/\ Actually, i'm the opposite, i'm 18 (turning 19 this year) and i don't feel very responsible and don't want to leave my parents' house
< has gotten a nephew yesterday
\/ Has already traveled to Brazil
^ I wish, I'd go see No Importa play live
< prefers the little v arrows
v has tried to lift a car on their own and walked away disappointed and embarrassednew.sfc P.A.U.L. Paul '96
^ if the word "damn" is considered mature content then yes, i did
< is painfully bored today
v wants to make a hack with mode 7 bosses
^ I couldn't even do so if I wanted to
< Has a harder time fighting bosses in platformers than completing any level
v Enjoys puzzles more than platforming
^ It depends
< Made good progress on his hack/levels
v Worries too much
^ not really, i can still get kinda worried at times though
< lost his old account (rip)
v probably doesn't like waluigi as much as me grub time
^ Yeah, Waluigi is another useless clone character just like Pink Gold Peach and Dry Bowser
< Got vaccinated yesterday
v Doesn't eat chocolate
^ *rarely
< posting from phone
v broke a bone at one point -------------------- PM | Steam | YouTube
^ Normaly I wouldn't respnd so fast like this, but with Halloween I am in an interesting situation. I like the overall atmosphere of Halloween, but I don't like the trick-or-treat aspect (partly because I don't like candy). However, Halloween is my birthday, so I can't really say I hate it.
< (To answer the question above): Somehow lives without a cell phone. I have no idea how, but I bet that if I did get one, I would never be able to revert back to not using one.
v Has had a bison burger before.
^ Not exactly, but still close enough, I'm fine with not eating meat as much as certain people, but I still like fish, some cuts of chicken, and other stuff, it just depends on how its prepared, and I'd rather always have some vegetables to complement it.
< I guess it could be called semi-vegetarian or pescetarian, although unlike a lot of people, I don't do this because of any belief or ideology, it's just taste and personal preferences.
v Would never be able to live eating little to no meat.Хуй войне!
桐生会FOREVER #ThankYouCoco / Rest in peace, Near, thank you for everything
^ yeeeaaahhh it would be a massive challenge. americans Suck at vegetarian food and i'm heavily attached to beef and chicken in particular. i could live without pork though
< sad nerd
v broke and got no $$$ in the bank