File Name: | Hunter and Scorpion's Bet ReVised - Scorpion's Search |
Submitted: | 11-07-2016 04:13:59 AM by Skewer |
Authors: | Skewer |
Demo: | Yes |
Featured: | No |
Length: | 28 exit(s) |
Difficulty: | Normal |
Description: | Hunter and Scorpion challenge each other to a bet to see which one can obtain the Golden Dollar faster. In this version, you take command of Scorpion and guide him to the precious relic, which you must take before Hunter does. This demo has 28 exits and plenty of secrets. Updated 1.1, fixes some ASM errors. |
Pretty impressive hack, it was mostly fun to go trough. Sadly, there are some major issues that lead to a rejection:
-Mountain Heights: stuck forever after midway point. This pipe isn't exit enabled, so I can't enter it. This makes me unable to play the rest of the game.
-A similar thing happens in "Underhidden Wade": as soon as I start from midway point, I die. This is probably due to bad camera position...?
-If by chance, I touch the carryable block from the bottom, hack freezes. I guess the block's asm doesn't have proper code for the MarioBottom chunk. Poking an asmer for it should be no problem to fix it.
These are the bigger issues, which are required to be fixed. Following, there's also a big chunk of smaller issues, your choice if you want to fix them. I rarely find so many in a hack, and this just made me more lenient to a reject, so I suggest to fix these as well. Here's what I found so far:
- Make sure you remove the option to play as two players. Luigi looks like that.
- Tile priority issues.
- The first level is missing the midway point.
- There are quite a lot of spots in certain levels where I can use the wall-jump ability to go trough the dirt, like in this case. Always close your ceilings if the dirt is reachable.
- Bad Yoshi Coin placement. I collected quite a lot of lives.
- Sprite tile limits issues. Since you're using a 32x32 player patch already, I'd suggest to not use gimmicks that abuse tiles, or this happens.
- This castle... took quite a bit to get how this section had to be passed. The main issue is that there is a reset door which doesn't restart the layer 3 scroll. In the screen there, I'm stuck forever, since I went there after taking said reset door.
- Worth mentioning but if I kick an object as morph ball this tile shows.
- Hole in the net. I hope you can see it... ye?
- Sometimes the carrot lift here doesn't appear. Try rearranging sprites better.
- Side piranha plant gfx here is wrong, I assume.
- The gimmick with these blocks was okay, though there is this side effect. I can place these blocks in decorations to create cutoff. Not sure how this can be fixed...
- Missing tile up there.
- This....boss... This is a good example to not do with a noob boss. Personal opinion of course, but this boss is a savestates generator; there's no way you can handle all the stuff this boss throws at you.
- Also, the ground near the bed isn't solid.
- I can go trough the slopes here.
- When I press the P-Switch, the brick blocks turn into... that thing up there. Pretty fancy, but I doubt it was supposed to even show..?
- Transparency here is silly. Issue isn't aesthetic though, but mainly the fact that enemies that are in water can't be seen. Taking damage from stuff you can't see is a big nono.
- Baphomet complex: the digging chuck balls generators have a weird SFX once said balls touch the ground (it's like the organ instrument playing a random note). Also, multiple midway point doesn't work (the second one still leads me to the first one).
- Speaking of midway points, Water Fortress's midway point doesn't work as well.
- Side issue: maybe I'm a bad player, but I wasn't able to find all exits (you stated there are 28, but I only found like 24). Searched a lot in all the levels, but I have no idea where to look. Some sections were suspicious (Water Fortress, there's an invisible wall, but the door after it is always blocked whenever I switch ON or OFF). Eventually, let me know if I'm just a bad player, or something is really wrong with your secret exits, so when I moderate next version, I'll know where to go, since the game doesn't make a good job at hinting me where to search.
Whew, that's it so far. Since your hack is a pretty complex one, I suggest you to take a big group of testers (if you didn't have) and have them accurately test your hack. A good 80% of errors (maybe even the rejection) could've been avoided if this was properly tested.
Best of luck with the update.