ok I got forced to made a newer analysis on this level with more details.
The start doesn't really introduce the gimmick we're seeing while we advance. While it's true yo get started on a slope, you don't get taught to actually slide down and bounce in either a note block or keep on a moving platform, which is what the later level consists of. Maybe you can put an indicator of that.
Noivern gave a good example on IRC:
Originally posted by Noivern<Noivern> start the player on a slope after exiting the pipe, with a down arrow in coins
<Noivern> leading to some rocks to hit
<Noivern> just for fun, but
<Noivern> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/33440823/COLLAB/Morton/mechanic.png
This is the first usage of the gimmick, albeit a simple one. It's a good introduction because you aren't actually forced to
learn the gimmick, but are given a reward in case of doing it.
Also a problem here:
if you keep sliding from the start up to the point with the chuck, this might hit you blindly since the player doesn't expect it. I say remove the chuck.
Not really later, we're introduced to the real first usage of the gimmick.
While I agree the gimmick was taught nicely with anteriority, it might be better if the munchers in this obstacle were removed. Might I add that the diggin' chuck here is
really annoying?
<~Erik557> this obstacle might be too complicated for a second one too, i don't know
Before getting to the next sliding obstacle we get some part with a diggin' chuck. Good addition.
The two following sliding parts are not really complicated, and are in fact a good way to balance in the diffictlty. Maybe one could be swapped with the first obstacle?
Now the following obstacle.
That slope is misleading.
If you made this jump wrong then that rock is your doom. Remove it.
At last, a midway point. Game over count: 1
Yes, it was the diggin' chuck NEXT TO THE MIDWAY POINT the one that made me get it. I had to redo the first part.
fgsfds please remove that muncher
i lost my sanity with this obstacle. I got another game over here.
The following obstacle is alright, however I keep insisting on you to remove the munchers.
The obstacle to get the last Yoshi coin is pretty clever, actually! I liked it.
And I finished. Game over count: 2
The second half feels overall shorter than the first, so you might want to balance them.
A lot of the problems come from the rock/chuck/muncher abuse, and while the level is actually pretty creative, thatere are some not fun at all parts.
fix/change some of the stuff so it feels much more enjoyable.
si abres una iglesia me hago religioso