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SMAS ROMhack tool please?

Can you give the tool you edit SMAS levels with? I googled alrea, did not work.
BTW, how to put layouts? Here's my attempt:
<div style="background: url(
Just junk and no SMM background as I wanted
Here. You need a Japanese Super Mario Collection ROM.
How to use:
Put the program, your ROM, and the SMB1 hack on the same folder, then double-click on the .exe file. Type this:
SMB2SMC [Super Mario Bros. hacked ROM]
[Japanese Super Mario Collection ROM]
[Name of the new hacked Super Mario Collection ROM]

Also include the file formats when typing the command.

Originally posted by Luansilva12
Here. You need a Japanese Super Mario Collection ROM.
How to use:
Put the program, your ROM, and the SMB1 hack on the same folder, then double-click on the .exe file. Type this:
SMB2SMC [Super Mario Bros. hacked ROM]
[Japanese Super Mario Collection ROM]
[Name of the new hacked Super Mario Collection ROM]

Also include the file formats when typing the command.

Thanks! How to do the Layout?
Originally posted by Lemon Productions from YouTube
Thanks! How to do the Layout?

Which hack did you port?

Originally posted by Luansilva12
Here. You need a Japanese Super Mario Collection ROM.
How to use:
Put the program, your ROM, and the SMB1 hack on the same folder, then double-click on the .exe file. Type this:
SMB2SMC [Super Mario Bros. hacked ROM]
[Japanese Super Mario Collection ROM]
[Name of the new hacked Super Mario Collection ROM]

Also include the file formats when typing the command.

The smb2smc.exe opens only for 0 seconds and closes. What can I do?
Originally posted by Lemon Productions from YouTube
Originally posted by Luansilva12
Here. You need a Japanese Super Mario Collection ROM.
How to use:
Put the program, your ROM, and the SMB1 hack on the same folder, then double-click on the .exe file. Type this:
SMB2SMC [Super Mario Bros. hacked ROM]
[Japanese Super Mario Collection ROM]
[Name of the new hacked Super Mario Collection ROM]

Also include the file formats when typing the command.

The smb2smc.exe opens only for 0 seconds and closes. What can I do?

You need to put a copy of cmd.exe (located in system32) in the same folder as smb2smc.exe, then open cmd.exe and type the command. Which hack did you port?

Originally posted by Luansilva12
Originally posted by Lemon Productions from YouTube
Originally posted by Luansilva12
Here. You need a Japanese Super Mario Collection ROM.
How to use:
Put the program, your ROM, and the SMB1 hack on the same folder, then double-click on the .exe file. Type this:
SMB2SMC [Super Mario Bros. hacked ROM]
[Japanese Super Mario Collection ROM]
[Name of the new hacked Super Mario Collection ROM]

Also include the file formats when typing the command.

The smb2smc.exe opens only for 0 seconds and closes. What can I do?

You need to put a copy of cmd.exe (located in system32) in the same folder as smb2smc.exe, then open cmd.exe and type the command. Which hack did you port?

My Unfinished hack "The Jump Challenge" I did today.