@Parabuzzy: As said in the readme, don't use ZSNES 1.4*. I would say that's your problem. Opening the hack and saving the level won't do the hack any good, it just "moves" the glitch around, and after a couple of tries, you've made the hack unplayable at all. Believe me, I had a hard time getting this out of TSRP2 and it just didn't worked... thanksfully at the same time I released the hack, ZSNES 1.50 came out as well, and yeah, the glitch was gone.
@AxemJinx: Sure go ahead. About the levels... why should I force you to do specific levels? Do what you like. xD
About your other question: Yes, you're right. Damn, you notice everything! xD
@TooManyToasters: Hm, since it seems to work for everyone else, I guess that's a problem on your end? Maybe try redownload it, or get it from my website instead? It's in a rar-archive there, so maybe this do the trick.
@Dagx: I don't have a problem with your opinion at all. But most of the stuff mentioned is a matter of taste anyway, like the koopar graphics. When it comes to icegooms graphics, the koopas were always some of my favourites. There were others I didn't liked, but in that case I'm using SMW's graphics.
And about the dark style: With the exception of the last world maybe, I don#t think it's that dark,... and when it comes down to that, I think SMB3 does a very good job on that as well. ;)
But yeah, overall I won't mind your opinion, the hack everyone likes will never exist anyway.
@all: Thanks for playing! ^^