v just came back from taking a huge steaming smelly dump in their toilet
^ Is off by a few hours
< Actually got a ****ing cold.
v Needs to shave. -------------------- PM | Steam | YouTube
^ Nope. Clean shaven.
< Hungry
v Got laid recently.
^ Nope, I'm too young anyway.
< Lives on Easy Mac, Ramen Noodles, and Hot Pockets.
v Is related to Hitler.Formerly known as nick 139 My YouTube channel
^ I have some Austrian ancestry, so a very distant relationship is possible.
< Got a haircut
v Burned their tongue on hot food/drink
^ has happened
< wants custom name color
v has shitposted like me and 90% of the userbaseHi, I'm a signature! Hack Thread Hack Testing Status: Available. Layout by Koopster.
^ Yes, I have shitposted, and I'm pretty sure at least %100 of the active userbase has at least shitposted...
< Doesn't really know the point of this part of the Forum Game...
v Is trying to fit in with all the other users by being a memelord.
^ I was born a memelord fyi.
< is beautiful.
v masturbates to lewd Sonic the Hedgehog fanart.
^ weeb
< trash
v nigger
I'm quitting smwc goodbye it has been fun meeting you guys
^ Really knows how to play this game.
< Is on SMWC instead of doing his homework.
v Is better than me at SMW hacking.Formerly known as nick 139 My YouTube channel
^ Is absolutely correct about me.
< Has crippling depression.
v Doesn't give a shit about it.
Azunyan >>>>>>>>>>>>>> all other waifus on this site
^ wants to cheer nambona up
<Got baned on dshack
v nigga, trash, and [inexplicably bad word], whadda chooseHi, I'm a signature! Hack Thread Hack Testing Status: Available. Layout by Koopster.