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^ < v game

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^ Pretty much, my life savings right now is about $650 but I'm not an adult so it isn't too much of an issue at this point.
< Drinks lots of unsweetened seltzer.
v Likes to drink soda?
^ I don't really like soda, so nah.
< Is making a Bubble Bobble hack where you play as a Zen-chan
v Has played Bubble Bobble before.
Photo of Milford Sound in New Zealand grub time Photo of Milford Sound in New Zealand
^ Afraid not.
< Recently discovered Guinness Extra Stout. It slaps.
v Is of legal drinking age.
Cuidense y que tengan un buen dia!
^ At least here in my country. I'd have to be 2 more years old in US.
< Hasn't posted in this subforum in a while.
v Would like an opportunity to get some free food in a fast-food store.
I have a Discord server as well! (by joining, you agree to the rules)
Basically, I believe in peace and bashing two bricks together.
PFP by Tanzilla

^ definitely. mcdonald's big tasty is pretty good imo
< likes making overworlds in smw
v also likes making overworlds in smw/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
random avatar everyime you reload wheeee
^ Not really
< Thinks Nickelback is overhated
v Has never played any of the Danganronpa games yet
Legacy custom music
A site with a non-useless dislike button
SMW hacking channel

^ you are insane
< loves custom graphics
v Hates Roy Koopa
^ roy is based af
< doesn't like ttyd, the horror !!1
v likes kaizo/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
random avatar everyime you reload wheeee
^ Absolutely.
< Got bitten by a wasp recently.
v Had a similarly bad (or even much worse) experience with sea urchins (no, not these SMW characters).
I have a Discord server as well! (by joining, you agree to the rules)
Basically, I believe in peace and bashing two bricks together.
PFP by Tanzilla

#thp{O_O1}^ wrong
< sucks at asm
v has not jumped in more than 5 days

Keep your spirits high, and your noodle sweaty!
^ that is false
< got stung by a jellyfish
v suffered the same fate/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
random avatar everyime you reload wheeee
#thp{O_O1}^ now you are the one who is false
< loves doing useless things
v probably forgets to do a ^ when posting

Keep your spirits high, and your noodle sweaty!

^ got banned

< should probably be sleeping

v doesn’t know that black holes are actually keyhole exits that have been cleared
Every dream is but another reality, never forget…

My In-Progress Hack

#thp{O_O1}^ You fell for my prank!!!
< is hungry and going to become a skeleton
v the complete opposite of me

Keep your spirits high, and your noodle sweaty!
^ No, i prefer cheese
< Prefers Burger King over McDonald's
v Eats at KFC

#thp{O_O1}^ Yes and I enjoy it thank you
< Doesn't know what a Burqer Kinq is
v Hates the letter h and is in the g fan club.

Keep your spirits high, and your noodle sweaty!
^has an odd obsession with letters
Paul '96
/\ nope, not at all. I actually like Burger King (every once in a while)
< had a Whopper there today with just my two favorite ingredients on burgers (the colors here are a hint)
\/ has met another SMWCentral member in person, or would be open to meeting a fellow member here in person someday?
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