^ If I had to see the link to even know what it is, I can't possibly be addicted.
< Not addicted to tomaccos.
v Has no idea what tomaccos are.
^ *Googles "tomaccos"* Sorry, I already know what they are.
< Has not posted in this thread for a while.
v Thinks 2017 will be the best year of their life.Formerly known as nick 139 My YouTube channel
^ I at least hope it's better than 2016
< swagalicious
v 40 keks
^ I'll give you 40 keks to the balls if you don't stop meming up Corrupt Three Wishes.
< WIll give Pat a kek to the balls.
v Will give Pat a kek to the balls as well...?
^ Nope, I'm hardcore. Full castration! < Slept for twenty minutes last night . v Sux their thumb
^ No.
also please post the arrows like you should because that's confusing x(
< hates ppap
v is aloysius o'hare who is number one and likes ppap
^ should maybe post less often here
< is proud to soon reach $FF posts
v has been banned once
^ Nope. And looking forward to keep that.
< Hopes 2017 will be a better year.
v Has released one SMW hack. -------------------- PM | Steam | YouTube
^ Has had the same avatar for months
< Will likely not be banned again
v Wants me banned again