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CaffieCraft 5.1.1: The Craftening - SMWC Community Minecraft Server [Map Reset]

Server: MC 1.10.X
Open with greylist, ask a mod in-game for build permissions!

IRC Channel: #minecraft @

Everyone is encouraged to help construct a welcoming spawn village in the Mega Taiga.

MAP RESET - Fresh new map, centered in a lovely Mega Taiga biome! The old map will be made available in a multiverse on the same server, either in spectator mode or open to pillaging.

Basic no nonsense rules, more detailed ones in-game (use /rules):
1. Don't be a jerk
2. Don't steal people's stuff (no one will miss some random cobble but don't take their diamonds and stuff, we'll know)
3. Don't deliberately demolish someone's building(s)

Serious rule violations will result in a ban the rolling back of their actions!

As of right now, Kieran has entrusted me with the task of heading the CaffieCraft server.

The current staff team, as decided by the polls and review of the applications is as follows:

kieranmenor #fim{<3}



Console Edition Staff

October 1, 2016:
The map has been reset!

A bit of thinking and planning and feedback have pointed to regular resets as probably not the most effective idea. This is the only major reset planned for the foreseeable future.

July 18, 2016:
Summer building contest, theme is volcano island! See above for details!

July 4, 2016:
Server's open!
The server is open to the public on a greylist.
Users won't have permissions to build or do anything by default, but you can ask a mod or admin in-game, on irc, or with a PM to be given building permissions. You're still free to look around otherwise!
Happy to be a moderator. ^.^
One big thing though it I actually changed my MC username to

I know this might add some confusion to who is a moderator but I thought I'd clear this up before the server properly opened.

Sorry bout that.


Just linking it so I can prove what my older usernames once were.
(such as 1UPdudes)
Congratulations to the people that got selected to be staff!

I hope, that this iteration won't have any problems like the last few.
End of this message.
I assume its' gonna be the latest version we'll be running?

It'll be interesting to actually get back into Minecraft.

conglaturation and good luck to the new stafferz
Looks like we don't operate on Valve Time. The server is now open!

Don't be alarmed if there are a few hiccups or things are a little confusing this first week as stuff gets ironed out. Just please bear with us.

We're running on a greylist system, so anyone can join and look around.
To be given permissions to build and actually play you can ask an admin to promote you to "Member" status.
Have fun!
Hey. Sorry for not been around the sever much.
Short story short, I need to find a new flat/apartment to live in because my inept letting agency only just realised I can't actually be living here.

For next good weeks/months I need to be focusing on actually having a roof over my head. With this said I don't think I can be a moderator anymore. Sorry for any inconvenience but real life is more important.

{:/ Once again sorry.
Map has been reset! This was done for mostly 3 reasons:
1. Server was dead, playerbase was demotivated.
2. The plans going forward work out better if we start fresh.
3. 1.11 is the """exploration""" update and a new map would be nice for that anyway.

The idea is to have a changing server build theme, and a dynmap marker/area laid out of what to build on. For right now it's the spawn village. Everyone can participate or not, but this just gives some direction and some collaborative motivation befitting a MULTIPLAYER server.

There is also now a world border on the server, 8000 blocks square (-4000 to +4000 in both directions). The size is definitely flexible depending on what people want. The border is to keep server activity somewhat clustered and to leave some fresh area for 1.11. I'm locking the end out too so some rouge agent doesn't go kill the dragon and steal all the elytra in a week.

I dont plan on any map resets after this. I feel there are better ways to get people playing, throwing away a world isn't one of them. (yeah I know this reeks of irony)

go play minecraft
Because we don't want to leave out our console-peasant friends, Devann has been appointed as head of the caffiecraft console editions.

Look forward to him organizing future events and such on the console edition(s) of Minecraft!