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Morton's Empire [SUPER EXCLUSIVE BOSS RELEASE] [update 7/13]

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Since I promised you guys this would happen, and because this would work as a mean of feedback, I present to you this hack.
After 11 and a half months of work, another collaboration hack presented to you by the site, with 41 playable levels, 1 finished boss and more awaiting.


A collaboration by SMWCentral

I hope you guys have fun playing this!

It has been a long ride since I started to manage this, and I would like to thank everyone who provided resources or support to the development of this. Without your help, this wouldn't be a thing!

known issues:
- morton is not quite itself yet
Unable to play this at the moment, but man am I glad to see this is still going strong. Collab hacks are so hard to pull off, and this one seems destined for success. The screenshots look great by the way.
Gonna play this as soon as possible, glad to see it playable here and I'm glad I could contribute with my 1 level :D
Thanks for the comments!
If I feel like it I might release World 3 boss as a C3 exclusive, but I want to see if there's enough interest before I do it.
Please check out BOWSIE!
My C3 museum.
Just to clarify, most of the already finished levels are already being fine tuned by us (Erik557, Centipede, MercuryPenny, a hick) at the moment, but like er1k said, you can help us tune them too :)
(I mean, he did say stuff about feedback so unless you're blind :P)

still changing the levels for final release

The music manager (MercuryPenny) made a review page as well, but it was more intensive and big without small tiny tunes; it's also stagnant and finished, so discussion most likely isn't a good idea there. You can check on what he had to say if you're curious or need to know, though.
Glad to see this is going strong. Most collab hacks usually don't go anywhere, and this one proved us otherwise.
I do wish I could've contributed a bit more than just giving feedback here and there, but oh well.
Great hack great hack although that 4th screenshot is Lazyly designed
Originally posted by ft029
Great hack great hack although that 4th screenshot is Lazyly designed

You should be ashamed of yourself.

Maybe if you quit using puns we'd finally have world peace.
Cool to see this project has come so far. It's nice to see Morton's frames implemented and the hack functional after playing through the base ROM.

Also, I'm reworking my levels, so they'll be improved in the full release.

Thanks for the comments guys. It really means a lot to see people show their support to the hack, so I and the other participants feel that it wasn't a waste of work and time.
I updated the patch; it removes some cape blocks and fixes an error with an event. Please redownload this new patch and apply to a clean ROM.
Please check out BOWSIE!
My C3 museum.
Originally posted by GbreezeSunset

You should be ashamed of yourself.

Maybe if you quit using puns we'd finally have world peace.


The gbreeze was so strong, it blew me away

EDIT: Finally got around to bugchecking the demo and whatnot, (which I was supposed to do a lot earlier, I think?) and first thing first that I've found. The overworld is broken in the Bonus world, and you can't move when you get there from world One.
This looks really interesting. Does Morton have any unique abilities or is it just who you play as? Either way it makes a change from Mario and from the looks of it I hope it's fun to play. ^.^

Also congrats to all who worked on it. Like others have said Team Hacks/Collabs are hard to pull off.
Originally posted by 1UPdudes
Does Morton have any unique abilities or is it just who you play as?

It acts as Mario, sadly. It was way too late in the development when I wanted to change how it acted, and I didn't want to break anything or change how the game played.
Also thanks for the words!

Anyway, have fun guys. Foliage the Para-plant released, and I'll delete it from my Dropbox when I feel like it, so get it while you can!
Please check out BOWSIE!
My C3 museum.
Which ROM should I patch? I tried with the USA original (Super Mario World (U) [!].smc) and Flips said "This patch is not intended for this ROM".
Is your ROM headered? I just tried patching an original ROM (513KB, with a header) and I got no errors when patching it.
Please check out BOWSIE!
My C3 museum.
Originally posted by Erik557
Is your ROM headered? I just tried patching an original ROM (513KB, with a header) and I got no errors when patching it.

My ROM is headered, but I tried again with a unheadered ROM, and it worked.
This looks pretty neat; I'm always a sucker for hacks where you don't play as Mario. Glad to see it's gotten somewhere after so long!

User: Hinalyte / ID: 1553 ~ loading kotori.css
good hack lad, would play soon

But actually, I'd play the finished product since I rarely play hacks anymore lol (or if you want me to test I guess). Like what the others said, collab hacks don't seem to gain much, but from what I've heard, this has some effort put into it, so good job for managing this far!
The sprites need major work.
If anyone needs help with custom Character GFX,PM me.
<Note> You will have to have a progress thread in order for me to work on GFX for you.No random requests.
thanks lad

Originally posted by Construct101
The sprites need major work.

Yea, Morton's GFX is pretty mediocre. Considering your signature, maybe you feel some interest in redesigning it? Thanks.
Please check out BOWSIE!
My C3 museum.
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