be done.

I was thinking after it's release, that this could become a community based project. If people want, they could submit some beta related GFX, Levels, Sprites, ASM hacks, ect.

I have been doing some touchups on some sprites, and decided to add some extra frames to small Mario. I am not extremely fond of his ducking sprite, but I like the second one quite a bit. What do you guys think?

- Game Night - Mario Party 3 Game Board
- 3+World (Cancelled - Download Available)
- Super Mario World Beta (2009)
I really like the second one and the fisrt one is okay. Is the info on your BIO current. I cant wait for this to be realeased. i like the idea about making it a community based project and you should sets some rules like if we vote for the new thing then it is uploaded in the master file. cause it would be bad for one file to have one thing but the other one dose not, Understand
Check out my hack, Super Wario World in the
hack disscussion area.

Mario Wiki Has Images Of Completed Not Used Levels. (And By Completed I Mean Maps)
He is using the beta levels not unused final levels. Read all the post and you will get it.
Check out my hack, Super Wario World in the
hack disscussion area.

Are you going to work on Princess Peach?
Oh man what about bowser?
Originally posted by famerdave
He is using the beta levels not unused final levels. Read all the post and you will get it.
I Read Before I Posted. Also It Was Under Beta Elements, There Were Two Levels That Were Not In The Final Game.Besides Those Levels Were Also On SMW WIKI. (Wikipedia Version Of SMWCENRAL Made By The Same Peaple Who Made This Website.)

Originally posted by Luigidude
Originally posted by famerdave
He is using the beta levels not unused final levels. Read all the post and you will get it.
I Read Before I Posted. Also It Was Under Beta Elements, There Were Two Levels That Were Not In The Final Game.Besides Those Levels Were Also On SMW WIKI. (Wikipedia Version Of SMWCENRAL Made By The Same Peaple Who Made This Website.)

I sorry, I cant explain to you. This is about the BETA GAME, the other levals are from the newer version. I know it is kinda confusing.

Yoshi Master, Is it still coming along good, is the people with the alpha test finding problems. i cant wait for this hack
Check out my hack, Super Wario World in the
hack disscussion area.

Normally I don't have my brain exploding about any hacks.
But seriously, I can barely wait another second for this thing, as soon as I know its up, BAM, I'll be all over this hack, dash in, and if you think its cool, dash off to LP your hack.
How is it coming. Cant wait for it!!
Check out my hack, Super Wario World in the
hack disscussion area.

Well, a few errors have been found, and a couple levels are being touched up or completely redone. That, and I will have to move everything over to a clean rom, just to pick up some messes I made. Nothing to big here.

On a side note, does anybody have MikeyK's Raccoon patch? In order to do this correctly, I may need a copy of that...
- Game Night - Mario Party 3 Game Board
- 3+World (Cancelled - Download Available)
- Super Mario World Beta (2009)
Nope, sorry!!
Just a question, Are you planning on sending out more Alpha copys, cuase this would be fun to test.
Check out my hack, Super Wario World in the
hack disscussion area.

Yeah, it would be nice if he sent out a few more alphas, partially because I cant wait and the more people testing, the more bugs that will be found and fixed.


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