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VLDC9 Results - Judge comments added

Wow 47th without ties as I've been told?? Pretty happy with that for one of my first SMW levels period. Congrats to the winners!

I came 37th...
That's just above the median, I believe.
To be honest, I probably could have done better, but for a rushed first VLDC, I think I did quite well. I hope to do better next time, and congratulations to the winners.

something is supposed to go here

Originally posted by snoruntpyro
Wow 47th without ties as I've been told?? Pretty happy with that for one of my first SMW levels period. Congrats to the winners!

You got 31st. Niceeee EDIT: Nvm, I just counted WITHOUT TIES. yeah.

43rd for me in that case.

I expected near-worst world due to the difficulty of my level, but oh wow the judges have impressed me (29th). This will, however, give me some bashing when people on talkhaus or Youtube be like "raocow spent 3 hours on this level! This level should be in that damn munchertown!"

I'm also surprised at the results near the top. I expected something like SNN - NGB - worldpeace - Gloomier - GBreezeSunset, and then some. Also apparently lots of scores were like "3 good scores and one abomination", notably SNN, Frost, lolyoshi, Lazy, etc. Speaking of Lazy, out of the super-hard levels I think Lazy/morsel did the best, but that's Nimono for you, a 2 for creativity and a 3 for aesthetics #wario{>:|}
20th, thats awesome considering how
I was 85th with three points last time lol
and the level itself was rushed too.

Also good to see Ninja Boy still doesn't like my level design#ab{:P}.
38th... Cool. Just what I expected: A place that's not too bad but not too good due to the quality of my level. Anyway, congratulations to the winners, you did an awesome job with your levels!
I play forum games and draw furries. I'm mostly active on Discord and Twitter.

4th. That's pretty cool. Curious to read ninja boy's results, as he really pulled me down, but hey.

Congrats to the winners!
Originally posted by S.N.N.
4th. That's pretty cool. Curious to read ninja boy's results, as he really pulled me down, but hey.

Congrats to the winners, but it was a really dumb idea having two first places.

it was a collab level, they both worked on it.

e: fuk u LOL
Yeah I edited my post, just clicked it again. Scared me for a second - I was genuinely concerned the judges gave two people first place

(also smoked you LOL)
I wans't expecting 17th place

Now 21st, i'm feeling so bad

I got 35th place. That's not bad, but I could have done better. Congratulations to the winners! Your levels were great!
Formerly known as nick 139
My YouTube channel
10/10 Made best submission ever #demskillz
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Originally posted by nick 139
I got 35th place. That's not bad, but I could have done better. Congratulations to the winners! You're levels were great!

*your :D

Aesthetics and creativity points were thrown all over the place by nimono and ninja boy
Originally posted by S.N.N.
4th. That's pretty cool. Curious to read ninja boy's results, as he really pulled me down, but hey.

Congrats to the winners!

I am also really curious to see Ninjaboy's comments, and for one reason in particular..

How did we both get a 5 in easthetics? I thought your aesthetics looked fantastic, and well, people complemented my levels aesthetics way more than its level design.
wtf with all of ninja boy's judging tbh
Please check out BOWSIE!
waving the white flag, sending my love back, move on
snn's eggs had the wrong colour.

10 aesthetics points from ninja boy if they were brown like the HowTo Eggs.
Originally posted by Erik557
wtf with all of ninja boy's judging tbh

Yeah I thought it was just me, but after reviewing his scores things seem really wonky for a lot of people. Huh.
I'm loling at quite a bit of the responses though, its not just Ninja Boy.

We really need these judge comments asap. This is just too good to wait for!
It's really disappointing to see all people saying the nicest stuff ever about my entry in the forum and then not really getting that far in the end. 14th 17th isn't ideal in my book, but at the same time it isn't half bad either, so thanks anyway! Also congrats to the winners and everyone who placed high in general! Gotta say there were some really nice surprises this time, haha!

Really wanna read the comments, btw.
Originally posted by Eevee
Not bad for my first vldc, heh.

I'd say the same for my case as well :P

...Welp, I did that! This seems to be a running theme with me, agreeing with the final scores for my entries in any contest ever, in this community. ... and whoop whoop to all of the high scorers, I feel like they deserved a high placing!

also, I beat my arch nemesis by 3 points
Failed to join this contest again, but oh well. Congrats to the winners and to everyone else who participated!