^ Hides a micro transaction option on SMWCentral (PtW romhacks!!!)
< Did not knew that "^" had another use originally
v Played a forum game incorrectly many times
^ < v game
^ Who in God's desecrated hell is Michael Richards?
< Is very happy to see this game still exists
v Is also happy this game still exists
Japanese Custom Music Archive 2.0 (Incomplete)

< Is very happy to see this game still exists
v Is also happy this game still exists

^ I'm content it exists
< Thinks "sweet tea" is too sweet and prefers unsweetened
v Has beaten the DKC level Snow Barrel blast without using the shortcut at the end
Legacy custom music
A site with a non-useless dislike button
SMW hacking channel

< Thinks "sweet tea" is too sweet and prefers unsweetened
v Has beaten the DKC level Snow Barrel blast without using the shortcut at the end
Legacy custom music
A site with a non-useless dislike button
SMW hacking channel

^ No, but you know what? I should after lunch.
< About to eat his bento box lunch~! Also it has been a hot minute since I posted here.
V Probably never has had one of those kinds lunches made!
Where I am found.
< About to eat his bento box lunch~! Also it has been a hot minute since I posted here.
V Probably never has had one of those kinds lunches made!
Where I am found.
^ Eating a Bento Box lunch
< Drinking a zero-sugar Mountain Dew
v (Probably) Eating pizza
< Drinking a zero-sugar Mountain Dew
v (Probably) Eating pizza
║(O)║♫ ♪ ♫ ♪
▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ ▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ █
min -------------●---max
║(O)║♫ ♪ ♫ ♪
▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ ▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ █
min -------------●---max

^ I wish
< Trying hard to stay motivated in this wild ride of a year!
v Probably plays every single game with a Pokéball Plus
< Trying hard to stay motivated in this wild ride of a year!
v Probably plays every single game with a Pokéball Plus
^ I didn't know there was anything other than the regular kind
< Just got over a cold
v Is currently sick or also getting over a cold
Japanese Custom Music Archive 2.0 (Incomplete)

< Just got over a cold
v Is currently sick or also getting over a cold

^ eats beans on a daily basis
< drinks hot sauce from the bottle
v smells like raw fish but hates seafood?
Please direct all hot sauce opinions/complaints/regrets to me via www.smwcentral.net< drinks hot sauce from the bottle
v smells like raw fish but hates seafood?
^ Uses legacy ExGFX and the SMAS music patch
< Finally free from college for two months
v sabe hablar español
< Finally free from college for two months
v sabe hablar español
^ Sleepier than you probably
< Attempting to get out of this creative block
v Has endless energy and inspiration
< Attempting to get out of this creative block
v Has endless energy and inspiration
^likes Honey Comb cereal with actual honey instead of milk
<under a serious amount of mental and emotional pain right now and am using the internet to distract myself from the constant feeling of betrayal while trying to pretend to have a holly jolly Christmas in a house full of family so I haven't had a chance to cry alone and I feel like I'm going to explode
v has a custom YuGiOh card of their cat or dog
Paul '96
<under a serious amount of mental and emotional pain right now and am using the internet to distract myself from the constant feeling of betrayal while trying to pretend to have a holly jolly Christmas in a house full of family so I haven't had a chance to cry alone and I feel like I'm going to explode
v has a custom YuGiOh card of their cat or dog
Paul '96
^ needs a hug
< snorts pine cone dust
v gnaws on human bones
Please direct all hot sauce opinions/complaints/regrets to me via www.smwcentral.net< snorts pine cone dust
v gnaws on human bones
^ Bold of you to assume I'm good at video games
< is sad because seasonal depression
v is gay
Japanese Custom Music Archive 2.0 (Incomplete)

< is sad because seasonal depression
v is gay