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Spriting- Cape Flying

I've taken it as almost a personal challenge upon myself to completely resprite Mario. This have been pretty smooth-sailing thus far, up until now with the sprite where Mario uses his cape to fly. The sprites are so messy, vague and spread apart I have no idea where to even get my footing in. Does anyone have any tips on how I can go about this? I'd hate to get this far just to have to stop due to this :(
I suggest looking at a sprite sheet from The Spriters Resource or MFGG or something to see how the tiles line up. That's what I did.

Some of the titles are located at the very top.

I can post how they are broken up in a little bit.
Originally posted by Motament
I suggest looking at a sprite sheet from The Spriters Resource or MFGG or something to see how the tiles line up. That's what I did.

Some of the titles are located at the very top.

I can post how they are broken up in a little bit.

Spriters Resource is proving to be super helpful! I think I may be able to handle this with it

Thanks a bunch :)

Here is most of them, minus the middle

My suggestion is to do it in ms paint and cut it up to put it YY
The tricky thing is that some of the smaller pieces of Mario's graphics are in GFX00 (and those are still red even if you're playing as Luigi, but I digress).