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^ < v game

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^ Why not?
< Enjoys reading
V Despises reading
^ It be like that. (Book 4 nerd)
< Lazy af, and doesn't wanna do much
V Skipped to the end of this thread to post something
^ Not really. I did go through Discord
< Played the Henry Stickmin collection
v Played the game mentioned above
^ What are these?
< Just fixed his sleep schedule because it was absolutely needed
v Misses pre-quarantine times, going out and seeing friends
/\ Absolutely (it saddens me that some of my friends can't even come home right now; some of them are pretty far from home right now)
< is hoping as many of my friends as possible will make it to the 20 year high school reunion next year, as long as the pandemic doesn't cancel it
\/ often has thoughts about when the pandemic will end on his/her mind?
^ Pretty much everyday.
< Hopes to not wake up no earlier than 9AM the next day
v Is playing or has played YUMP 2
^ Did play a little. Still playing it
< Wants to master every skill in SMWC
v Wants or wanted to master every skill in SMWC too
^ Not really
< Would rather go out and about while abiding by masks and distancing rules than be in a lock-down
v Thinks differential equations are Kaizo hacks of mathematics
Legacy custom music
A site with a non-useless dislike button
SMW hacking channel

/\ I don't recall ever doing differential equations, so I can't easily answer your question, sorry.
< is strong in math and algebra, but not as strong in accounting or the kind of geometry that has proofs in it
\/ is smarter than a 5th grader (even if they were never on Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?)?
^ Would a 5th grader be aware of many global problems or solve a system of equations or quadratic equations?
< Mathematical proofs aren't his cup of tea, either.
v Can't solve a quadratic equation.
I have a Discord server as well! (by joining, you agree to the rules)
Basically, I believe in peace and bashing two bricks together.

^ I can solve much more complicated things, trust me. When I get to solve a quadratic equation, I'm incredibly relieved.

< Thinks basic calculus is easy to apply, but down right frustrating to prove things about.

v Has wondered, at least once, that the analytical formula for the Fibonacci sequence contains irrational numbers, despite integers being yielded for every term.

Dream team (feed them, please):

/\ not really, since I'm not familiar with the Fibonacci sequence.
< is 100% sure Mark "The Beast" Labbett knows the Fibonacci sequence, since he's a genius at a lot of subjects, especially math
\/ would match wits with a true genius like Mark "The Beast" Labbett if big money was at stake for outsmarting the genius?
/\ No
< Made a HTML fan game
\/ Always googles stuff when coding
^ I don’t code but it is always fun to google stuff to code
< Started practicing smear frame animation
v Has knowledge on the thing said above
^ No, I don't think so
< Climbed Mt. Washington recently
v Likes hiking
^ What's hiking again?
< Needs a fixed job as soon as possible to help out with financial matters
v Feels the same or has a mostly stable and well-paid job currently
^ I don’t have a cat. I wish I had one...
< Loves cute stuff a lot
v Has seen screenshots and videos of my hack that is infamous for the use of MSU-1
^ No I do not, and I have never heard of anything like that regarding your hack (which I don't know about)
< Is judging VLDC12 entries
v Has looked at my judging thread
^ Nope not that I am aware
< Likes to do cute animals in Photoshop
v Has seen someone do the thing mentioned above except in any other painting/animation program
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