^ That rarely happens
< Has a prototype for the fan game I am working
v Knows what is the most overused, yet the
enemy in SMM2
/\ not really (I've watched many videos of Super Mario Maker 2 levels, but I've never played the game).
< is wishing to someday purchase both of the Mario amiibo that enable the Big Mushroom to be used in the Super Mario Bros. style of Super Mario Maker (that is, the 8-bit classic Mario amiibo and the 8-bit modern Mario amiibo).
\/ has one or both of the amiibo I just mentioned (I'm just asking here out of curiosity)?
^ I have both of those; there are only around 50 amiibo that I do not own
< Has played through most of Invictus despite having little Kaizo practice
V Dislikes Kaizo design
^ Not really but I prefer traditional levels
< Dislikes how hot it currently is
v Has composed a song once
^ I have indeed, a few in fact. And only few have listened to it. Who knows when more will?
< Really excited about working soon once my laptop parts ship.
V Never went more than a 3-5 weeks without a computer once you got one.Where I am found.
^ Well, there was a power outage for 3 months
< Trying to get PhotoShop and start practicing anime art
v Already knows how to do anime art
^ never tried. I prefer urban sharpie art xD
< got to work way too early so I'm in my car blasting EPMD and browsing smwc until 6am
V had an early shift today as wellnew.sfc P.A.U.L. Paul '96
/\ I'm not employed anywhere right now (as much as I wish I could be someday), so no.
< is hoping to hang out with a childhood friend of mine someday if I get a chance to see her (which would be for only the third time in the last 10 years).
\/ had something frozen to eat in the last 24 hours (like a popsicle or ice cream)?
^ I ate an ice cube due to the sultry weather, so yes
< Is often cited as an example of maturity present in a teenager
v Acts akin to a typical teenager
^ That would be true if it was several years ago, surprisingly.
< Is trying to create a SMW hack a while after having finished his latest hack, hoping to not fail miserably at it with enough motivation
v Submitted a level for VLDC12 (or just gave criticism)
^ No (No as well).
< Cannot play kaizos.
v Is worth two moons and a green mushroom.
^ in Super Mario Maker and Super Mario Maker 2
< Making an MSU-1 hack
v Knows how to store MSU-1 data
/\ no I don't (I'm not that familiar with MSU-1 anyway).
< has heard of some SNES games using a MSU-1 soundtrack though
\/ has played at least one SNES game with MSU-1 audio from start to finish?