If anyone is wondering which levels are DQ'd and won't be in the hack, here's what me and Jack discussed on IRC.
10:15 Falconpunch Hey Jack
10:15 Falconpunch Do you know of which levels will not be put in the hack? (aka which ones are DQ'd altogether)
10:17 Jack most likely
10:23 *** Eevee joined #vldc
10:23 *** AFKeon quit (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Eevee)))
10:23 Jack aaaaand, of course, there are also some people who exported their entire map16
10:23 *** Eevee is now known as AFKeon
10:32 Falconpunch i see
10:32 Falconpunch I believe these five are subject to disqualification...
10:33 Falconpunch What NOT to do (MARIOWORLD), Level 01 (jshaaa), Mysterious Ice Cavern (Minakami), Systrem Studio's level, and Mushroom Inferno (nahuelscoba)
10:33 Falconpunch Which ones are to be DQ'd?
10:38 Jack wow... spot on

Though you forgot J.T.W.
So, rounding it all up...
-(Level) - J.T.W.
-(Level) - Systrem Studios
-Mysterious Ice Cavern - Minikami
-Mushroom Inferno - nahuelscoba
-Level 01 - jshaaa
-What NOT To Do - M A R I O W O R L D
These six levels are disqualified and will not be put in the final project. It's gotta be a lot of work to put stuff in the worst this year, due to all the penalties and such...
Unfortunately, I'm not very active on the site anymore like I was before; I'm mainly on Discord now. Thanks for understanding.