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"Abuse and Die 3 v.2.0" by TheAbusefreakhacker0

File Name: Abuse and Die 3 v.2.0
Submitted: 2016-01-25 07:03:57 AM by TheAbusefreakhacker0
Authors: TheAbusefreakhacker0
Demo: Yes
Featured: No
Length: 10 exit(s)
Difficulty: Kaizo: Hard
Description: Finally I'm done well not really it is a beta , if someone finds a bug then please let me know!

Originally posted by submission guidelines
The moderation process is not a substitute for beta testing and is only suitable for content that the author believes is ready for approval to SMW Central.

If you (or any beta testers) have not play-tested your hack fully, please don't submit it. Re-submit once you feel that the hack is clear of bugs and other issues and is ready to be accepted.