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Which user's avatar is your favorite?

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Mine, clearly
Bio's avatar, although it's simple, but it's soothing, it's just like, what is it? What's it doing? I'll never know.
- ignore the watermarks, working on a fix for those
Wind Fish

If not mainly because of the fact that it made me audibly say "Oh, God..."

- "Emo Kids Forever"
- "Idgaf"

I play video games on Youtube everyday

Originally posted by M w c
Bio's avatar, although it's simple, but it's soothing, it's just like, what is it? What's it doing? I'll never know.

It's an X Parasite from Metroid and it's floating around looking for a host to take over.
Your layout has been removed.
Lui's. It's perfect.
SNN once had an avatar of Ken as he appears in Persona Q and another one of Aigis in a P3FES wallpaper and both of those I really liked. Not just because they were from Persona games (which are some of my favourite games ever by the way), but mostly because there was just.... SOMETHING about them (maybe their positions, facial expressions perhaps, etc) that I always felt somehow ... fitted me in some way. Dunno how to describe it better than that. Not sure if that counts though since it's not his current one.

Wind Fish's avatar is pretty cool too, yeah. It led me to check out that guy's other work... pretty interesting/creepy stuff.

Bio's avatar is neat as well, but mostly in the sense that that's always been what it is and he's never changed it since he registered. It's like his trademark now or something #ab{:P}
The handomest people in the world are ones who follow my Twitch
I realized I needed to step up my avatar game.

I like it when users keep the same one forever, like Gloomier or Alcaro, it's like their signature thing. Unfortunately, I'm too fickle.
Possibly SNN's old "Gadget from Rescue Rangers" avatar. Back then I thought that was his default one so I kept expecting him to change it back to that eventually. (He did one time, but it wasn't the same picture. ;_;)
Briefly taking off the nostalgia goggles for a second, I prefer consistent avatars you can recognize people by,
Originally posted by GbreezeSunset
like Gloomier or Alcaro
. I could really name any user that applies to here.

On a related note, I haven't changed my avatar in eight and a half years. I've resisted the temptation for the sake of an unbroken streak, so the file's been sitting there untouched since early 2008. #tb{:)} I think I'll manage a decade.

Of course, Mine. It's gonna be the perma-avatar now, and i hop the mods hardcode it or something..,
Hi, I'm a signature!
Hack Thread
Hack Testing Status: Available.
Layout by Koopster.
Originally posted by RPG Hacker's site
Majin Patrick

Holy crap, all this time and I never even noticed that, I thought it was just a random picture of that Spongebob character alone, I didn't notice what it was actually wearing!

And yeah, adding on to what I said with Bio, I guess the same could also be said about anyone else who's always used the same signature, but Bio came to my mind the hardest because he's been around the longest.
The handomest people in the world are ones who follow my Twitch
Yeah, it's a bit hard to make out with that size. Many years ago, I've randomly found a picture of Majin Patrick somewhere on the internet and started using it as an avatar since I liked it so much. Eventually, I made my own pixelated version of it and kept adding different variations over the year. Since then, I'm using this avatar everywhere.
Feel free to visit my website/blog - it's updated rarely, but it looks pretty cool!
raidenthequick's has a hell of a lot of swag.
Originally posted by WhiteYoshiEgg
Possibly SNN's old "Gadget from Rescue Rangers" avatar. Back then I thought that was his default one so I kept expecting him to change it back to that eventually. (He did one time, but it wasn't the same picture. ;_;)

The recent SNN rereg would have been much funnier to me if I had known this.

WYE and Face have some of the best custom avatars, IMO. Other avatars I've liked, current or past, belonged to Mayrio, K3fka, Wakana, Adam, MrDeePay, MercuryPenny, leod, IanBoy141, Izuna, Koopster, and Losoall.

Since they're more prone to changing more often than the quantum states of an atom, it's normally hard to say, but I would say anytime Undertaker uses an avatar showing Mikuru. I've never watched the anime she's from (if I did I never remembered it) but she looks so cute. K3fka's waifu avatars and Frost's kitten wearing headphones are honorable mentions.
Legacy custom music
A site with a non-useless dislike button
SMW hacking channel

shoutouts to Hinalyte
Originally posted by Raidenthequick
Cuidense y que tengan un buen dia!
lda's *keeps staring at it*
Please check out BOWSIE!
better days coming for sure
I dont know this comunnity really well (and the users avatars too) but i would say that my favorite is GoldenYoshi avatar, just look at that hot guy omg *ahem* Adam's avatar, that twerking lion is just... awesome xD.

I also like K3fka's Mugi avatars tbh. And the old Lui's undertale avatars.
Little by little, life turns into a living hell.

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